(Being Strong)

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So I saw Vivian before bed and we talked about what happened when I was twelve.
Long story short I was raped by men multiple times till we escaped at age fourteen.
They would drug us and use us so we don't remember much of what happened.
I didn't realize till I spoke a little about it with Aden leaving out a few details since he's just a kid.
That it was still bothering me
Its odd being seventeen and I still get extremely nervous around men.
I have to catch myself from calling them Master or Sir and force myself to stand tall and look them in the eyes.
I hate that my friends are the same way, Oliver is a bit stronger than us.
TK is still a kid at heart, I think he's making up for his lost childhood that was robbed him.
Huck is moody all the time but TK is the one to keep him light and happy he adores TK like his brother.
I am so happy to be with my baby brother Texas, I missed him so much he and Finn are like brothers because they were raised together.
I was surprised they remembered us and it was like we were never separated.
They are getting along with the boys as if they known each other all their life.
But I did notice a faint scar on both the boys.
Tex on his cheek and Finn's forehead.
When Huck and I inquired they both dropped their gaze and I swore I saw them start shaking.
It confirmed they too had a horrible upbringing.
I was so mad I wasn't their to protect Tex.
We didn't push them to say what happened but assured them we are here for them.
I woke with a small body tucked into my chest as I laid on my side I guess instinctively I hugged Aden as he snuggled up at some point during the night must have had another nightmare.
"Bad dream again, Aden?" I mumbled in my sleep and hugged him tighter.
But quickly realized the sent coming off his hair was different.
I started to force my eyes open.
Than I heard Aden speak equally as tired.
"Its not me, its Tex." Aden yawned.
I lifted my head slightly and saw Aden rubbing Tex's back trying to help sooth him.
"I got this squirt go back to sleep." I whisper and smirked as Aden mumbled something as he roled on his back and was out.
"Tex what's wrong?" I whispered as he sobbed into my chest.
My shirt was soaked in tears.
"I had a nightmare." Tex cried and shook more.
I took him out into the kitchen after I grabbed a clean shirt.
I made us tea and we sat on the sofa by the big window that overlooked the grounds and ocean.
"What happened?" I asked handing him his tea.
Finn shuffled out and slumped into my lap resting his head back against my chest.
Tex had a smirk that said he liked seeing Finn being comfortable with me.
Since being with them I noticed Finn only talks if that, to Tex.
Huck has been very concerned about it but I reminded him its only been a day but now I think there's more to it.
"They didn't keep us.
When we got to their house they put us in these room like cages.
Men would walk through looking us over.
Each time a kid or two were sold.
For some reason they figured Finn and I were a matching set.
So we were more costly..." Tex paused.
"Tex were you...
Did they...
Umm are you still a..." My hug on poor Finn was tight, I didn't realize until he made a small whimper.
"I'm sorry Finn." I whispered.
Tex waited till Finn was relaxed again.
"No they never had a chance.
Gabe came undercover.
The sellers only abused us, training us on being meek and quiet.
Refer to our Masters as such or sir or mam.
But no one touched us like your worried about." Tex was crying but Finn fell back asleep, I didnt want to wake him.
Tex smirked a if knowing I wanted to hug him right now but didn't want to disturb Finn who was now peaceful.
"Is that what you were dreaming about?" I asked my baby brother who I noticed was like me not wanting to look those older in the eyes.
"Yes si...
Dally." Tex sniffled.
"Look a me...
Its okay in normal settings to call an adult sir its a sign of respect, especially when you don't know their name.
But don't do it in the way they were training.
Never call anyone master.
And never be afraid to look them in the eyes.
You are stronger than that.
Tex be honest they didn't touch you?" I had to be sure he wasn't lying.
"No they wanted us to be pure in that.
Unaware to that, left for their breaking in.
I only found out after Gabe saved us and meeting Matty, he was sold a few years before us.
Gabe rescued him before his graduation of sorts with his master.
He had a rule book or manual that they give buyers.
Said they beat us into submission but leaves the rest for the owner." Tex sighed as he dropped his eyes.
"Dally we could have been...
I don't know what that would have done to Finn.
Look at him he is always exhausted, always quiet.
He only talks to me sometimes.
They broke him Dally and I don't know how to fix him." Tex started crying harder.
By now Huck came in and took his brother back to bed so I could hold Tex as he cried.
I'm here now, I will fix him you just focus on yourself.
Actually Huck will focus on his baby brother while I fix mine." I kissed his head as he wrapped his arms tight around my waist.
I held him as he cried himself to sleep in my lap.
We both fell asleep on the sofa.
When the sun started coming up it woke me but Tex had his face buried into my chest not even fazed by the brightness.
I was wandering who covered us up tho.
I was startled when I opened my eyes to TK's face inches from mine.
He was asleep but jumped when I gasped.
"Sorry I came to get a glass of water.
Saw you two, covered you up.
Tex was looking at me with pleading eyes.
So I stuck around and tickled his head.
I must have dozed off.
How did he turn with out waking us?" TK chuckled as he whispered.
"I'm a ninja." Tex giggled in my chest.
We just started tickling him getting more giggles.
"Well ninja Tex, ninja your way out of this." We teased as we tickled him.
"Finn help." Tex giggled.
I saw Finn run in scared but a sly smirk crossed his face when he realized Tex was safe.
He made his way over.
TK backed up slightly.
Finn sat in his lap and looked at Tex and me contiplating something as I held Tex's arms up.
Finn giggled and started tickling Tex.
"You traitor." Tex squeeled through his giggles.
"Say master." Finn giggled.
My grip slipped when Finn said that.
A frown was now on his face as I let Tex slipped to the floor on his behind.
Gee thanks bro." Tex grumbled.
Tex paused a moment as if trying to figure out how our silky morning suddenly got serious.
It was one of the ways they trained us to say that." Tex mumbled.
Finn slumped in TK's lap.
TK wrapped his arms around Finn.
"Hey its okay.
You didn't do anything wrong." TK assured Finn who visably relaxed.
"Umm I'm going for a walk." I sighed as I got up and slipped my shoes on and went outside.
We have a separate exit.
Olly joined me.
"Hey you okay?" Olly stopped me by the horse fence, didn't know there were horses here.
"No Olly I'm not.
My baby brothers were being trained to be slaves for old perverted people!" I snapped as hot angry tears fell.
We been there and I can't believe they almost went there too.
Why did that happen to us?
Were we bad kids?
Did we get cursed because of our parents?
Dose HE hate us?
Are we just doomed?" I ranted.
Olly the level headed one of the group waited till I stopped my tantrum.
"Okay big baby you done?" Olly smirked as he led me to the bench handed me a tissue and a bottle of water.
No HE doesn't hate you.
Sure a curse maybe but we broke off those curses when we got with those people at the church and our life is better.
I know its because of us breaking off those family curses those boys are still innocent.
We just all hit a rocky patch.
Now let's move pass this and help those boys.
Tex is clearly reaching a breaking point being Finn's rock and Finn dosen't talk barely.
Now I can't be the only strong one and I use to have you backing me up so what's going on, why am I seeing the shy Dally again?" Olly sighed as he tried to get me to look at him.
"I don't know, talking about it with Viv helped but also didn't.
It was like reopening old wounds.
But if I am honest its been tearing away at me longer than that.
With that time at the park when we were with those kids that talked us into beating up Mark.
I don't know it made me feel better but than scared me because thats not me plus I was drunk." I half mumbled as tears flowed.
"Yeah but he forgave you.
And of course its not you.
Your a big teddy bear.
Look how close Aden is with you and Johnny with only just meeting you." Olly chuckled.
Before I could say anything Aden was sitting next to me rubbing my back.
"Your not what happened to you.
Your better and stronger.
Your my second guardian Angel." Aden said in a soft voice as he rested his head on my shoulder.
Who's your first?" I chuckled putting my arm around him and pulled him close.
I don't ever want him thinking Tex or Finn would replace him, he is still my new baby brother.
"Jordan, he saved us from Hank." Aden sighed as if just saying that name would hurt him.
"Hey you are strong too.
TK told me what you did.
Not many would kick and scream like you did." I chuckled.
"I think Finn is really scared." Aden sighed as he rested into me.
"Well you can help me break him out of his shell." I smirked standing up and hoisting him up onto my shoulders.
"You have to be part angel.
You lift me like I weigh nothing." Aden chuckled and sighed.
It was true he was tiny for his age in all aspects.
But he has come a long way and I see him gaining weight and getting taller.
"You trying to kill me." Aden chuckled as he flopped upside down on my back after almost getting sacked in the head by a tree branch.
Olly helped me get him off my shoulders.
"Umm you couldn't duck?" I chuckled as I was now giving him a ride on my back.
"Umm you couldn't avoid the tree?" Aden countered.
We were laughing as we got back inside.
But both Tex and Finn had themselves locked in the bathroom crying.
"What happened!?" Aden was clinging to my side with fear hearing them practically screaming.
Mark came over took Aden along with the triplets outside.
"Not sure.
One minute they were napping the next this." Huck sighed.
Jordan and Colt were trying to get in.
"They do this." Jake sighed as he came in with James his young apprentice.
James walked up and knocked gently.
When he spoke it was so calming I felt my own muscles relax.
We all froze as the bathroom door unlocked and both boys peeked out.
As soon as they saw me they ran to me.
I wrapped my arms around them as they were still sobbing.
"What happened?" I asked gently.
"The dream.
They cam here taking us away and hurting you.
They took us to the human zoo.
And beat us like before." Tex cried as he told me.
Finn sobbed into my chest nodding his head.
Octavia and Stacy heard it was calm and came back in with the boys.
"We get those dreams too." Johnny spoke.
Finn looked over at him and went to hug him.
"I will protect you." Finn whispered.
"Wait are you saying you three..."
"Five." Cam and Connor stepped forward.
"Seven." Aden gripped Marks wrist and drug him next to Cam.
"You seven have the..."
"Eight." TK whispered as he joined them.
Can't say I was surprised he did have a mind like a child.
But still...
"Okay eight of you had the same dream." I said as I fell into the sofa still holding onto Tex pulling him down with me.
They all nodded their heads.
"Wait how do you know?" I quirked my eyebrow.
"We talked about it and what Tex saw we saw too." TK spoke nervously.
"Why haven't you told me?"
I don't know why but I directed it to Aden.
"I thought if I talked about it would come true and I didn't want it to." Aden sighed as he made his way over and sat on my lap.
"Okay so in this dream is it just me getting hurt?" I started to get scared.
And Trev was there." Aden cried burying his face into my shoulder.
I became enraged at that perverts name.
"Hey he will never get to touch you he would have to kill me first." I half growled.
Once everyone was calmed down we ate and I insisted on our training.
The guys and I have been training and laxed on Aden and Mark but after that crazy dream talk I wanted them all able to protect themselves.
"Finn, this quiet shy thing ends today we need to toughen you up.
We are all here for you.
I know it won't really end but try okay." I put my hand under his chin to force him to look at me.
He did.
I didn't see fear just wander, if I am really trust worthy.
A smile graced his face.
"Okay Sir." Finn all but whispered.
My stomach wanted to heev at him calling me sir.
"Finn its Dally not sir.
I am not your boss or owner or anything above you.
No one is, your are my equal.
Now I know your use to it so I won't make a big deal but I will keep gently reminding you." I smiled as I kissed his forehead.
"Okay Dally." Finn smiled as he hugged me.
This kid definatly holds a special place in my heart.
But its more of I know he needs more protection.
Than yet he did tell Johnny he'll protect him.
Maybe Finn is stronger than I think.
The boys were exhausted after training.
Happy to report they all did great.
I did end up having to turn cold water on the triplets as they each dozed off in the shower.
That was fun, TK even fell asleep.
What ever happened to privacy pervert?" TK snapped than suddenly realized he left on his boxers.
"Yeah I watched you step in like that as I was leaving weirdo." I shook my head.
"Still perv!" TK yelled after me.
I just laughed as I walked away.
I could still hear TK mumbling something as I closed the door.
As I thought about it he had more of a surprised look than that of getting blasted with cold water.
It was the look of sheer fear.
I waited by the bathroom door for TK to come out.
I knew he get dressed in there he never walks around in his towel.
"Hey you okay?" I asked as he came out nearly jumping out of his skin.
"Are you trying to give me a heart attack today?" TK half yelled at me.
I grabed his shoulders and made him stay put.
"Seriously what's wrong with you today?" I got stern yet concern.
"When you came in the bathroom...
I always wear my boxers since that life we were forced into." TK sighed with tears in his eyes.
"Awe man I'm sorry, I should have known better." I sighed as I pulled him into a bear hug.
"Yeah well you had a long night and start of today so I forgive you." TK half heartedly chuckled.
"Hey if you ever need to talk..." I stared.
"No I never want to ever think about or talk about that life, its in the past where it will stay.
I'm going for a walk." TK stormed out.
Aden sat at the kitchen table and watched as TK stormed out.
He quickly put the meat sandwich he made in a baggy along with his half grabbed two cans of soda chips and jackets than bolted out the door after TK.
They shared a special bond after what happened to them with Trev.
Kinda felt a little left out but I knew TK needed space.
But Aden doesn't know that.
I know TK would enjoy the kid he doesn't like being alone so as it is...

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