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We watch in admiration as they perform in front of the giant audience, jumping and dancing around, having the time of their lives as they horse around and give each other piggy back rides.

"Now! We have a little surprise for ye guys!" Niall says into his microphone, the crowd screaming back in response.

Dylan turns to me, "surprise? Did shawn say anything to you about a surprise?"

I shrug and shake my head, "no... but they're probably just being goofballs as usual." She nods in agreement and turns back to the stage.

"Actually we are surprising quite a few people... including the ones involved." Shawn says, causing the fans to erupt into cheers again.

"Now wait here... we'll go get the surprise." Niall says and they start to run towards the wings towards us, I guess to get something they stored back here for the surprise.

"I guess they ha-" My sentence is cut off by being thrown over someone's shoulder, who I then realize is Shawn. Should've known there was something fishy about this wing situation.

"Shawn!" I squeal, hitting his back as he laughs, "this is not funny! Put me down right now!" I pout, crossing my arms and looking over to see my best friend in the same situation I was.

The crowd gets louder and I realize we're now on stage... great. Thank you Shawn for this lovely experience.

"So, we thought you guys would like to meet our friends, Dylan and Aria!" The crowd gets louder and Shawn puts me down and I look at him like, "you're gonna get it later."

I shrug and then decide I might as well own it while I'm here, I take the microphone from Shawn and laugh, "hey people, I'm Aria, follow me on Instagram at ariarosee"

"So this is Shawn, and he's an idiot, if anyone was wondering. Nowwww who wants to hear some nice embarrassing stuff about shawn and Niall!" I smile and the crowd cheers.

Shawn grabs the mic, "Ooookay and that's enough of that."

"Oh no, I don't think so." Dylan's voice echos and I turn to see she's taken Niall's microphone and was strolling across the stage. "No, no, since you've oh so graciously decided to bring us out here.. I think the crowd deserves to hear a few stories!"

I smirk and swipe the microphone from Shawn's hands while he's distracted and join Dylan, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as the crowd cheers in agreement and Niall and Shawn regret their life decisions.

"Nowww which story should we tell... there's just so many it's hard to choose..." I say playfully. "I know, I know..." Dylan returns my playful tone.

"Well we could tell that one Shiall story..." I suggest and Dylan smiles, "oh yea! That's a good one!"

"So this morning... Dylan and I woke up around the same time and we came out into the living room to find these two cuddling on the couch and not just cuddling! Feeding each other pancakes!"

"Now sometimes we ask... where to draw the line with friendship... but honestly, it was pretty cute, anywayyyy, let's tell another!." Dylan laughs and Shawn runs over, grabbing the mics from both of us and throwing one to Niall.

The crowd boos and we laugh, pouting at the boys as they still continue to blush red. "Alright, thank you... lovely friends." Shawn says sarcastically.

"You're welcome!" We chorus back and smile and wave as we walk off stage and then collapse into giggles once we're there.

"That was great!" I say through my laughs. "We got them so good!" Dylan laughs, wiping tears from her eyes as I hold my stomach.

When we finally regain ourselves, the security guard leads us back to the prep room that has the lights off and since we were too lazy to find the light switch, we sit on the couch and turn on the tv to The Notebook. We lay next to each other and Dylan's head falls onto my shoulder when she falls asleep. Before long, I feel my own eyes closing too.

I'm awoken by a slight jostling of my body and I crack my eyes open and see Shawn, I register that he's carrying me bridal style and I'm too tired to fight it, I snuggle my head back into his chest.

I'm woken up again by feeling something on my legs, I open my eyes again tiredly and notice Shawn pulling my jeans off. "Wh-" I say in exhaustion.

"Shh, shh, I just don't want you sleeping in jeans." He says softly and then kisses my forehead softly and I smile and then drift back off to sleep, feeling him get into bed and then pulling me into his chest.

I fall asleep dreaming of Shawn and other lovely things.

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