Shame shame you know my name

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Hey guys. Back again with another shitty apology. Here we go!

So, I'm sorry I haven't been updating and responding to requests. I legit just ain't doing good...mentally and physically.

My depression & stress is acting up again, I'm having weird scary nightmares, I'm seeing shit out of the corner of my eyes that scares me.

I've been getting nauseous and horrible headaches. It's hard to breathe sometimes, and I get this pain right in the middle of my chest/the middle of my ribcage when I need to take deep breaths.

I haven't gotten good hours of sleep in months and honestly at this point I just wanna stop.

I've been trying to focus on myself but that plan just seemed to crash and burn when my family decided "how can we make her stressed out to the point she cries at night?"

So, I'm sorry but all I can say, most likely not be updating for quite a while. If at some point during some freetime I wanna write something I might. But it's very unlikely.

I love you all and am so appreciative to those who understand.

I love you all and am so appreciative to those who understand

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