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"Oh Izzy!"

"Yes?" Isadora looked away from her book to you.

"It's movie night, remember? I set up everything in your room. The boys are in their room so they shouldn't bother us."

"Yeah. I'll be up there soon. I just have to do something first." Isadora said, looking behind you.

"Okay," You responded as you went to Isadora's room.

Just as you shut the door, Quigley and Duncan rushed to where Isadora was sitting.

"So are you going to do it?" Duncan started.

"It has to be tonight because if you won't, we will," Quigley finished.

Both boys waited for her to answer as she rolled her eyes at them. She shut her book, making sure the bookmark was in it.

"I will, tonight. Don't interrupt us though. Okay?"

"Yeah, totally. " Quigley smirked at Duncan.

They left the room, leaving Isadora confused. She continued her way to her room and there you were, laying on her bed waiting for her.

"Ready to start?" You asked, holding snacks up.

"Of course!" Isadora smiled.

Later in the night, you left the room to get a drink from the kitchen. You turned around and was faced by Quigley.

You raised an eyebrow, "What are you up to, Quigley?"

"Nothing. Why do you ask?"

"You have a sparkle in your eye when you're about to do something."

Quigley scoffed, "I do not."

"Yes, you do. Now if you don't mind, I would like to get my drink and leave to continue the movie with Izzy."

Quigley blocked the way, "Speaking of Isadora, what do you think about her?"

"Well she's beautiful, smart, joyful,–"

Quigley raised his hands up, "Alright. That's enough. So my next question is do you like her?"

"Well yeah. Otherwise, I wouldn't be hanging out with her. What are you getting at?"

"He meant to ask would you date our sister?" Duncan stated, walking in to the kitchen.


"Because if you do, she likes you too and if she doesn't ask you out tonight..." Quigley shook his head.

"Wow just expose your sister, will you. I'm sure she wouldn't mind." You said, sarcastically.

"Wouldn't mind what?" Isadora asked, crossing her arms as she appeared around the corner.

"Duncan exposed you and said that you like (Y/n)." Quigley pointed a thumb in Duncan's direction.

Duncan gasped, "I did not. You liar!"

With that, you and Isadora laughed at the boys attacking each other. Once Quigley realized that you both had been laughing, he hit Duncan to stop him from fighting.

"You're not angry at us?"

"Angry? A little bit, knowing that you would reveal my secret. Happy? Yes." Isadora smiled and placed an arm around you.

Duncan and Quigley glanced at each other.

"What's this?" Duncan pointed at the both of you.

"I was going to tell you but you wouldn't let me speak. Therefore, I kept it a secret. (Y/n) and I have been dating for a while and s/he found it funny that you guys were trying your best to make me ask her/him out."

"When did this happen?"

"A few months ago."

"Well, I approve." Quigley smiled.

"Me too," Duncan stated.

"So can we go back to watching the movie now?" You asked.

"I suppose so."

With that you and Isadora left the boys and continued watching movies throughout the night. In the morning, Quigley peeked in to Isadora's room to find you and Isadora cuddling.

"I ship it." Duncan said behind Quigley making him let out a scream.

Isadora woke up and stared at the boys.

"Really?" Isadora asked.

Both boys shrugged and spoke at the same time.


A/n: Hello everybody, I wanted to thank you guys for voting and for reading. This one was a bit random and popped into my head, so I hoped you guys enjoyed! I adore Isadora and Avi Lake and I'm sad that there's not many gifs of them. No worries though, that won't stop me from writing about them.
Have an amazing day/night/evening!💜

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