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The fresh air was nice. The chilled air wasn't even a problem. Ryan welcomed the wind as it bit at his nose and cheeks, turning them a bright pink. Even the slide of the cold treat the Brits were currently eating was like heaven.

Ryan had suggested they got their treats to go and walk around the park. Well, more he shyly asked and quickly told Ry it was okay if he didn't want to. Ry was quick to agree to the idea and calm Ryan down. Soon with bowls in hand, they walked out the shop and now here they are.

Not many people were out, which Ryan thanked any god who was listening. Human contact was still a work in progress.

After following the trail through the park, the two came across a bench. Taking a seat, Ryan let out a small breath and looked down at his nearly empty paper cup of ice cream. He pushed around the melted sweetness at the bottom.

"Penny for your thoughts?" The curly haired man asked, gently nudging Ryan with an elbow. Ryan chuckled and shrugged. "I'm not too sure. It's just nice to feel like a normal human again." Ryan sat down the ice cream to the side and took in the surroundings.

Some birds pecking around the ground, a woman walking her dog. Normal things. Ryan wasn't sure why he expected pure chaos to be happening.

"Forgot what it felt like getting out of the house." Ryan grinned as he looked over at the older Brit.

Ry simply grinned back and went back to eating his ice cream. Ryan was glad that after what happened earlier today, they weren't having some big talk.

Though he knew they would soon. A day of peace is what he needs. Perhaps a week. Maybe even a month?

Ryan...liked this. The damage was still there. And would be for a good amount of time. But he was enjoying this.

Enjoying Ry being by his side. Willingly. He didn't have to, but here he was. Taking things slow.

Ry was rambling about something, Ryan ended up zoning out and staring at the playground a couple feet away from them.

That's when he saw it. A large man with his back turned, but Ryan's brain immediately went to panic mode. The man's hair color and style was equal to his.

Roughy around the same height and body weight too. Ryan gripped Ry's arm. "R-Ry it's-" but when Ryan turned back to look, the man turned around was looked nothing like him.

The man was a father who was simply bending down to grab his son and loft him up to the monkey bars.

Ryan's grip didn't loosen, but his face relaxed from the horrified expression it held.

"You...wanna head back home?" Ry suggested, throwing the empty cups into a trash bin by the bench.

"No. Yes. Maybe? [Sigh] I'm sorry Ry. I'm really trying. I promise I am." Ryan frowned and finally let go of Ry's arm.

He wouldn't be surprised if a bruise would start forming. Which brings extra guilt to fill.

"If I had a penny for everytime you apologized for no reason, I wouldn't be doing YouTube." Ry smiled, hand gently rubbing Ryan's shoulder.

"It was a good start. You had fun, right?"

A nod.

"And it would be fun to do again another time, yes?"

Another nod.

"So no need to worry. Stuff like this takes time. I know. And I have the patience for it." A quick, soft peck to the corner of Ryan's lips caused a shiver down his spine.

Ry stood up, Ryan quickly following and pressing his face to Ry's shoulder. "Come on, let's get back. There are plenty of things to do indoors."
UGH! I hate how this is written and I hate how short it is. Why must my brain do these things?!

I haven't slept in ages! Ever since my stupid experience with something looming over me I've had nothing but nightmares and I see things out of the corner of my eyes.

It's driving me insane!

Anyway, I'll do my best to make sure the next chapter I better. I apologize for this one and the lack of updates all together.

Contreltophobia (8BitGaming) *New Version*Where stories live. Discover now