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<WARNING:Triggering Flashback, mentions of rape & language>

<Read at your own risk>

<I know people wanted fluff, but I had to add some angst in thus chapter to progress the story how I want it to progress>

-Flashbsck: Proceed with caution-

Ryan sat on the bed in tears. It was the third time this week. He doesn't even know what he did wrong this time.

He didn't think the sex could get worse, but he managed to do it. At least he managed to give a little consent this time.

Only in hopes he'd be more gentle. If anything, he was even worse than without consent.

Each word that was spat seemed to physically sting.


You know it, he was called it. Everything hurt.

Ryan found himself doing whatever it took to make the torture end faster. Begging, moaning, even getting himself off (even if he didn't enjoy it).

"No one will ever love you. I'm the only one who will." He whispered into Ryan's ear, arm slithering around his naked, bruised covered waist.

"Got it? They'll all see you as a disgusting human being. I'm all you got. I'm all you need." Ryan nodded and choked back his sobs.

"That Ry will never want to record with you again if he sees the shit you do and say." And Ryan started to believe those words.

No one would see him as Ryan, the 8BitRyan. They'll see him as a disgusting slut. "What are you?" He whispered.

Ryan whimpered. "I'm yours. Only yours."

"Good boy."

-End of flashback-

Ryan sat curled up on the couch. Ry had left the house to quickly go home and feed Baily (did I get his dogs name right?).

Ryan told him to take his time, but Ry insisted he'd be back as quick as he could. He felt guilty. He's stealing Baily's beautiful owner.

'Beautiful? Did I just call Ry beautiful?' Ryan gulped. Ah, there was that feeling again.

Maybe it was just his brain hunting to get more sleep.

Yeah. That's all it was. He's sleep deprived.

Leaning his head back, Ryan closed his eyes and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

He wasn't falling for his best friend. He wasn't.

A knock at the door thankfully broke him from his thoughts. Ryan assumes is Nath coming by to check on him. Probably had a speech prepared for him...again.

It always ended the same way though.

"Ryan, we love you and we just want o make sure you're okay."

Ryan grasped the doorknob and was ready to tell Nath he was okay, until someone gripped him in a bear crushing hug. "HE'S ALIVE!"

A voice yelled in his ear, but his quickened heart beat was able to mute it a little bit. He was quickly snapped back into reality when he saw a tall Scottish man standing next to a shorter Brit.

Lewis and Rhys. But who the hell is strangling him?

"Will, release the poor man." Rhys groaned and tugged at, apparently, Will's arm.

Contreltophobia (8BitGaming) *New Version*Where stories live. Discover now