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Ryan didn't remember falling asleep. But here he was. Waking up in his own bed. The first thing that comes to mind is everything was a dream. He never kissed Ry. Ryan felt like his heart just dropped.

He went to sit up, but was startled by the arm he hadn't noticed on his waist. Ryan swallowed a lump in his throat and turned his head. It was Ry. Letting out a breath he had been holding, he couldn't help but practically lay on top of the man.

A grunt came from the older as he opened his eyes to see what caused the added weight on top of him. "Ryan? You okay?" He yawned out. Ryan just hugged him in response. "Ryan?"

"Is this real?" Ryan murmured into Ry's shoulder. Ry let out a breathy chuckle. "Yes. This is real. You passed out pretty quickly last night."

And everything came back.

Ryan shot up, startling the older. The kiss. Oh the kiss. Ryan felt his chest tighten as tears threatened to stream down. "Ryan. Breathe buddy. I need you to breathe."


A hand started to rub up and down his back. Pausing to rub circles in random spots to help the younger. Ry whispered comforting words and as Ryan began to register everything Ry was saying, he slowly calmed down.

"That's it." Another thing Ryan noticed was that Ry wasn't asking what this sudden outburst was about. He's quite thankful for that. "I have a question for you."

Ah shit.

"How would you like to get out of the house? We can go shopping, or go for a walk. Grab a coffee."

Loads of thoughts flooded Ryan's brain. Out in pubic. Where people would look at him. See him. Judge him. He could use fresh air. He really did need to get out of the house. But how badly did he need to get out of the house.

"Ryan I can practically hear your thoughts, mate. It was just a suggestion. But your pale little ass looks like it could use some sun." Ryan had to laugh at that. "I'm not THAT pale."

"Mate, I feel like I need sunglasses looking at you." Ry jokingly covered his eyes. Ryan grinned and rolled his eyes. Maybe he should get out of the house. He'd have to leave sometime. He'll needed groceries sometime in the future.

"Fine. Drag me out of the house. But I can't promise anything about my paleness." Ryan bumped his shoulder against Ry's.

The older gently grabbed Ryan's hand and ran this thumb across his knuckles. "I was kidding. Don't feel pressured to go out if you're not ready." Ryan sighed and looked down at their hands. "I'm not gonna get anywhere being cooped up all the time."

It wasn't the most exciting thing in the world right now. But Ryan was correct. If he wanted to move on, he's gonna have to actually get out of the house. "Well, if you're sure." Ry placed a kiss on the younger's knuckles.

The small action causing Ryan's cheeks to warm up. "I'll leave you to get dressed. It may be a bit chilly out." Ry untangled their limbs and crawled off the bed and out the door. Ryan brought the hand Ry kissed up to hi lips for a couple seconds.

After sitting there in thought, Ryan pushed himself off the bed and towards his closet. Ryan was glad Ry wasn't in the room, but he also didn't enjoy the silence of being alone. Even knowing he's probably in the hall or downstairs.

No. He had to keep his head clear. Especially if he wanted this to work with Ry. He skimmed through some shirts. Grabbing one where the sleeves came down to his elbows. Showing skin. Ryan was hesitant on putting it back.


Ryan stared at himself in the mirror. He was currently trying to find out if the dark colored spot on his neck was a bruise or hickey. Not that it matter, he guesses. Both were scattered over his body. The only difference would be how old and new they were.

The young Brit cringed at himself. All down his body were different colors and mark. Red scratches, purple blotches, yellowish healing circles. His body ached. And not in a good way. A simple turn of his head had his neck shooting pain through it.

This started with him just trying to get a shower. The water had been running for about 10 minutes. The hot water slowly getting used up. But Ryan was used to cold showers anyway. It wouldn't be the first time.

He wasn't sure how he hadn't noticed the large hand roaming his body or the tall figure behind him. "Could you imagine what people would say if they saw these?" A thick finger pressed down, hard, on a fresh bruise.

"Disgusting? A slut? One of them corner bitches?" Each word he touched a different bruise. Or hickey. Once again, it didn't matter. Ryan knew better than to deny whatever he was talking about. "So it's a good thing you're here. With me. All hidden. Now come on. Stop wasting the hot water~"


Ryan gasped and was startled out of his thoughts by a hand gripping his, which was very tightly holding onto the shirt. "Hey. You okay? Breathe for me." Ry instructed. When had he stopped breathing? The deep breath he took was a relief. Ryan wasn't even aware when he started holding his breath or how he hasn't passed out if it was for a long time.

"Ryan, we don't have to-"

"No. No. I wanna go out with you." Ryan's cheeks turned pink at the words he just spoke. "I-I didn't m-mean that..well I did, but not like in t-the way it s-sounded." Ry was quick to stop Ryan from his rambling. "I understand what you meant." The older chuckled.

Ryan swallowed the lump in the throat and nodded. "Good. But not that I wouldn't want to-"

"How about.." Ry grabbed Ryan's hand. "We talk about this later...and we just go for ice cream instead of a walk. Eh? Who doesn't like a bit of ice cream to cheer them up."

A grin replaced the worried look on the younger Brit. "See? Now don't scare me again. Lets get dressed." Ry squeezed Ryan's shoulder before leaving the room. This time leaving the door open.

"Alright Ryan. You got this."


Um. Hi! I'm here. With an update. It's been a rough couple weeks. Okay a month. Okay it's been a rough year. But I'm trying to clear my mind so I thought why not try for a chapter. It's not the best cause half of this was written a while ago.

I'm also at the loss on how to continue this now. Which SUCKS cause I enjoy this story.

And also, quick note. Please do not suggest to the Ryan's to read this. This is all in fun and the last thing I want is for them to be uncomfortable by my doing. People are going around and asking people to read ships between them and their friends and I just beg of you not to suggest my story to literally anyone from their friend group or them.

If they ever found this and got sickened by it, I would feel so bad and just burn this story.

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