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I dig my spoon back into the Nutella. "Can I have some now?" Niall pouts at me as I hold the Nutella away from me. "Mm, nope," I giggle, spooning some more into my mouth.

"Pleaseeeeee," he whines, leaning towards me and trying to take it from my grasp. I hiss at him and he shakes his head, I start to put some more on my spoon and put it in my mouth and he cuts my spoon off with his mouth and eats all of it off the spoon.

"Hey!" I whine as he enjoys it. "Well, you wouldn't give me any. What's a Niall to do?" He laughs and I shake my head, "I can't even stay mad at you, you doofus."

"Will you share now?" He pouts and I sigh, and chuckle, finally giving in. "Fine! Open up." I smile and spoon another mouthful to him and he eats it happily. I give myself a mouthful after.

He suddenly pulls me into his lap while I'm still holding my spoon and I look up at him curiously. "You were too far from me," he smiles. "I was too far from you? Or the food was too far from you..." I giggle and he shakes his head, "Fine, ya caught me, both."

"That's what I thought," I laugh, popping the spoon of Nutella back into my mouth and leaning against his warm chest, feeling his hands around my waist, I suck in a little, not wanting him to feel too much of my fat. I worried I was hurting him.

He adjusts his hand, "baby... are you breathing? Why are you sucked in like that?" He asks curiously. I shake my head, "no no I'm good Ni."

"Darling you don't have to suck in, you're perfect the way you are," he states and I sigh, "I'm afraid I'm hurting you."

He rolls his eyes and chuckles softly, "if you were hurting me right now I think we'd have a different problem. I could probably hold twenty of you before ever feeling even the slightest bit. Don't be self conscious around me darling."

"I'm sorry." I look down and he tilts my chin back up, "you don't have to be sorry, I just want you to be comfortable around me." I nod slowly and smile a little, "thanks nialler," I scruff up his hair and snuggle further into him.


I pick her up from the house, watching as her perfect figure clad in a rugrats shirt and shorts descends down the stairs with a big smile on her face that makes one spread across my own. She hops into the car.

"Hi baby," I greet, leaning over for a peck and she accepts, leaning in to meet my lips. "Hi," she giggles and I smile at the mere sound.

"So, anything specific you wanted to do?" I ask, looking over at her and she leans on her palm as I start driving, "mm nothing really, you know me though, I'm pretty easy going with that stuff." She shrugs.

"Yeah, I know but I wasn't sure if maybe you had a random craving for some kind of food or something... they have this really good Mac and cheese and they make all this Mac and cheeses with different flavors!" I say excitedly, "would you wanna go there?"

"Of course I would! That sounds amazing!" She says, leaning back. "Ok great!" I smile and drive that way towards it and she leans forward and turns the radio on. "Oh would you look at that... AND NOW THAT I'M WITHOUT YOUR KISSESSSSS, I'LL BE NEEDIN' STITCHES!" She sings to me and I laugh while holding onto the wheel, trying to avoid, y'know, dying while driving.

"You're not singing!" She whines, pouting at me as she continues dancing to the song, making for an awfully funny sight. "Fine!" I agree and start singing it, "IM TRIPPIN OVER MYSELF, ACHIN', BEGGIN YOU TO COME HELP." I sing loudly and start cracking up again, the car almost swerving but I catch it again.

"You need to learn to keep your eyes on the road mister," she teases, sayinf it like she hadn't just made me sing. "How rude..." I state but she already has her head out the window, serenading the other cars.

I chuckle and shake my head at her craziness, allowing her to do so while the wind blows her red hair all over the place. When she comes back in, her hair is sticking out in 7 different directions and she was giggling. Most annoying thing was, she still looked like the most beautiful girl in the world to me.

I smile at her as she tries to adjust her unkempt hair, tucking a few strands behind her ears and brushing some in the back through with her yellow polished fingers. "Eyes on the road!" She warns, catching sight of me looking at her as she adjusts her cartilage piercing.

"Alright! Alright!" I chuckle and turn back to the road, still sneaking glances once and a while and then reaching over and rest a hand on her knee gently until we reach the place. I get out and open up her car door for her, grabbing her hand as we walk into the place and she skips ahead of me slightly, swinging our arms together.

We walk into the place and I explain to the hostess what the situation was and she leads us into the back room reserved for parties normally and gives us a table. I thank her generously (vocally and with money) and Aria and I sit down, she was still trying to adjust her windblown hair.

"Your hair looks fine honey," I chuckle. "Noooo it's all messy from my serenading!" She pouts and I laugh softly, "you look great, don't worry."

"That waitress was glaring at me... I thought maybe it was because of my hair..." she continues pouting. "If she was glaring at you, it's because she's jealous, not because your hair doesn't look good."

"Jealous? Of what?" She laughs like I had just said the funniest thing in the world. "Baby, every girl should be jealous of you, you're wonderful and beautiful and amazing, if they weren't jealous I'd be concerned. Hell, I'm dating you and I'm jealous of me."

She blushes and gives me a soft smile, giggling nervously "Shawn... that's so sweet stopppp."

"Never!" I command and she laughs again, the familiar sparkle returning to her eyes.

Hiiii make sure to hit the star! <3

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