You and Me

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(from when they were getting Aria ready for date)

I watch as Aria gets into her car and drives off, she's growing up so fast! Sigh. It won't be long till she leaves her best friend for shawn... just kidding, she can never get rid of me.

I'm so incredibly happy for her, this is what she's been dreaming of since Shawn was at magcon and doing vines still. When she drives off, I go into the kitchen and get a bag of chips and then go into her room and lay on her bed, munching.

Her parents were working and her sister had slept at a friends house so I had the house to myself. Some of you may be thinking that it's rude of me to sit in someone else's house, but we've known each other forever and her house is basically my house. Her family is basically my family if I'm honest.

The reason I don't really go home when I don't need to is... complicated. I preferred Aria's house to my own anyways for multiple reasons, and her family had been more like a family to me my entire life.

I can't wait, I just know Aria and Shawn are going to get married one day and have a cute family and they'll have to build me a room above their garage because I'll be aloneeeee.

I waited for her to come home by sitting on her bed and watching Netflix and eating my snacks and as soon as I heard her car in the driveway, I immediately jumped on her in excitement as soon as she got out of the car, I needed to know ALL the details and nothing less, I mean I was her best friend, I needed to know the details before anyone else.


"Niall you're on in 5!" Our stage manager calls to him as his hairstylist, Lou, messes with his brunette hair, blow drying the front of his upwards so it would stay stuck up in a quiff.

"Alright thank you," he says back and I watch as Lou makes her finishing touches, powdering his face and giving his fluffy hair a touch of hairspray to keep it in place. She finishes and he gets up and kisses her cheek, "thanks lou!" He muses and chuckles.

"You're welcome niall," she laughs and shakes her head, how she put up with him and one direction when they were on tour will always be a mystery to me. "Good luck nialler! You'll do great!" I smile and he returns it.

"Thanks! See you in a bit!" He says and the stage manager leads him off to the stage to start his performance. I turn to the tv that allows us to watch the stage and smile as Niall comes out with his guitar and starts playing, looking like he was in his element.

I watch as he searches the crowd after the first song, he drops his microphone as his eyes see someone in the crowd, he must've seen Dylan.


I follow the stage manager off, doing my box breathing as I walked, it always calmed me down before a performance. Everyone believes that I don't get nervous anymore, because I've been doing this for so long, but the truth was, I still feel like every time is the first time I'm going on stage.

We reach the edge of the stage and I get onto the stage as soon as the manager counts me out, starting the opening notes to "On The Loose", my first song. I close my eyes and play, listening to the crowd singing with me and I beam, this feeling never got old.

I ended the song and then smiled graciously, thanking the fans for coming and looking over the crowd, seeing if the doe eyed brunette would be somewhere looking at me.

I searched the few rows in front first, and there she was, cheering and dancing, the biggest smile on her face, and without realizing, my hands become sweaty and my grip on the microphone loosens, causing a loud sound to go over the stage as it hits the ground.

"Sorry, Sorry," I chuckle and bend down to pick up my microphone, "got a bit distracted." The crowd laughs and starts cheering again and I smile. "Alright, we'll play "You and Me" now and then have a chat," I smile.

I start playing it and lock eyes with Dylan the whole time, singing to her and she seems not to realize, she glances to my eyes and then away and then back. She then turns to Aria and giggles, mouthing something to her questionably.

After the show, Shawn and i walk off stage and go back to our dressing room and schlep onto the couch. "Wow I'm exhausted," I say, wiping some sweat from my brow. "Same, and I only performed one song," he laughs.

"We still have meet and greets now," I remember suddenly. "Oh, that's right, totally forgot," he says, getting up. I change into other, less sweaty clothes and Lou fixes my hair again, Shawn having the same done to him.

We are ushered out of the room by a few body guards, each hugging tight to our sides as we walked and chatted, joking around and slapping each other's shoulders.

We approached the room through the door and then were met with the two backdrops, one my tour related and the other was shawn tour related.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye," I say dramatically and wipe a fake tear. "It's okay, we'll meet again someday!" I say as we take 5 steps away from each other to our backdrops and then laugh, waiting for the herds to be let in.

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