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"Paul can I talk to you in my office?" Coach said and I nodded and followed him. "I heard you practiced for a good while last night."

"Yes sir." I said nodding. "I practiced my corner three so maybe after we ran the play for Kyrie a few times we could switch it up and confuse them and I'd make the three." He nodded.

"That's good." He said nodding. "I'm glad your thinking about things like that and practicing things for the future, but you and Kyrie won't be able to run that play tonight."

"Oh why? Are we not gonna run it yet to make sure we have it down?"

"No, you can Kyrie won't be playing a lot together and if y'all are I would prefer you to run it the normal way."

"Oh ok. Well who's gonna he the starting point guard then?"

"Kyrie is." He said.

"Oh well great! We can't get a few quick threes on the board at the begging of the game. I won't run the play wrong I promise." He smiled but his smile faded as soon as it was there.

"Paul." He said looking at his hands. "What I'm trying to tell you is that I want to see how you and Kyrie actually play and then I will mend y'all together. I was thinking if both of y'all learned to work together then you two would be the best duo in the league and y'all could win us the championship." My stomach turned from the thought of being a duo with anyone else but Donovan. "But in order for me to get to know how both of y'all play, well actually only Kyrie because I know how you play, you can't play together. What I'm trying to say is that I wanted to give you a heads up that you will not be starting tonight." He said and my heart stopped.

"Wait what?!" I said and I laughed. "I heard that wrong did you say I'm not starting?"

"Yes I did Paul." He said. "But it won't be for long, before you know it you'll be the star of the team again." He said and i nodded.

"Thank you sir for telling me. I hope Kyrie does good tonight." I said putting on a fake smile and standing up.

"Yes I do to. I think you two are going to work wonderfully together."

"Maybe we'll see, but for now I have to go." I said.

"Have a good day Paul, see you in a few hours."

"See you then sir." I said and I walked out and my head immediately fell. I stared at the ground as I walked. I kicked my feet on the ground.

"Hey bro what's going on?" John asked walking up to me.

"I'm not starting tonight." I said and he gasped.

"What stop playin with me."

"I'm not playing with you. He wants to see how Kyrie plays on his own."

"Then let Kyrie come off the bench?!" John exclaimed.

"Coach knows best." I mumbled. "I trust him but I need to go." I said and I walked out. I drove home and walked in. "Do." I whispered thinking he could hear me. "Donovan." I said a little louder. "Where are you?" I sighed and sat down on the sofa. "He's probably out with friends." I mumbled. I tried to forget about it. It's just one game Paul, the best player in the country can't just quit being the best player in the country. I knew that's what Donovan would say to me and I know he would be right. I'm the best in the country it's just one game. I played on my phone until I heard the door open. I turned my head to see Donovan kissing a girl. I went to say something but I wasn't able to say anything. He smiled at her and kept kissing her.

"I guess you have to go?" He said to her in a sweet tone he'd never talk to me in.

"Yes." She said smiling. He kissed her again. "Don't do to much on that leg." She said and he nodded.

"I know mom." He said and they both laughed.

"See you later Donovan."

"See you la..." he turned my way and stopped talking. "You need to leave." He said to the girl and she looked at him confused.

"Why. Your friend can't know about us?"

"He's not just a friend." Donovan said.

"I am just a friend." I said nodding to her and Donovan looked at me with the saddest look on his face. "But me and Donovan need to have a friend talk about him not going to practice today so maybe you can come back later?"

"Ok." She said and she kissed Donovan's cheek. "See you later Donovan." She walked out and it went silent. I looked at him and how even when he looked so sad he still looked so hot.

"Gosh I love you." I whispered to myself. I turned back around and looked at my phone. He walked past me and I looked up. "Your not even gonna talk about it?"

"What is there to talk about? I know I've lost you there's no reason for you to tell me it." He mumbled.

"Donovan." I sighed. He didn't do anything. "Do come sit down. I wanted to talk to you about something anyways that happened today." He walked over and sat by me.

"Paul." He said looking at me. "I didn't mean for it..." that's what made me angry. Him trying to cover it up.

"No!" I snapped. "I'm cool with all of this until you try to cover it up. If your gonna cover this up how many times have you cheated before this? I thought you loved me Donovan?!" I snapped.

"Paul I haven't..."

"Well how do I know your not lying?!"

"You Just trust me?!" He snapped.

"Well I cant when you walk in kissing someone else can I?! I guess you never loved me in the first place huh?!"

"Don't be stupid Paul you know I love you?!"

"Do I really though Donovan?!"

"Yeah you should!"

"Well I don't know!"

"I hate you!" He snapped and it went silent. I went to say something but nothing came out. "Paul I don't hate you..."

"Get out." I whispered.


"Hey out!" I snapped and tears filled his eyes.

"No Paul I didn't mean it I love you."

"I don't wanna hear it right now Donovan go back to your dorm."

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