I Dont Even Know Your Name

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•3rd person•

Shawn gets onto the bus with the guards in a daze, the image of the girl with hair that reminded him a warm, orange sunset burning in his mind. She seems to be the only thing he can think about as he stumbles into his room with stars in his eyes and a flutter in his heart.

He barely slips off his shoes as he falls under the blue sheets in his bunk, staring at the ceiling above him. He shakes his head and presses his fingers to his temples, trying to get her out of his head, but all he keeps seeing are her distant eyes, moving away from him.

Why had he let her go? Why hadn't he run after her? How would he find her now? There were tons of girls at the concert... who knows if any of them were redheads?

With a sigh, he pulls his phone from his pocket, opening Instagram, and clicking the search bar and his fingers hover over the keys to search a username before coming to a realization.

"I don't even know your name..." he whispers and then groans to himself. "Well this is ironic..." he chuckles to himself like the dork he is and then shakes his head, reminding himself to stay on task.

He resorts to searching a hashtag, #shawnmendesconcert, but his hopes are quickly crushed by the millions of posts that had been posted, just tonight.

"Looks like it's gonna be a long night," he thinks to himself and sighs lightly, it was a good thing he didn't have a show tomorrow and had a good break for a while.

He starts on his journey of scrolling, investigating each post for even a glint of the fiery red hair that had been crossing his mind for a while now. Whenever there would be maybe even a slight chance the hair was connected to his mystery girl, he would click the tag and look through their followers and see if this was his girl.

This was a slow and frustrating process, with a small chance of it working, but, nevertheless, he persisted. His eyes burned after two hours of searching, and his body yearned for sleep, but he continued, his mind still wide awake.

When he had gotten to the bottom of that hashtag, he went to the next one that related to the concert, going through the same process as before. After a few hashtags, he finally made the decision to look on his own follower list, using this as a last resort, considering the sheer amount.

He sighs and starts this new endeavor, his thumb feeling numb and like it was moving on his own at this point. He clicked on each profile that could look like a red haired girl, and groaned at the profiles that didn't have a picture of themselves as a profile picture and instead a picture of scenery.

After a little bit of searching, he recognized a face in one of the profile pictures, a smiley brunette with large eyes looking back at him, but where did he recognize her from? He read the name, "Dylan Adler" And he didn't recognize that either. This certainly who he was looking for, but he felt obligated and clicked her profile anyway.

He scrolled to her pictures, and clicked the first one and sure enough there she was, the girl he had been intent on finding. Dylan's arm was wrapped around his mystery girl and they were laughing, they both seemed genuinely happy.


I exit out of the first picture and scroll through the rest of her pictures, seeing an excessive amount of them together and immediately putting together they were best friends, I chuckle lightly at some old pictures and some of their old concert pictures where they look so young.

Before forgetting, I hit Dylan's follow button, she had helped me unknowingly after all, then I finally click the tag for my girl, to find out what her name is at last.

I smile when I see it, looks like I know your name now, Aria. I hit her follow button quickly and start to look through her pictures, seeing a similar theme with her and Dylan and a few selfies here and there.

The pictures make me smile, and I find her red hair impossibly endearing. Her clear blue eyes compliment her hair and I notice how the freckles across her face scrunch when she smiles.

I liked when she smiled, I noticed that she didn't have a lot of open teeth smiles and I wonder why. There was only one out of the bunch and I have to say it's one of my favorites, the dimples on her pale skin are prominent and her teeth are the cutest I've ever seen, they accent her tiny smile and fit her face perfectly.

I smile and go back up the first picture, liking it and then leaving a comment, "thanks for all the love girls, hope to see you soon x."

Hey guys :) let me know what you think of this chapter and don't forget to hit that star if you liked it!


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