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<WARNING:Mentions of rape, strong language>

<Read at your own risk>

Ry managed to fuck up two cups of tea trying to keep calm with all the information that was spilled out.

But he finally managed to make two, decent, cups for him and Ryan. When he made his way back upstairs, Ryan was still in the same place.

Sitting on the chair. Nervously chewing his jacket string, which be quickly stopped doing when he noticed Ry in the doorway.

"I may have messed up a couple times. But it seems you had plenty for some mistakes." Ry chuckled, handed Ryan a cup.

Ryan hummed and grinned, which seemed like forever since he actually smiled. "Yeah. Nath kind of went all out for Christmas."

It was nice for Ryan to actually smile and laugh for once. For a while it felt like everything was back to normal. But it wasn't.

He knew they'd have to talk about it sometime. Maybe not now, but he knows soon. Now there goes the thoughts through his head.

"Ryan?" Ryan sighed and shook his head. "Sorry."

Ry watched as he bit as his bottom lip. Watched the more red it got with each nibble. He was surprised it wasn't bleeding at this point.

"Can I just ask you one thing? If not that's totally fine." Ry sat his cup down on the desk. Ryan closed his eyes. "One question."

Okay. Ry had to think about this now. He wanted to ask loads of questions. But he also didn't wanna freak Ryan out. "Why....why didn't you tell anyone."

Ryan made a face that looked like one of disgust. "You can only get called a slut and a whore so much before you just start to believe it."

It was Ry's turn to make a face of disgust. You don't just mess with someone's mind for your entertainment. "So I've grown to believe everyone would see as such. A disgusting human."

Ry didn't know what to say. He wanted to say there was no way he would've seen Ryan like that. But the words didn't come out.

"Don't beat yourself up." Ryan mumbled. Ry looked up confused. "You don't need to say anything."

But he wanted to say something. "I just...don't know how to respond." Ry whispered.

A hug perhaps? Ry knew how much his friend adored hugs when they were younger.

They were about 6 or 7 when they were playing around outside and Ryan had fell and scratched his knee up.

Ry sat beside him and hugged his friend as his mother came out with a bandaid. They agreed to never talk about it cause since when did two young boys hug?

That was before they fully understood anything LGBT related. But now growing up, Ry seemed to see that their little hugs is when seemed to be the happiest.

So that's what he did.

Ry grabbed Ryan's cup, placing it on the desk next to his. He gently grabbed the younger man's hand, pulling him up from the chair.


Before Ryan knew he was surrounded by warmth. Ry wrapped his arms around him. Chin resting on his shoulder. Ryan's eyes were wide and glistening with tears.

He had just told his friend what he'd believed he was and this is what he's getting in return.

The hug was nice. Warm. Comforting.

Normally Ryan would squirm away from any contact like this.

But feeling Ry's arms wrapped around him felt...different. He doesn't really know why. He didn't feel like this when Nath or his mother hugged him.

Ryan didn't want it to end. He wanted to freeze time and stay like this forever.

He closed his eyes and rested his his head against Ry. It would be an odd request if he asked to stay like this for awhile. But it seem to slip past his lips with permission.

"Can we just...stay like this?" Ry gave a small hum which Ryan took as a yes. The tears were still there, but for once they weren't tears of sadness or fear.

He was lucky. Not everyone gets to have a long lasting friendship. Especially if someone were in Ryan's shoes.

But everyone has that one person who sticks with them till the end. For Ryan it ended up being someone who has the same first name. What luck right?

The Ryan Duo.

Even though Ryan was trying to be happy in all this, he couldn't help but wonder. No one will want to be with him if they found out about his past.

"What if I never find anybody?" Ryan found himself whispering.

Ry gently rubbed small circles on Ryan's back. "You will. Don't worry about that though. You need time to yourself. But I'll be here to help you."

A small smile curled onto Ryan's lips. Of course. Surprisingly he wouldn't want it to be anyone else.

And that's how it was for the next 20 minutes. Arms wrapped around each other. No noises but their own breathing. Ryan content with listening to Ry's heartbeat.

Maybe everything will actually turn out okay.

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