Treat You Better

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"So, why is The Little Mermaid your favorite Disney movie?" Shawn asks once we had our food and were comfortably sat by the window. I smile, "Well, you could probably guess, but I think it's mostly because she's also a red head, and y'know when you're a kid, you're always looking for someone who is like you I guess."

"Yeah I get that, it's funny what you say about Ariel looking like you, because I've always been told I look like prince Eric." He winks and I laugh softly and raise an eyebrow, "Are you saying you're the Eric to my Ariel?"

"Your words not mine," he smirks and I laugh softly again, shaking my head and bring the coffee cup to my lips, taking another sip, "you're an idiot."

"You know I've been told it's actually a good thing when a girl calls you an idiot?" He states and I look up, "hm, I will neither confirm or deny," I shrug and he chuckles, taking a bite of his food.

I take a bite of my food and I notice the song that just came on as we stop talking, of course, In My Blood, I look up at him and laugh as he bobs his head to the music.

"You like this song huh?" I tease and he gives me a cute smile, that stupid cute smile on his stupid perfect face. It sent the corners of my lips up almost immediately, I just couldn't resist.

"What are you smiling at?" He asks and I shake my head, playing with the ends of my hair and taking a bite of my food. "Oh c'mon tell me baby." He chuckles.

"Fine," I look up and my cheeks flush, "you just look really cute when you give me that stupid smile." I smile and scrunch my nose. "Well, you look cute all the time." He smiles and leans forward the small table, pressing his soft lips to my forehead for a second and then pulling away gently and returning to his original position.

I sigh and smile, resting an elbow on the table and resting my face on my palm, "can I tell you something?" He nods, looking at me curiously. "You make me really, really happy. Like happier than any guy has ever made me."

"Aria," he smiles and takes my hand in his, "that is so sweet, even though it makes me sad that no guy has ever treated you as well as they should've, I'm glad I can make you happy, and I hope I can make you as happy as you make me."

"I make you happy too?" I smile. "You have no idea..." he says, rubbing a thumb over the back of my hand and I smile, looking down at the table and then back up into his warm brown eyes.


I chomp on a chip with one hand and rub Dylan's back with the other. After picking up her stuff we both decided to go back and have some lazy time watching tele and eating snacks.

She had made herself comfortable with a pillow on my lap and her head on it while laying on her stomach and I was rubbing her back under her shirt, I had to confess, it was hard trying to contain well, my "self" as she laid on me, and one wrong move and it was all over.

She shuts her eyes, enjoying the feeling and she hums lightly. She moves her hand onto my thigh casually as she adjusts her position and I hold myself back from letting out an audible groan, trying to concentrate on the tele instead.

She doesn't move her hand, and I shift slightly, she doesn't seem to know what's happening. She watches Spongebob innocently, laughing at the funny parts and tapping her fingers as her body shook with laughter.

She turns to me, "we need more chips!" She says and points to the empty bag, I laugh, "but I'm too lazy to get up!"

"Alright, I'll get them! Where are they?" She laughs and I tell her they're in the kitchen cabinet above the sink, she marches off and I lift the pillow, examining my "situation" and managing to get it mostly under control by thinking about other not sexual things.

She prances back inside and then puts the bowl of chips on my legs so she can put her hair into a messy bun. She sits down next to me this time and sits pretzel style, returning her attention to SpongeBob and laughing along with the parts.

I turn my attention to it as well, suddenly realizing where the popcorn bowl was and trying to think of a way to move it without her being confused since it was currently within perfect reach of where she was sitting next to me. Before I can, however, she reaches over and completely misses the popcorn bowl, you can guess where that ended.

She realizes what she did and then widens her eyes, cupping her hands over her mouth, "oh gosh Niall, I'm sorry- I didn't mean, I didn't mean to uh- do that..." she stumbles over her words and I tense, feeling my jeans tighten and hoping she doesn't realize.

"No, no it's okay, don't worry about it I should've moved the bowl," I try to play it cool but she looks down and sees the situation and looks back up at me.


God, this girl really had me through a loop. She could have me wrapped around her pinky in 5 minutes, and I'd let it happen.

How was it possible that I was so into someone I had known for such a short period of time? Everything she does is magic. The way she talks, her laugh, her blush, the way her eyes light up when she gets excited about something, the way she talks fast or stutters when she's nervous, I could look at her and listen to her forever.

I wish I could have her laugh on a recording so I could play it when I was sad so it could put a smile on my face again. She calms me down without realizing, makes me feel like a person instead of SHAWN MENDES. I know it sounds cliche but it's true.

I love how she scrunches her nose when she thinks and I love how her red hair flows behind her effortlessly. I know that she's insecure but I'll never understand why, she's not perfect, because humans aren't perfect, but she's my perfect girl, and that I know for sure.


Hiii, let me know what you thought and don't forget to hit the star!! xx


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