20-The cliff

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He drags me into his classroom and makes me sit in front of his desk. He sits behind his desk and looks straight into my eyes. He rests his arms on his desk and the way he sits kinda freaks me out. It's almost intimidating.

"Elisabeth, I'm worried about you. Is everything okay?" He says.

I'm confused. "Yeah, everything's okay," not! But he can't know that, "why are you worried, sir?"

"You've been off lately, I can see you're having a hard time concentrating. Then you got back a grade I didn't expect from you. Now that Samuel is in the hospital, it'll be harder for you to concentrate, since you two sit next to each other in my class. So therefore I wanted to know if you're okay." He says, it sounded like he actually cared about me.

I sigh. "Sir, I'm fine, thank you, but I'm fine." I say, it sounded really sarcastic, so I hope he bought it anyway.

"Are you sure, Elisabeth? I'm here to talk to, otherwise I'd be useless here." He clearly said that to cheer me up.

"No, otherwise you'd still teach us science." I say and raise my eyebrow.

He chuckles. "That's true, but I also want to be there for you if you need me." He smiles friendly, but he's also very serious.

I nod. "Thank you sir, but I'm fine. Nothing to worry about." I say with the old but gold fake smile.

"Alright, well that was it, you may go again." He says. I just nod and stand up again. I walk to the door and then turn around. "Sir, I'm visiting Samuel today, do you want me to say something to him from you?"

He smiles friendly. "Tell him to get well soon." I nod. "Alright." Are the last words I say before I leave the room.

There's Jesica again. Her fake friends stand around her and they're laughing, not with her, but at her. They make fun of her looks, of how she is today. Jesica just looks at the ground, she feels bad, that's clear to see.

"Now you can join your loner friend again!" One girl practically screams and the girls around her start laughing like hysterical horses.

"The loner with the ugly big hoodies! With the bad makeup!" The same girl yells. She really thinks she's the queen now. Her hysterical horse friends laugh about it again.

"Yeah! That ugly girl with the hot brother!" Another girl screams from the top of her lungs. Now Jesica snaps.

"She's not ugly! You all try to hide your ugliness with tons of makeup, but it doesn't work that well! Everyone still sees the ugly monsters that you are! We all know you shave your lip because you all have moustaches!!" She yells and pushes the girl who screamed all those bad things about me.

The girl is furious and pushes back. She screams as if she saw her lipstick got run over by a truck. Jesica pulls the girls hair and she has tears in her eyes because she's so mad.

"Freak!" The girl yells and pushes Jesica onto the ground. I stare at them with wide eyes. What the hell just happened. Then Jesica sees me and smiles sadly.

My science teacher saw the half of it and walks to them. "What on earth happened here?" He loudly asks.

The girl who pushed Jesica starts fake crying, it's gross and disgusting to see. "She... She hit me!" She dramatically yells.

"Is the true?" He asks to Jesica, while she's the one on the floor! The girls around Jesica all say that she did and the teacher grabs Jesica's arm and makes her stand up.

"You're coming with me young lady." He strictly says and he drags Jesica away with him. Probably to the principal's office.

When they're gone the girls start laughing again, it's disgusting. One girl snaps her fingers. "That's what happens when you play with us."

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