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I guess you could say we're dating now. Well no let me regraded that, we are dating. We walked into practice together and John cooed at us. I rolled my eyes. The only thing we hadn't done is tell anyone we're dating. "How are the love birds doing?" John asked and I laughed.

"We aren't love birds."

"Oh please I see how y'all look at each other now, and how you try to find each other on the court before anyone else. Y'all are totally dating."

"Why would I ever wanna date Paul?" Donovan said and I laughed.

"Yeah Do's to annoying. And to short." Both of those were lies, I actually thought he was the perfect height and he never was annoying.

"What ever." John said shaking his head. "I won't tell anyone I promise." He said waking off.
""Donovan!" I yelled as I threw up a lob for him. He slammed it down and landed.

"Shit!" He yelled and he fell down. He rolled over and slid himself off the court. I ran over.

"Do what's going on?" I asked and he looked at me as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Paul it hurts." He whispered.

"What hurts?"

"My my knee." I looked behind me and motioned for John to come over. He ran over. "I'm gonna take him back, you call coach."

"You can't take him back by your..."

"Don't worry about my part just do yours." I snapped and I quickly picked him up. He winced and I stopped moving. "Did that hurt?"

"A little."

"Here." I said and I put his down and wrapped his arm around me. He smiled but winced in pain. Finally we got back. I glanced down at him knee and looked away. "It's my fault." I whispered.

"What?!" Donovan said. "No it's not your fault Paul it's no ones fault."

"I should have never thrown you the lob."

"Paul it's ok I'll get better."

"If I hadn't you'd still be able to play." I jumped up and walked out of the room we were in. "Where the medic?" I snapped. "He's supposed to be in here but he's not." Someone nodded and walked away. "I'm sorry." I said walking back in. He smiled.

"You don't have to freak out I'm gonna be fine."

"You heard me?"

"Yeah I did." He said smiling.

"I'm sorry I just want you to be ok." I said even though I knew he wasn't ok. His knee cap wasn't right, it didn't look right. What if he tore his patellar tendon? What if he tore his Quad? Has he not look at it yet?

"Paul!" Donovan snapped and I looked up.

"I'm sorry." I said standing up and shaking the doctors hand.

"Hey Paul, now what happened?"


"One at a time." He said. I let Donovan talk. He told the story and when he told it I felt even worse about it. I looked away and when the medic was writing things down Donovan touched my hand. I looked at him. "If I'm not cry, you shouldn't be." He whispered and I nodded.
I was sitting on my sofa when Damian walked in. "Hey bro." He said and he sat down beside me.

"What's going on? The group won't shut up but they won't say anything?!"

"We decided its better for someone to tell you, not for you to find out through text."

"Ok so?"

"Donovan tore his patellar tendon."

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"He's getting surgery soon."

"I have to be there I have to go!" I said jumping up.

"Paul!" Damian snapped. I turned around.

"Don't be crazy. Don't break down and tell him how sorry you are. Don't make the situation worse, just be there for him ok?"

"Ok." I said and I shut the door slowly then I ran to my car and sped over to the hospital. That's where he was right? I ran in. "Donovan Mitchell?" I said to the lady and she nodded.

"Fourth floor, 4513."

"Ok." I said and I ran up the stairs because the elevator was to slow. I ran down the hallway to his room. I took a deep breath in and knocked on the door. A doctor opened the door.


"Yes." I said.

"He wants to see you." He said and I nodded. I walked in. "I'll leave y'all alone for a little bit."

"Hey how are you?" I asked sitting down beside him.

"Not to good." He said. "It hurts." I frowned.

"Did they give you something to make you tired?"

"Yeah." He said nodding then he yawned.

"You want me to leave?"

"No!" He said and he put his hand on top of mine. "Wait till I go to sleep."

"You sure?" I said and he nodded. "I don't wanna be here when you go to sleep." I whispered and he laughed.

"I'm not gonna die when I go to sleep." He said. "I'll be fine."

"But then it starts to sink in that..." my mind flashed to what Damian said. "Never mind." I said and he frowned.

"You didn't do anything."

"I know." I said frowning. "I just want you to be ok."

"I'll be fine." He said. He held his hand in mine.

"Can I be real for a second?"

"Yeah." He said.

"I know it ain't my fault, it ain't anybody's. But I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I threw up that lob for you Do." I But his hand on my forehead, well I leaned on his hand. A tear fell down my face. "I'm so sorry."

"It's ok, I'll get drafted anyways." I gasped.

"Donovan, we can stay. Me and you next year. Well be a super team us together!"

"No Paul, this years your chance. Your on a super team."

"There's no super team that compares to you Do, us, well be amazing. Well be the best backcourt in the country!"

"Don't throw away your chance for me."

"I'm not! It'll be amazing! Can't you imagine it. Paul and Donovan carry Duke to the Championship!" I said moving my hand like in a line. He laughed.

"Do you think we really can though Paul?"

"Of course!" I said smiling.

"Ok." He said and he yawned. I sat back and let him go to sleep.

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