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I wake up the next morning and yawn, cracking my back quickly and then looking around. Not seeing Niall, I get up and head for the kitchen, and go into the fridge.

I find a note attached to the orange juice container and raise my eyebrows.

Hey dyl,

Ran to the store with the idiots, wanted to make sure they didn't get side tracked and get things we didn't need. See u in a little

Aria x

I shrug and place the note on the counter and grab a bag of chips and then go back to the bunk area. I demolish my bag of chips and then think about what I should do.

I suddenly remember my guitar and smile, it's been a little bit since I've played since I don't really play in front of people. I grab my song book and turn to one of my favorites and grab my guitar, pressing my fingertips to the strings to form the first chord and closing my eyes, singing along to the familiar song.

I face away from the doorway, turning towards the wall with my feet crossed on the bed, closing my eyes and smiling as I strum and sing to the different songs I had written, not sure how long I had been sitting there but not really caring.


I decide to go ahead of Niall and Aria because I wanted muffins and they refused to let me get some. So I walk back to the tour bus and grab a muffin out of the cabinet, but I hear some soft music playing, I supposed the radio was on, but it didn't sound like a song I had ever heard.

I follow the music until I find the source, Dylan was sitting with her eyes closed, strumming her guitar and singing. She had a beautiful voice actually, it flowed like smooth caramel off of her tongue. I lean against the doorway and try to listen to the lyrics to see if I recognized the song.

She stops shortly but doesn't open her eyes, taking a breath and then I notice a tear fall from her eye as she continues playing.

Why am I nothing to you?
I tried to be the best, but it was never enough
I'm sorry I wasn't good enough,
I'm sorry I failed you

The marks you leave on me, will forever mark my mistakes
But I'll cover it up like I always do
I know my tears take up your time, I can see it in your eyes
So you slap me to stop it, and the rest is history

...the song keeps going bc I'm too lazy to type it

She stops abruptly and her voice cracks, letting out a deep sob as she rests her head against the wall and puts her guitar aside. I move towards her and rest a hand on her arm gently, making her jump and then she brings her hands up to her face and hurriedly starts wiping her eyes.

"Sh-Shawn I uh, didn't hear you come in. Man, these uh, these allergies really making me eyes watery." She stutters out, trying to hide the fact that she had just been crying.

"Dylan, it's okay to be upset... clearly you've been through a lot, more than most people can imagine." I say gently but she shakes her head while I'm talking.

"N-no I'm fine. Seriously, I'm fine don't worry about it." She plasters a forced fake smile on her face and I shake my head. "Dyl-"

"Shawn I'm fine!" She interrupts, tears still brimming her eyes and her bottom lip starts to wobble again and she pushes past me and runs into the bathroom, I hear her quietly sob.

I sigh and rub my forehead, wishing I could do something to help but not wanting to overstep. I decided to wait for Aria to come home to see if she could help her.

I go into the kitchen and grab a muffin, sitting quietly until Niall and Aria enter happily and come and sit at the counter.

"Hey! Is Dylan awake yet?" Aria smiles and I hesitate for a second. "Shawn what's wrong? What's wrong with Dylan?" She starts to freak out and Niall gets a panicked look on his face.

"Nothing... well... she's in the bathroom. I think she needs you." I say and she needs no more explanation than that and jumps up and runs to the bathroom.

"Is she alright? What happened?" Niall asks, his voice anxious. "She's okay, she just has a lot going on and I think I walked into something sort of personal but that's not my place to tell you about."

He furrows his eyebrows but nods, respecting the fact that it was personal.


I knock on the bathroom door softly, hearing Dylan's soft whimpers from inside. "Dyl?" I say.

"I-I'm f-fine..." She stutters through tears from the other side of the door, "j-just go."

"Dylan I'm not leaving until you open this door." I say sternly but still in a concerned way. I hear silence for a moment and then the door lock clicks but the door remains closed.

I sigh and turn the knob myself, walking inside and shutting the door behind me. I see my best friend curled up inside the bath tub crying. So what do I do? I get in the bath tub of course.

I pull her close to me and hug her tight, "what's going on?"

"I just... I w-wanted to p-pick up my guitar and sing a lit-little and at fi-first it was fine... but then I sta-started singing that one song... ab-about, her. And every-everthing just came back and... and... why are-aren't I g-good enough for her Aria? How come she doesn't want me? How come?" She sobs hard and her words break my heart.

"Dylan it's because she's the stupidest person on earth. You are the kindest, most loving person, best friend I've ever met in my entire life? And if she can't see that then it's her loss, not yours. She doesn't deserve to know the wonderful person you are."

"B-but she's m-my mother, a-aren't Mother's supposed t-to love th-their children? Unconditionally?" She whimpers out.

"That's just the thing, she's your mother, not your mom. Your mother is just the person who gives birth to you, your mom is the one who is there for you and loves you. My mom is your mom as far as I'm concerned."

She smiles a little through her tears, "I love you a lot best friend"

"I love you too" I smile, hugging her tight.

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