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It was getting late. The sun was nearly gone, shining an orange ray through the windows. The two Brits sat in silence.

Ryan was still thinking about what happened in the kitchen a while ago. Ry was scrolling through his phone, occasionally glancing up to watch Ryan's confused and scared expressions.

"Ryan?" Ry spoke up, both startled by the sudden noise from sitting in silence for so long. "Uh, yeah?"

"You alright over there?"

Ryan was trying to think of an answer Ry would believe. He's practically heard them all already. "I can hear you thinking. What's up?" Ry chuckled.

It's not like Ryan didn't want to being it up. He was desperate to know what the hell was gonna happen in that kitchen. Were they actually gonna kiss? Or was Ryan just thinking too hard? Ry wouldn't kiss him. Hell, Ryan doesn't blame anyone if they don't wanna kiss him.

After the things his own lips and mouth of done. He's disgusted with himself.

"Ryan?" Ry snapped his fingers. Ryan shook his head and looked over at the older Brit. "What?"

"You zoned out buddy." Ryan nervously played with his fingers. He made a quick glance at the time. It really was getting late. "It's getting late, Ry. You should be getting home. I'm sure Bailey misses you." Ryan said with a, surprisingly, genuine grin.

Ryan chuckled and nodded. "Yeah. I bet she does. But, are you gonna be okay? I'm not gonna leave if you're not. I can easily ask my brother to stop by my house."

There was the feeling again. Guilt. His best friend was gonna leave his four legged best friend to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. He wouldn't...shouldn't. Hopefully.

"I'll be fine. You know me. Probably be up all night. Watch a movie. Play some games." Ryan honestly couldn't tell if that was truth. Would he be up all night? Perhaps he'd actually get some sleep. He didn't want to record for his channel.

He wasn't ready. Which is why Ry is here as late as it is. He freaked out. Cried and broke down right in front of Ry. Told him what happened. But not everything of course. Just the small details.

He watched as Ry stood up with a sigh. "You call me if you need anything. The moment you feel like you wanna do something..call me. Don't hesitate. Please?" Ry was basically begging at this point. He wasn't about to lose his best friend due to some asshole breaking him.

No. He wasn't broken. At least not through Ry's eyes.  Even with after  everything Ryan had told him. Ryan was amazing. Beautiful. Whatever that asshole called Ryan, all those names were lies. Everything Ryan did was forced. Even the consensual stuff. Ryan just wanted to protect himself.

"I will." Ryan nodded. "Promise?" Ryan nodded once again. Ry stayed in his spot for a couple more seconds. He was worried. Could he really trust Ryan to be alone? Well, he's been alone for a while now and hasn't done anything.

But Nath has also been checking up on him. He supposes it's okay. "I need your word, Ryan."

Ryan chuckled and raised his hand like a boy scout. "I promise I will call you if I need anything." Ry rolled his eyes with a grin. That's the Ryan he misses and loves. The one who jokes around so matter the situation. The one who helps Ry through his own dark days.

Ry started walking towards the front door. "W-wait!" Ryan jumped up out of his seat and trotted over towards the older man. Ry spun around. Readying himself to see tear filled brown eyes. But instead, he felt Ryan put one hand on the back of his neck and one of his cheeks.

And their lips connected.

But it ended just as quick as it started. Ryan had a shocked and guilty expression on his face. "I-I'm....oh shit..I'm sorry. I didn't-.." Tears slipped down Ryan's cheek. "I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry." He quickly mumbled.

"Ryan. Ryan calm down."

"I fucked it up didn't I? I fucked up our friendship. I misread the whole thing from the kitchen." Ryan started pacing. "I'm sorry. I really shouldn't ha-" Ry silenced the panicking Brit with another swift kiss.

"Shh, it's okay. You didn't ruined anything." Ry wiped some tears away with his thumbs as he gentle cups Ryan's cheeks. "Calm down. Look at me in the eyes Ryan."

Ryan did as he was told. Those brown eyes now rimmed with red. A few stray tears slipping their way past Ry's fingers. "It's okay. The kiss was okay. You're okay. We're all okay."

Ry said everything gentle and slow. Like he was talking to an injured puppy or an abandoned baby deer. "I don't e-even know why I-I did that. I'm still not fully over-"

"Ryan, calm down. It's okay. Maybe I should just stay." Ry grabbed his phone out of his pocket and was about to call Ronnie before Ryan grabbed his wrist. "Ry, no. Go home. I don't wanna make you stay here just because of a damn kiss."

"Ryan, this isn't just about the kiss. And you're not making me do anything. I just wanna keep you safe. I'm choosing to do this."

They've had this conversation before. This was twice in one day now. Oh this week seemed to be going by so slowly. All this in one day.

"I'm gonna stay. And we're gonna talk." Ry gently pried Ryan's hand from his wrist and dialed Ronnie's number.


Oof. Typing on a nextbook laptop thing is a bit hard. But it also feels so nice to be able to type stories like this again.

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