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I woke up and my body was sore. I couldn't sit up, move my neck or my arms. I just sat there crying, until it was a knock on the door and the doctor came in.

"Vanessa Kindred, I'm doctor Andrew Thomas" he said walking in. "Good morning to you, how are you feeling."
"Horrible my body hurts so bad, i can barely move" i said looking down. "When can i go home? I hate hospitals."

"Well i have good news and bad news, which one do you want first."
"Good" i answered with no hesitation.
"You'll be out of here by Monday or Tuesday" he said cheerfully
"But i have to work, how will i get money." I said staring to stress.

"We'll put you on paid leave, you can't work in the condition your in." he said
"Oh okay, now bad news?" I said kinda scared. I always hates getting bad news.
"Um, well" he said clearing his throat. "Well Ms. Kindred, after suffering so many blows to the stomach, and the constant stress, I'm sorry to say that you lost your child."

"My child ? What are you talking about I'm not pregnant." I said laughing.
"You were in fact pregnant, 10 weeks to be exact" he said handing me an ultrasound. I grabbed my stomach, seeing if i could feel a difference.
"I'm sorry Ms. Kindred, we already removed the fetus. It was a do or die situation. I'm sorry." He said walking out.
I couldn't contain myself. Here i was, in the hospital all alone. I had lost my boyfriend and my child within hours, i was devastated.

When I woke up i seen Vanessa was gone. I looked for my phone and when I found it, I seen I had so many missed calls from her. I was scared, anything could happen when dealing with Jordan. I called back immediately, and got no answer. I was so worried. I kept calling until i got an answer. I heard the tiredness in her voice.

"oh my god baby are you okay, where are you" I said to her thru the phone.
"The hospital, me and Jordan got into it again. I called you but you were sleeping so I left you alone."
"Omg Bestfriend I am so sorry for not answering and being there when you needed me too." i said starting to cry. I hated seeing my Bestfriend hurt.
"I'm gonna come after i pick our checks up, I'm also gonna let Shonda know okay."

"Okay thank you bestie. I love you" She said before hanging up.
I did my hygiene and makeup and made my way to work. Today we were supposed to get outfits for her date later on 🙄 looks like that won't be happening. I just want her to be happy dude, that's all. When I get to work I see Shonda helping a customer, i wait until she's done and explain all of what i know of the situation to her.

"Oh my lord, I told her this would happen. I told her she could just stay at my place if she needed a place to get away from him. Why didn't she just accept the help" Shonda asked sitting at her desk.
"I know, I told her the same thing. She wanted to do things on her own i guess. I'm gonna go see her later, I'll send you the info if you want to go up there." I said grabbing my check and walking to the front. "I'll see you tomorrow Shonda." I said walking out the door.

"Oh hey Zaina" i said holding the door
"Hey Good morning, beware my brother is out there." She said walking in
"Okay, i will. See you tomorrow" i said laughing.

"What's funny" i heard markell say from the side of me.
"Your sister is." I said walking to the car.
"Where your little friend at, I've been calling her all morning trynna see if we were still on for tonight." He said closing my car door for me.
"I'm sorry but y'all not. Something came up."

"Why couldn't she just call me and say that?" He said obviously irritated
"She couldn't."
"And why she couldn't." He asked
I thought about if i should tell him or not. I didn't want him to think she just stood him up or something.
"She's in the hospital." I said.
"Yea right, i get that's yo friend and all and your gonna lie for her but that's taking it to the extreme."

"Nigga I ain't lying to you, do you wanna hear the voicemails she left me at 4, 5, and 6 o'clock in the morning?" I said pulling my phone out.
"Yea I do" He said crossing his arms.

We listened to the voicemails, i got teary-eyed all over again.
"Damn i apologize for coming at you wrong i thought she really stood me up." he said. "Who his he?" He asked.
"Her boyfriend, he always put his hands on her. That's the real reason she was dodging you like that. She didn't want any conflict." I said.

"When you gonna see her, i wanna go." He said rubbing his hands on his face.
"Right now, but i don't think she would want you to see her like this. Let me talk to her first." I said.
"Or we could surprise her, either way works." He said shrugging his shoulders. "C'mon please lemme see shawty."
"Fine, but if she cusses us both out everything was your idea."

"No problem, lemme go tell my brother I'm riding with you then we can go." He said walking off.

"Alr lets go. Also can you take me to the store i wanna get her some things." He said taking his phone out.
I took him to the store and with my help he got her some things she likes, he also got her favorite flowers and some get well balloons.

"You must be really trynna win my bestfriend over." I said laughing at him struggle to get the balloons in the back seat.
"Yea I am, She obviously ain't had a real man ina min. I wanna show her sum different."

When we got to the hospital they was doing to much, saying family only. So i had to lie and say I was her sister & that Markell was my boyfriend. I knocked on the door, hearing my bestfriends low voice i creeped my face in.

"Hey boo, i got someone here for you." I said opening the door more for her to see Markell.
"Bitch what the hell why would you bring him here knowing how i look." She said closing her hospital gown.
"He asked and i couldn't just tell him no. Plus you not gonna let him in, he got you some stuff." I said letting him in.
"Hey beautiful, how you doing?" He asked her, making her blush. Oooh i just loves seeing her gush over him.

"I'm doing okay, and I'm not beautiful right now but thank you." She said looking down.
"You look beautiful every time i seen you, including today. I got you some things." He said sitting the bags and balloons on her bed and the flowers on the counter.
"Omg you got me all of my favorite shit. Snacks and all. Thank you." I said trying to hug him but i couldn't move.

"It's good, i know what you wanted to do." He said kissing my forehead.
"I'll let y'all catch up, I'll be in the waiting room." He said walking out.

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