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<WARNING:Mentions of rape>
<read at your own risk>


Ryan thought it was selfish of him to ask to keep the hug going. He doesn't know why. But he just didn't want it to end.

Sadly it did. And he missed it. Missed it all. The warmth, safety.

It was different.

His arms made Ryan panic. He was in danger. Anytime those hands were on his body it hurt. Every thrust he'd squeeze his hips. Bruises would be left for him to see the next day. Those hands hurt him so many times.

Ry's arms...Ry's arms made him feel so safe. The world around them didn't exist. No bruises left behind. No sinful words to follow.

It was like a ghost was hugging him now. Ryan could still feel the hug. He rubbed his arms and sat back down. Ry grabbed their cups, handing Ryan his.

"Thanks." Ryan took a sip of the liquid, which had gotten a bit cold. But Ry made it so Ryan could care less how warm or cold it was.

He really didn't know how to repay his friend for his kindness. How he was gonna be with Ryan through his problems.

Ry didn't have to take time out of his life to help Ryan. But here he is. With a sigh, Ryan pulled the lever to make his chair go back. "Tired?" Ry asked with a grin.

He was constantly tired. Nightmares have claimed any sleep he tried to get. "Always." Ryan found himself admitting.

"I can leave if you'd like. So you can rest." Ryan shot upright. "No!" He felt heat come to his cheeks and cleared his throat. "Um..no that's okay. Can never sleep anyway."

"When's the last time you slept?" Ryan shrugged. It was definitely before all of this. He was able to take decent naps here and there, but during the night he'd be up, just staring at his ceiling.

"Ryan, that isn't healthy."

"Tell me about it." Ryan mumbled. He'd do anything to get an actual good amount of sleep. "Just...can't sleep anymore. Grown used to it."

Ry blew out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He just hated seeing his friend like this. "Have you tried...pills or something?"

A disgusted look was not something Ry was expecting. "No." And that was all that he said. "Okay." Ry nodded. He wasn't gonna push him into taking anything.

That wasn't something he needed right now. What he needed was comfort.

Ry took note how Ryan reacted to the hug. He was relax. He actually wanted it to be longer.

His friend needed sleep. If this was something he could do, then so be it.

Ry gently grabbed Ryan's hand and led him to lay on the bed. Ryan got nervous. It was all playing in his mind again.

How gentle he was at first and then it all went downhill and that's when Ryan felt like he was in hell.

"W-what are you doing?" Ryan asked, very worried. "Ssh. It's okay. You need sleep Ryan."

Ry wrapped his arms around Ryan once again as the lay down in the bed. Ry could feel Ryan's heartbeat against his chest.


"Calm down. Relax." Ryan closed his eyes and tried to calm his breathing.

He was in the protective arms of Ry. His best friend. The hug was just as warm and comforting.

So comforting that Ryan felt tired. He was falling asleep. It was weird. It was something that would probably become a problem for them in the future.

But neither cared right now. The sound of the wind coming in through the window calmed them both.

Ryan had wrapped his arms around the man beside him and nuzzled into him. He didn't know what he was doing.

He was so tired at this point. And he felt like he might actually get some decent rest. But a question ran through his mind.

Why was Ry doing this?

This really isn't something someone would do. But Ry didn't seem uncomfortable. That's good. Right?

His thoughts were soon stopped as he slowly caved in to the sound of Ry's heartbeat lulling him to sleep.

Shorter than I wanted it to be, but I've been really sick lately and haven't had a chance to really update and I apologize. But here's a small update for now. ^-^

Also, can we talk about Ryan's voice acting in The Sorrowvirus?! It was amazing! My favorite by far was the "Please help me! I don't wanna die!"

Don't judge. I just liked how in character he was :)

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