(Johnny's injury)

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To day during rehearsal Johnny got hurt.
Dad blames me but I didn't do anything I actually warned Johnny.
But that wasn't the worse.
I accidentally stepped out from behind the curtain.
My brother was just lying there fighting to live while the paramedic came.
Dad didn't notice me right away and for some stupid reason I kept walking towards my brother.
Johnny looked over with such fear in his eyes.
It wasn't because he was in pain BT because he knew dad would kill me if someone else spotted me.
But stupid me I kept walking forward.
A female paramedic pulled me back and assured me my brother was going to be okay and that's when dad saw me.
"I told you to stay in the back." Shockingly he kept his tone calm but the grip on my shoulders was to the point I wanted to scream in pain but I knew better and stayed with the tears.
"Please this is my living, how I feed and clothes my boys, please keep the fact they are twins a secret.
I can get you and your family back stage passes for a the year..." I could hear him say as he followed them out while Angelica Clark took me to sit in the back with her daughter Dina while they cleaned up the stage.
"He's going to be okay Cam he's tough.
It didn't look that bad." Dina tried.
She's two years older than us and acts like a big sister as dose her big brother.
"Hey squirt you okay?" Travis knelt in front of me with his hands on my shoulders.
I wish I could...
We could live with the Clark's their a normal happy family.
Where my family is just me and Johnny who love each other and dad who loves his slave performer and punching bags.
Johnny thinks he protects me from the beatings.
But when he's through with Johnny its my turn worse if Johnny gets a bruises on his face.
We are both missing a tooth in the back from when dad slammed his fist into Johnny's face.
Luckily it was a baby tooth but man did that hurt...
"Cam look at me are you okay?" Travis shook me from my thoughts.
I looked into his emerald green eyes.
It always amazed my how his eyes were so green and how cool he looked with his darker skin and eye color.
"I'm okay." I sniffles.
I'm twelve turning thirteen in a month how am I supposed to be, seeing my brother nearly die.
If Johnny was gone who would protect me?
Who would love me and tell me I can be anything other than what dad wants me to be?
At some point I came back to earth and felt warm and safe as Travis held me on the couch.
I don't even remember moving to the couch.
I felt weight on my shoulder, it was D she fell asleep.
They were up as early as us and worked nearly as hard to please my dad.
"Cam its perfectly okay if your not okay.
You keep zoning out, are you sure your okay?" Travis asked as I sat in his lap toying with one of his many charms on his chain.
Dad says boys are not to wear jewelry, especially us with our stunts, it'll kill us.
"I don't know.
That lady saw me, dad was mad, he hurt my shoulders." I sighed.
Travid pulled my shirt collar away so he could look.
"Awe kiddo why didn't you say something?
Cam needs ice." Travis sighed as he woke his sister to get her off my shoulder.
"What?" Dina rubbed her sleepy eyes as she snuggled up to the arm of the chair.
Travis checked my other shoulder where he cringed once again.
"Mom isn't there something we can do? This is child abuse look!" Travis snapped.
"I know...
But Mr.Black is a powerful man, if we get in his way he will make our life miserable and I don't even want to think what he would do to them.
But I will speak with my contacts.
Maybe when Johnny gets home we'll convince Sebastian that we have a place to take the boys for their birthday.
He has that big show coming up at those clubs that he can't take the boys to.
I refuse to step foot there so we'll do it than." Angelica smiled as she looked between me and Travis.
She could see hope filling my eyes.
But that was still a long way off and Johnny is hurt, probably staying in the hospital for a few days, leaving me alone with dad.
I was in charge of the harness but than i saw dad mess with it after.
I fixed it so i thought i guess the extro rope wasnt strong enough either or maybecthats what slowed his fall.
I saw the look in dad's eyes as his plan was foiled and I foiled it he knew it because he heard me insist johnny where the extra rope.
Travis pulled me tighter as he felt me take in a shuttering breath as a new round of tears fell.
"Cameron let's go.
Ms.Clark for your troubles, staying longer with my son...
Your lucky Cameron.
John is going to make it." Dad practically yelled as he drug me out of the building and shoving me into the back of the limo.
I stared out the window, feeling his eyes just burning hole of hate in me.
We got out at the hotel we were staying at.
Thankfully not at home, things would have been much worse there.
He practically shoved me onto the elevator, he cussed under his breath as a couple got on with their small boy, probably eight years old.
He kept smiling at me as we stood side by side.
For some reason he just stared at me, than suddenly gave me a hug.
"I'm sorry, he loves hugging." His mother chuckled as she pulled her son closer to herself.
She must have seen the fear in my eyes cause she frowned at me, than gave me a pity smile.
My stomach flipped as they got off.
We had ten more flights to go.
"What were you thinking?" Dad yelled as he back handed me.
I just stared at the floor not saying a word as I had tears falling to the ground.
Johnny and I learned quickly never to make a sound when crying.
Or being beat.
Dad was still yelling, cussing, shaking me, slapping me and slammed me into the wall as the elevator, finally reached our floor.
I knew the moment I was behind closed doors he was going to beat me unconscious.
"Dad please, I'm sorry." I finally looked up at him and begged for forgiveness.
I knew it was stupid, pathetic even.
But I did it anyhow.
He grabbed me by the hair and tossed me into the hotel room.
I tripped on the rug and slammed my head into the counter.
But that didn't stop him from punishing me...
When I came too I was in the bathroom tub soaked to the bone with water.
I could hardly move from the pain and how heavy my soaked clothes were.
I was shivering as I hugged my legs in the tub.
"Good your alive." Dad smirked as he pulled me out of the tub.
He wrapped me in the plush hotel towel and took me to the room I share with Johnny.
Dad got out my flannel PJs and dry underpants.
"Get dry and change.
Come out and have some soup." Dad said as he walked out and left me alone.
I did as told, as usual.
I sat at the table holding my head with one hand as I sipped on the soup.
"Probably want to know how John is?
They said he was lucky.
He will need to stay a week in the hospital to heal." Dad smirked as I looked at him in shock.
'A whole week alone with him!?
I'm gonna die.' My heart started racing.
What happened to mom?" I don't know why I thought he finally tell me but I had to get my mind on something else.
"That stunt your brother was practicing, that's how." He chuckled.
'Note to self never ask a heartless psychopath questions.'
"I didn't intend on John getting hurt.
The harness just snapped.
I know I should have rechecked it but that was your job.
But guess it was stupid of me to expect a twelve year old to notice something most adults would have overlooked.
Now Cameron what were you thinking when you came on stage exposing your presence to the paramedics?" Dad asked.
I jumped when I felt his hand touch my sore shoulder.
"I wasn't.
All I could see was my brother.
I thought he was dying.
I wasn't thinking.
I didn't even know I was out there till she touched me.
Dad I'm sorry.
I swear it won't happen again." I started to cry.
I was shocked as he he pulled me into a hug and hushed me.
This was new, dad was never gentle.
'What was he planing?'
My mind raced to a million things.
One, he was giving me one last hug before killing me.
Aliens replaced him as I was passed out.
'I could live with that one.'
He was a twin and the other abusive guy was now dead and this was my real dad.
He was the real life Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Johnny and I stayed up one night and watched the movie, we kept comparing it to dad and were laughing.
I chuckled as I thought about that night.
"What?" Dad asked as he still held me.
"I was just thinking about a joke Johnny said once." I sighed.
You gonna finish your soup?" Dad asked as he moved my bangs and tended to the wound on my forehead from when I hit the counter.
"Yeah I'll finish.
Dad why was I wet and in the tub?" Again I don't know why I asked, I just had to know.
"You tried to fight back it was the only way to stop you." Dad grumbled.
"So you were drowning me.
Dad why do you hate us?" I looked in his eyes.
"Because your both worthless just like your mother now finish eating." Mr.Hyde was back.
I sighed as I returned to the soup and forced myself to eat.
I knew it could be awhile till I ate again.
Dad would beat me every night after rehearsals and drowned me.
This went on for three days till he notice I literally shut down.
Angelica's kids couldn't even get me to snap out of it.
Thats when Angelica snapped.
"Thats it I am not going to stand by and watch you kill those boys!
I don't know why you hate them so much but this is the last time!
Please escort Mr.Black out of my sight." Angelica said to two officers that were hiding.
I was terrified.
This is not going to sit well with him.
Angelica wrapped her arms around me as we watched him struggle with the cops.
He broke free and grabbed their gun.
Travis got in front of us as dad fired.
"Travis!" Was all I remember saying.
Than sitting on a hospital bed while a doctor shined a light in my eyes and asking me questions.
I couldn't speak I don't know why..
"He's in shock.
It might take some time till he talks again.
As for Travis he was very lucky.
He'll have a nice scar to tell his girlfriends." The doctor teased as he gave me an owl stuffed animal.
I don't know why but I hugged it tight.
Dad said stuffed animals are for babies. I sat in Johnny's room and watched him sleep hugging his wolf stuffed animal, the doctor probably gave it to him.
Every time I tried to go into Johnny's bed to sleep with him Angelica would pull me back into her lap.
So I waited till she fell asleep.
I was carful not to hurt him.
"Hey Cam." Johnny was groggy but I could tell he was concerned about me.
I just snuggles close as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Your safe now." Johnny whispered as he rubbed my back.
"Angelica..." Johnny called to her.
"Hey there, your awake.
Now how did he..." Angelica smiled down at us.
"What's wrong with Cam?" Johnny asked as tears flowed.
"Your dad was alone with him.
When the cops took him away your dad fought them and tried to shoot one of us still not sure who he was aiming for but Travis pushed us out of the way.
Travis got shot but he's fine." Angelica assured as she combed her fingers through Johnny's hair and rubbed my back.
"Who are we going to live with?" Johnny asked.
I had your father sign you boys over to me in case he couldn't be their, almost like I am your mother." Angelica smiled as she looked at us.
"Ms.Clark we would like to discharge Johnathan so you can start your travels and get these boys safe." The male doctor smiled at us.
Johnny looked over at Dina.
"Mom has connections, we are going to another country." Dina smiled.
"You hear that Cam?
We're safe." Johnny whispered as he snuggled into my hair.
"Best let them stay one more night.
Don't go to their home to pack their things, the account for them with you as repayee is more than enough to start over.
This is for Cam.
Only one a night.
Find a therapist for your family especially Cam and Johnny, from the file you gave me they are going to need it.
Please stay safe Angelica." He hugged her.
"You can come with us Tuck.
Could you come with us please?" She hugged him tighter.
As he looked at us than at Dina.
"You know might be an easier cover.
I could pass as their dad, they look like they could be my kids.
Okay I'll work up the paperwork and see you all first thing in the morning. Sooner if Mr.Black gets bale but assaulting an officer and shooting a minor, endangering two minors, well I doubt he'll get bale.
Johnathan before I leave.
Dose your dad have friends?" Tuck asked my brother.
"No he doesn't like people." Johnny sighed.
"You proof of that kid.
So sorry you suffered twelve years with him." Tuck kissed Johnny on the head and touched my head and gently ruffled my hair.
That night we slept peacefully considering.
Johnny woke at on point with me just looking at him.
He started playing with my hair and looking at the bandage that was starting to show some blood.
"You okay?
how's your head?
Do you feel dizzy?" Johnny asked but I still couldn't find my voice.
I don't know why talking was so hard, heck I couldn't make myself respond in any fashion, it was as if I no longer had control of my body.
Johnny searched my face as tears flowed down his cheek.
"Awe kiddo what happened?" Johnny kissed my head.
Cam's bandage needs to be changed." Johnny sighed with tears.
"How is he?" I heard Travis ask.
"He's in shock honey." Angelica said as she walked out to get a nurse.
"I need to turn the light on so I can clean your cut.
Can you lay on your back for me?" She gently helped me lay on my back.
"Did he get a full physical?" She noticed I flinched as one of my bruises hurt.
"Yes, he is covered in bruises and a near fractured rib and a slight tempeture.
The police checked the hotel room and packed for the boys.
They said it looked as if he was drowning him.
There was water in the tub with traces of blood." Angelica sighed as she told the nurse.
I snuggled closer to Johnny and fell back to sleep once she was done with my cut.
"Is he always going to be like this?" Johnny mumbled.
"No he just needs time sweetie.
Now get some sleep too." I heard the nurse say as she gave us a kiss on our cheek.
I liked her, she was like our mom, granted we were three when she died but I think I still remember her...

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