Chapter XIX

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"Does anyone have any questions on derivatives?" Mr. Cole asks and surveys the class.

Jacob raises his hand with a stupid grin on his face, the smirk he wears when he's about to say something, well stupid.

"Yes Jacob?" Mr. Cole calls on his in his usual bored voice, probably already knowing he'll regret ignorning him.

"Why are we learning about derivatives?" he asks and I roll my eyes. I know no one else in my class likes math, but why can't everyone agree that it's important?

"Well it's part of calculus, you signed up for this class, therefore that's why you're learning about derivatives" Mr. Cole responds, and I hold back a chuckle. He's not only favorite teacher because he teaches my favorite subject, but also because he's naturally sassy. His monotone, old-man don't give a shit voice makes every sassy remark so much more funny.

"Alright, if there aren't anymore questions, the homework will be posted to our classroom page. As usual this homework isn't graded, but most of you will fail the class without doing it" he speaks just as the bell rings.

"Bye Mr. Cole!" I say before leaving.

"Bye Amanda." I take my phone out of the side pocket of my backpack, and see Sofia texted me a few seconds ago demanding me to come to the bathroom. I shake my head and tell her to wait until lunch. Does the girl really think we can have a conversation in the bathroom and make it to class on time? Sorry, but I'm not asking for a detention.

"Amanda!" I look to my left, a girl I kind of recognize smiles and waves at me.

"Hi" I say and smile her way. I leave her name out of my response just in case I would get it wrong. Not only would that be embarrassing for me, but it would make her feel uncomfortable as well. I already feel bad because she remembers my name, but I don't remember her's.

Walking into English class I sit beside Marcus for the first time this year, and I I see Lauren smiling like the Cheshire cat. I look away quickly and sit down before she says something to me.

"Hi" he says, a bright smile coming across his face that melts my heart and any irritation away I felt towards Lauren just seconds ago.

"Are you going to stay awake this time?" I ask, and he shrugs, making me chuckle. Yesterday within the first ten minutes of the lecture, Marcus was passed out on backpack beside me. As funny as it was seeing him passed out at the table, it wasn't funny watching Miss French chew him out.

"Maybe if she says anything interesting I'll pay attention" he answers with a smirk, but I have no doubt he's serious. I mean, yesterday definitely wasn't the first time he's fallen asleep in class.

"Just drink your coffee and at least keep your eyes open" I demand, not wanting to catch him up for the ninth time since they year has begun.

He makes an exaggerated pout as he finishes off the disgusting iced black coffee he loves to drink every morning, and occasionally another when we're studying together later in the day. I've discovered that his coffee breath smells so strong by the middle of the day that I always keep a tin of mints on me now, because I know for a fact he won't go out and buy a pack of Altoids.

"I want you all to take the rest of the time to work on your satire. Using A Modest Proposal , format it similarly and be creative" she says with such enthusiasm, that I almost feel bad for not caring a single bit. She might as well be droning "blah blah blah blah blah".

"It should be at least four pages and it is due next Thrusday, so use the next hour wisely." No more words are said. She waddles back to her desk and grabs her phone from her purse.

"How do we even write this thing? I make sarcastic remarks, not sarcastic paragraphs" Georgia sighs next to me, tapping random letters into the document.

She laughs shortly, "Oh my God." She turns my head to my left, and I shake my head. Thirty seconds after she stops talking the boy's already out like a light on top of his laptop among the papers.

"So much for that coffee. It's literally empty and he's still sleeping in class" she says in awe. "I have half a cup of a caffinated drink and I'm awake for years."

I gently shake his shoulder. "Marcus, wake up" I whisper next to him. He groans and begins to stir in his chair, flipping his face the other way to avoid waking up. But if he thinks I'm just going to let him sleep the day away he's dead wrong.

I shake him a little firmer with both hands this time. "Marcus, you're still in school" I whisper-yell. His head finally rises from the computer, his hair weirdly disheveled seeing as he's only been napping for two minutes now.

"Why did you do that? I'm tired" he complains, rubbing his eyes.

"Because napping during the day isn't good. How much sleep did you get last night?" I ask, only slightly scaring myself at how much I'm sounding like my mother right now. But you know, mother does know best, so I'm glad I'm reflecting her and not dad.

"I got 4 hours of sleep. That's a lot for me" he replies and my mouth hangs open. Four hours constitutes as a fat nap.

"That is not healthy!" I scold, and he shrugs at me.

"I'm fine. I've always functioned like this." I decide to drop the subject. I've learned with Sofia that you can't change a person's deep seeded sleeping schedule.


"Stop that!" I snap. Charlie keeps cuddling on top of me when I'm trying to write this stupid paper. I freaking hate German.

Charlie hops off the bed and I look down at him giving me the puppy dog eyes that I'm convinced he knows I can't resist. He wants a treat? Puppy dog eyes. He wants my undivided attention? Puppy dog eyes. Nothing could make me say no to that precious face.

"I'm sorry, come here" I coo, patting the large space next to me. He automatically jumps up and gives me his panting doggy smile when I stroke his silky head. I can't fathom why Emma likes Molly, our cat, more than Charlie. He's a big ball of love and Molly does nothing but sit on the arm of the couch.

"I'm just annoyed at Sofia. I love the girl, but I like to keep what Marcus and I do between us. Not that it's much, but it feels less special when suddenly everyone's up in your business" I tell him. Charlie lays his head down on my lap and lets out a heavy sigh as I stroke his ears. It's probably lame of me, but I feel like he actually hears me. I would tell Sofia, but as I've said, her lips come loose around Jon. History has shown I shouldn't tell her everything, especially when she and Jon are on good terms.

"I mean, who should care that I've kissed him? If she wants to gossip about that kind of stuff, then she should be talking to Jayda, not me. The good Lord and everyone else in our class know what she and Isaiah do behind closed doors. She thinks just because the other girls will tell her private things, doesn't mean I have to."

Sometimes I do feel guilty, should I? It is customary for your best friend to know everything about you, and although I tell Sofia a decent amout of my life, there are always things you want to keep private. But should I? Should I not care and just give her what she wants? I'm not sure. I know I don't, but I also know I would never want to lose her just because I wouldn't fess up about me and Marcus's first kiss, or first anything else.

I look down at Charlie and shake my head to myself. I guess if it's your best friend you tell everything to, mine drools and is covered in golden fur.

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