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"I'm gonna miss you!" I said hugging Donovan.

"I'm gonna miss you to, hey text me when your on the plane and when you land."

"I will."


"Promise." I said smiling. We hugged one last time.

"Bye Paul. Have fun."

"Bye Do." I said and I walked out. John got in the car with a smirk on his face. "Don't start." I said and he shrugged.

"I just know I'm right." He said and I laughed.

"You think your right but I promise you were just friends." We talked until we got onto the plane. I pulled out my phone and texted Donovan.

We're on the plane right now! About to take off!

Awww I'm gonna miss you 😢

You'll see me in five days don't worry

I know 😊

Hey I have to go, I'll text you when I land. Have a great break! I'll call and FT when ever I can.

Ok, be safe.

I will 🙄

Sorry I just had to say that.


Ok I'm pretty sure your supposed to put your phone up for a while, I'll see you later.

K bye


"You texting Donovan?" He said and i smiled and put my phone away.

"Maybe." I said. "I promised him I'd text him when I'm on the plane and when I landed." John smiled.

"Y'all are cute. Are you gonna text him that every time you get on a plane and when you land when your in the NBA?"

"I don't know I would if he wanted me to." I said and John laughed.

I walked up to the door and knocked. "Baby!" My mom said and she hugged me coming about up to my chest.

"Hey mama how are you?"

"Good good. John!" She said and we all laughed. She hugged him. She let us in. We told her about everything and she let us have the day to get settled. I walked into my room and it felt Lonely. I FaceTimed Donovan.

"Hey." I said and he smiled.

"What's up?"

"Nothing, I was just lonely."

"Oh ok." He said. "Good cause I am to but I didn't wanna be the first to admit it."

"Oh I didn't know it was a game." I said and he laughed.

"Well I guess it is and I won!" We talked and talked.

"Hey Do I have to go." I said and he frowned. "Ok maybe I don't." I said and he smiled. It's like I couldn't hang up because once I did I knew he wasn't gonna be here.
"John." I mumbled laying in bed.

"Yeah?" He said walking in.

"I don't feel good."

"Oh well you want me to go get you something?"

"I think I'm fine I don't know." I said. "I can still do things." I said standing up. "I just don't feel the best." He nodded. We walked downstairs and my mom gasped.

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