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I walked into John house and started to cry. "Paul?" John said walking into the entryway. "Paul!" He gasped and he ran up to me. "What's wrong?"

"it's like I'm being targeted John. Julie would say something to make me look stupid and Donovan would laugh about it." John but his lip.

"I'm sorry Paul. What did he say when he found out you were coming over here?"

"He doesn't know where I'm at, I just told him I was going to a real friends house." He nodded. "John he laughed when Julie called me stupid."

"What?!" He exclaimed.

"I asked him about it in the car and he told me he was sorry and that he never thought I was stupid. He also promised me before dinner he wouldn't ignore me and he told me he was sorry for that after to. He told me he just loved her and she made him happy."

"How could someone who picks on his "best friend" make him shoot and be the person he loves." John grumbled. I sighed and sat down. John pulled out his phone. "I promise we won't fight this time." He said and I groaned.

"No John stop! Your the reason he hates me anyways!" I snapped. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to get mad at you I just freaked out and..."

"It's ok Paul and your right I am. I'm just gonna go over and tell him I'm sorry and such." I nodded.

"I'm gonna go home and sleep." I said and he nodded. "I can drive you."

"No I need to get back to my place." He said and i nodded. We left and I pulled up. I walked in.

"Donovan I'm home."

"Ok!" He said. "I thought you weren't gonna be back."

"I changed my mind." I said and I walked upstairs. I left my door open so I could hear their conversation. I heard John walk in and walk up the stairs.

"Hey Donovan." John said and Donovan groaned. "I'm not here to bless you out. I'm here to say I'm sorry. I'm the stupid one who started all of this and I tried to be his father or something because I couldn't stand to see him hurting. I'm sorry and if there's anyway you can forgive him and show him your his friend I think that would mean the world to him right now I really do Donovan." I sighed and shut the door. I didn't wanna head Donovan's response. I tried to sleep. I heard John leave and a few minutes later my door opened.

"Paul?" Donovan whispered and I sat up.

"Yeah what Donovan?" He turned my light on and I scrunched up my face. He sat down on my bed.

"can we talk?"


"Anything. Anything you want." He said and I shrugged.

"I don't know anything I say you'll just say I'm stupid." He looked away.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered. "I've been a bitch. I'm so sorry for how I've acted Paul. John's right, I'm letting her get in the way of the best friendship I'll ever have. I was so cruel to you tonight. If I would have known I was gonna act that way I wouldn't have even asked you Paul. I never wanna hurt you I swear it's just she says things and I feel like I have to agree and and." He quit talking. "Maybe I shouldn't be your friend. You don't deserve to have someone like me in your life. Your best friend deserves to be so much Better than me."

"No Donovan." I said and I held his hands in mine. "You just messed up. It's ok. You do deserve to be my friend. If anything I don't deserve to be yours. I'm the one who started all of this by freaking out because you wouldn't let me call you a stupid nickname." I chuckled but he frowned.

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