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"I promise mom ill call you whenever I have the chance," I said walking into the Charlotte, North Carolina, airport. "Yes, mom I understand. Yes, mom. I have to go get my luggage. I love you, Mom. Bye." I put my phone in my pocket and found my way. Everyone was wearing either red or baby blue. I grumbled to myself. "Why can't I be normal? Why did I have to go to the odd one out? I found my luggage and got in probably my last uber for a while. Life was about to change. I looked outside my window. "So wheres Charlotte?" I asked the driver and he laughed.

"You're driving right through the middle of it," he said. "You must not be from around here. let me guess NC." I laughed.

"No sir,"

"Oh, I'm sorry NC State. Not as good basketball program I must say. You look like you can play though so maybe they'll do better this year."

"No sir I'm actually..."

"Oh, family? The family lives up here? Intermediate family or naw?"

"No sir I'm actually a freshman at Duke University this year," I said and he scoffed.

"Duke. Duke University. The partying no good rich snobs who think their parents' money can buy them anything."

"No sir," I said laughing. "I got here off of a scholarship and many other children do too. Not many families can afford Duke but it's an opportunity that can't be turned down. I think you have the whole situation wrong."

"Ok well, where are you from..."

"Paul George," I said and he nodded.


"I'm from Los Angeles."

"Rich family."

"No sir," I said shaking my head.

"I'm sorry to hear about that," he said. we didn't really say much after that. I tipped him and left. I pulled the keys out of my back pocket and unlocked the house my parents had bought a few weeks back. I put all my stuff down and decided to walk around and get a feel of the place. I pulled out my phone and was walking through the courtyard when someone ran into me.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't see you there," he said and I smiled and turned around.

"It's ok, I'm Paul," I said sticking my hand out for him to shake.

"I'm Donovan," he said shaking my hand.

"How long have you been here at Duke?"

"I'm a freshman. I actually just got here," he said and we both laughed quickly. "How about you?"

"I'm a freshman as well, and I just got here as well."

"Oh that's cool, were both freshmen who just got here, and I accidentally ran into you, which I'm sorry for by the way and..." The faster he talked the more his accent showed.

"New York," I said smiling.

"Huh?" he said midway through a word and I laughed.

"You're from New York."

"Oh well I grew up around New York went to school there, but technically I grew up in Connecticut," he said smiling. "Anyways, where you from?"

"Cali.""That's fun," he said. "I've never been to California."

"What brings you to Duke?"


"Really!" I said smiling, "That's awesome. me to."

"Anyways Paul I have to go find my way around, I'll see you later?"

"Yeah see you around Donovan," I said and he smiled at me then he walked off........."Ok welcome everybody. now, I put yall all here for a reason so I can take any of you guys off for a reason understood?"

"Yes sir." we all said.

"Now first things first I'm Coach Krzyzewski, but you can just call me Coach K. Now since you know my names, and I already know yours, why don't you introduce yourselves to each other." Slowly everyone introduced themselves.

"I'm Donovan Mitchell." a familiar voice said and i smiled.

"I'm Paul George," I said after a while. we scrimmaged to see who was going to be on the starting and stuff like that. nothing too hard.

"Donovan, Paul can I see you two for a moment." Coach said and we glanced at each other. we walked up to him. "I just wanted to say you two are outstanding players, great job today."

"Oh thank you, Sir," I said and he smiled.

"Please just call me coach. You know me now."

"Ok coach," I said smiling. Donovan and I walked away. "Hey Donovan," I said and he turned around. I never got your number would you mind giving it to me?"

"Oh yeah um here," he said and he pulled out his phone. "Oh wait actually would you mind giving yours to me," he said and i laughed.

"Not at all," I said and I gave him my phone number. "Texts me when you have the chance."

"Ok, I will, bye Paul!"

"Bye Donovan."

Hey guys!!! So this is a new story im writing! i cant wait to really get into it because i think its going to be a really good story. Anyways so i think im going to put all of my stories on hold except the two that im collabing with and the J&B series. oh! and this one. I just wanted to let yall know thats why i wont be updating for a while.

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