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The plane landed in Boston. We all got out and everyone was shouting and cheering and I just looked at everything. Why's he not here? Why couldn't he come? I know he has to stay for rehab but I just wish he was here to see me win. "Paul!" Kyrie said and I turned and looked at him. "We made it!" He said smiling.

"Yeah we did." I said nodding and joining the group. "But we haven't made it yet, we still gotta win." I said and he nodded.

"George!" Coach said and I turned around.

"Yes sir?" He smiled.

"Always got good manners." He said patting my shoulder. "I just wanted to tell you I'm proud of you and to not let this game get over your head. Just play how you play and you'll do fine."

"Thank you Coach." I said smiling. I turned around and started to walk off.

"Hey Paul." He said and I turned around. "I'd like to see you back next year." He said and i smiled.

"I know." I said nodding. I started to talk to Kyrie.

"You excited?"

"Duh!" I said smiling.

"Ok guys keep movin we don't wanna get to the hotel at 2." We all laughed and walked up to the bus. Our bags had already been brought to the hotel. I sat down on the bus and pulled out my phone. I tried to call Donovan and he didn't answer.

Hey! I miss you 😢 maybe we can talk later?

He didn't reply. I sighed and looked out the window. "Does Paul miss his boyfriend?" Jayson nagged.

"No." I said and my phone buzzed. It was just a notification for a game. I put my phone down. It started to pour. I watched the streets fill with water and the puddle splash up as we drove through them. Everyone was talking and laughing, usually I would engage with them but I was kinda just down about the whole situation. I know it sounds weird to not be excited to be in the championship but it's just Donovan wasn't with me. I always thought he be there to watch me.

"How are we gonna tell him." "No you tell him." "No you tell him." "Should we tell him?" "Shut up all of you!" Kyrie whispered to them.

"Tell me what?"

"Nothing." He said nodding.

"The bus left your bag." Jayson said. "But they're gonna go get it tomorrow." I sighed and nodded.

"Ok." I said and I looked back out the window. I felt the seat dip down beside me.

"You good man?" DeMar asked and I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"What's up?"


"Mk. Wanna talk? Your awfully quiet. Usually your the life of the party." I shrugged.

"Tired I guess. Jet lag."

"Ok." He said and he moved back over a seat to sit by Kyle. They started to laugh and talk. I wish Donovan and I could be like that. We are, I just wish he was here. Why can't he support me? After what felt like forever we showed up at the hotel. I didn't wait around with the team or anything I just went up to my room. My phone rang. I smiled when Donovan's contact showed up for FaceTime.

"Hey babe." I said answering as he showed up on the screen.

"Hey! How are you? I've gotten a few texted."

"Just how the text say I am." I said shrugging.

"I'm sorry baby. You know I'd be there if I could."

"I know you can't help it. Your on the final stretch."

"Yeah. And hey I'll be here playing with you next year."

"Yeah." I said smiling. I laid down. "They left my bag."

"I heard." He said laughing. I chuckled. We talked for a while till there was a knock on the door.

"One second." I said and I opened the door. "Oh hey DeMar." I said.

"Hey. I heard Donovan isn't MIA."

"Yeah, but look I was about to take a shower. Maybe we can talk in a few is that ok?"

"Oh yeah that's fine." He said and I shut the door and sat back down on the bed. I picked my phone back up and he smiled and we both laughed. We talked for hours.

"Hey um babe I think I've gotta go. It's getting late and coach'll want us up early."

"Ok I love you."

"I love you to." I said and we hung up. I then took a shower and went to sleep. I woke up in an awful mood. I got up and went to change when I didn't have anything to change into. I groaned and called Donovan. He didn't answer. I sighed and walked downstairs to meet the team. I sat down at the table and put my head on my hand and zoned out.

"Paul!" Coach said and I sat up.

"I'm sorry what." I said and he sighed.

"Nothing." He said shaking his head. Kyrie asked me a question and I shrugged.

"Whats wring?" He asked.

"Nothing!" I snapped. The whole table went silent and looked at me.

"What's going on Paul?" DeMar asked.

"Nothing I'm fine."


"If I'm being honest I don't know!" I exclaimed. "I just woke up and felt shitty, it's just one of those days." He nodded and typed something on his phone.

"Hey your bags are gonna be here in a few hours."

"Maybe that'll help, to have something to change into." Everyone laughed and I smiled for a second. We ate and Coach talked for a good two hours. I walked back up to my room and fell asleep. I was having a dream about Donovan and I playing together for the Trailblazers and we were married and happy. Suddenly my room phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hello sir your luggage is being sent up to you."

"Mhm thanks." I mumbled. I fell asleep as I put the phone down. A knock on the door woke me up. I opened the door and a man stood there smiling. "Thank you." I yawned and I grabbed my bags and shut the door. At least the day got a little better.

Hey guys sorry for such a long wait for an update I'll try to update more often. Love y'all!

- Kyrie_MVP 💕

Against the Worldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن