Chapter 7: Awkward much? Jess"s POV

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Jessica's POV

Did i just hear Louis singing along to his part in One Thing? Holy crap! Thats like every fan's dream!

i thought excitedly for a minute, which caused me to drop the shampoo bottle on my foot, "Oh shit!" I yelled loudly as i rubbed my foot in pain. Great! Now he probably thinks im a massive klutz and is probably laughing at me right now! Well maybe my foot will match the bump on my head...I thought with a chuckle. When I got out of the shower. i grabbed the towels off the towel rack and wrapped one around my body and one around my head and wandered back out into the bedroom to see there was an ice pack on the nighstand as promised and there were clothes laid out on the bed for me, a pair of Jack Wills sweats and a Manchester United Tshirt. Ohmygod, he's lending me his clothes to wear!! Not exactly how i wanted to borrow his clothes, but i'll take what i can get...thats so sweet!! I thought as i slipped into them, taking in their scent and noting how comfortable they were. I threw my concert clothes into my massive purse, pressed the ice pack to my aching head and then proceeded to wander down the hallway towards the kitchen, where all the boys were all milling about. I cleared my throat to let them know i was there. They all turned around at the same time and one of them, I'm pretty sure it was Harry, the little flirt, let out a low whistle...

Trampled by my love of One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now