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I woke up with a pounding head ache. I sat up and looked at the room infront of me. I was hung over. I liked on the bed side table and there were at least ten empty bottles. I grumbled to myself and got up. I called John. "Hey." I said when he answered. "Can you come pick me up."

"Yeah." He said and i nodded to myself. I hung up and walked downstairs and checked out. I got in his car and he gasped. "Paul what happened?"

"I don't know." I mumbled and I leaned against the car door. "I just want to go home and lay in my own bed." He nodded and drove me back to my place. Donovan's car was still in the driveway.

"If you need anything..."

"Call you." I said and he smiled. I got out and walked in. I walked upstairs and before turning into my room I turned the other way. I knocked on Donovan's door and walked in. "Hey Donovan, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for last night. I was being stupid you were right."

"Don't be sorry." He said and I shrugged.

"It's just I wanted to control your life and I can't. She's what makes you happy and that's all that matters. At the end of the day your just the college kid who I lended my extra room to in the first place we don't even really have to be friends. It's kinda been pushed on us for a while. I think we both kinda need to grow up and find out exactly who makes us happy around here."

"I know, Hey Paul go get some sleep." He said and i nodded.

"Ok." I said. I wish he would have said something about us being friends but he didn't. He basically just told me to leave him alone but I'm a nicer way. I laid down and sighed. I immediately fell asleep. I woke up later to Donovan talking to someone. I walked downstairs and his Girlfriend was here. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water. I ran a hand down my chest. I ruffled my hair and walked past them.

"Hey Paul!" Donovan said and I turned around. "I never really introduced you to my girlfriend. This is Julie. Julie this is Paul."

"Hello Julie it's nice to me you." I said smiling. I shook her hand and we both stood there awkwardly. "I'm sorry I know I look bad I just woke up."

"You look fine." She said and I smiled and nodded. Donovan looked up at me. I wanted to leave I wanted her to leave. Fuck I wanted my house to myself again where there were no distractions. I wanted my old life back. I wanted my friendship with him before I caught feelings. I was just drunk though I don't really love him. I could never live the man who hates me that's stupid.

"If you'll excuse me I have some things to do." I said walking away.

"Paul you wanna go to lunch with us?" He asked and I almost wanted to say there was a little hope in his voice.

"I can't today Donovan."

"Donovan." He whispered and he ran a hand over his head. "That's ok, maybe next time?"

"Yeah I'll try. Maybe you could tell me in advance." He nodded and weakly smiled at me. I walked back up to my room. I had a paper I needed to finish anyways. I listened to music and finished my paper. My door opened and Donovan walked in.

"I'm warning you in advance, we're going to dinner tonight. Just me and you."

"I can't." I said suddenly not wanting to hang out with him.

"why?" He asked and I sighed.

"I have homework and we have a game tomorrow." He nodded and walked out. I should have said yes. I should have went out to eat with him. I sighed and continued to edit my finished paper adding little things here and there. I closed my laptop and pulled out my phone. I looked at nothing for a long time.

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