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"Hey Paul you wanna come over tonight? John's throwing a party."

"Yeah sure." I said. I walked up to my room. "What time?"

"Like thirty minutes."

"What?!" I exclaimed. I ran and got dressed.

"I'll drive you." He said. I nodded. We walked out and I went to get in when he stopped me. "I'm sorry you gotta ride in the back, I'm brining my G."

"Oh ok." I said and I got in. I wasn't paying attention because I was looking at my phone when his car stopped and the front door opened and closed. I looked up and stopped. She had beautiful long almost brown but blonde hair. She was maybe five five and had a perfect body. I couldn't see much more because she had sat down.

"Hey Do. Thank you for picking me up." I thought only I called him that. That's my nickname for him not hers. I looked down at my phone.

"No problem any time babe." The more they talked the more I tried to block them out and the more I focused on my phone. Finally he pulled up and I jumped out and walked in.

"Oh John." I said and I leaned against him. "Donovan brought his girl and..."

"Damn she's hot." He said when they walked in and I nodded. "Aww are you jealous?" I nodded and he gasped. "I was joking Paul."

"I know." I said playing off what I had just done. "Duh!" He laughed. Music was blasting through the house. We started to talk and laughed when Donovan walked up. "Hey Do." I said.

"Don't call me that." He mumbled and my heart broke. I nodded.

"I'm gonna go get a drink I'll be right back." I said and I walked away. We were so happy just yesterday, how did she change him so fast? Just then a song started to play and I chuckled but found myself singing along.

"You got me some type of way
Ain't used to feeling this way
I do not know what to say
But I know I shouldn't think about it." I lip synced smiling.

"Took one fuckin' look at your face
Now I wanna know how you taste
Usually I don't give it away
But you already know I'm thinking bout it" I laughed and pulled out my phone.

"Break up with your girlfriend
Yeah yeah, cause I'm bored.
Break up with your girlfriend
Yeah yeah, cause I'm bored." I posted me singing on Snap. I grabbed a drink and walked back looking down at my phone. I didn't wanna look at Donovan but I knew I had to act like that never happened. I started to talk to him and he actually talked back. We stopped talking for a little bit.
"Break up with your girlfriend
Yeah yeah, cause I'm bored.
Break up with your girlfriend
Yeah yeah, cause I'm bored." I lip synced to him and he laughed and hit my shoulder. I smiled and took a drink of the alcohol I was holding. I felt it run through my system. John walked up and took a drink out of my cup and I frowned and he laughed.

"I'll get you another one later." He said and i nodded.

"Hey Paul." Donovan said and I looked over. His girlfriend was all over him. "I'm gonna head back to our place." I nodded. Our place. I guess it really is our place. John frowned.

"I need to talk to him, he's letting her control him to much. Kyle told me that he heard her tell him it was either her or you earlier today." I nodded.

"He got mad at me when I called him Do."

"But that's your nickname for him." I nodded.

"I know but he lets her call him that." John started to walk away. "Where are you going?"

"To put him in the right state of mind, he hurt your feelings I can tell and no one hurts me best friends feelings. You can just move into my house." He said and I laughed but followed him. I went to get in my car but then remembered that Donovan drove me. "Jump in." John said and I nodded. "He's about to get a piece of my mind." He said and i smiled. How'd I end up with such a good friend? We barley talked until he pulled up to me and Donovan's house. We walked in and he wasn't there. John laughed. "You go to bed, I'll stay here till he gets back. I don't know when that's gonna be but I'll wait." I nodded.

"Hey John you really shouldn't do this." I said and he shrugged.

"He ain't gonna hurt you."

"John stop your acting like my mom."

"Just go to bed I won't be mean to him."

"Ok fine." I said and I walked up to my room and changed. I stared at the ceiling for a while and somehow I fell asleep.
I woke up to people arguing. I sat up and listened. "Why do you care?!"

"Because I'm his friend and supposedly our are to!" I jumped up and walked down stairs.

"Here comes the man of the hour." Donovan snapped. I could smell the alcohol on him before I reached him.

"Donovan your drunk." I said and I turned to John. "What time is it."

"Four maybe?" He said. I nodded.

"Why are y'all arguing."

"We're arguing over you."

"Thanks guys I've always wanted to feel like a prince and I guess today's my day." I said sarcastically. Donovan rolled his eyes.

"I wouldn't be mad if you would have just talked to me. The fact you had your friend talk for you it stupid."

"I'm not stupid Donovan."

"Yeah we'll if you were a real man you'd actually talk to me."

"If you were a real man you'd chose to be friends with your best friend rather than dare some girl you barley know."

"Shut up you don't understand."

"I know I don't understand Donovan and it's not my place to talk about your life."

"Well you sent John to talk for you."

"No i fucking didn't Donovan!" I snapped. "He came here because he's actually a good friend who cares about me. One I needed a fucking ride home because your stupid ass left me. And two he knows you hurt me so he wanted to make sure I was ok and talk to you. He told me he wasn't gonna argue so your obviously the one who started yelling!" I snapped. "It's sicking to watch you change like this. You were suck a great guy until you met her. I get she makes you happy but when your with her you make no one around you happy. Now I can't even call you the nickname I gave you because of her!"

"Well maybe because it actually means something when she says it." He snapped and my heart broke.

"I'll be at John house. Don't bother with my stuff I'll get it later." I mumbled.

"Oh so your just gonna go and rely on your boyfriend."

"Yeah because he's actually my friend and he actually cares about me. He doesn't only care about himself Mitchell." I snapped. "Thanks for ruining my night!" I walked out and John followed behind me.

"Take me to a hotel." I snapped and he frowned.


"No I need time alone to think please." He nodded. I looked out the window. A tear fell down my cheek and just then it hit me. I loved Donovan Mitchell.

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