(Last Day)

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Don't freak out its not like last day alive or anything crazy.
Its just the last day here at Atlantis.
We hung out with all our friends including Angelica's kids.
They are coming with us.
But still they became friends with our friends.
Though not as close I have to say.
Besides they made a few of their own.
We teamed up against our new siblings during paintball.
We were team Roswell, they were team Black.
Anyhow our team rocked.
Their other friend Kyle Valenti joined us.
His dad was like a sheriff back where they came before here so he taught Kyle how to shoot.
He even gave us lessons before our time.
Everyone had to do a few rounds at the shooting range, to go over the safety course and everything.
But Mr.Valenti was giving us side tips.
So there we were in the field looking for good areas to shoot from.
Cam and I found this perfect spot, plus a map that had the layout, some kid drew it and left it behind.
So we all huddled and Cam and I positioned our team.
The Black team that included dad got annihilated.
They never knew what hit them.
We got to stick around because we were the wining team and the other groups decided they wanted to go after us.
We switched things up and did the same to them, not a single casualty for our team.
After about five rounds or so they called it.
They gave us a meddles and everything.
We got our picture taken its a really cool pic too.

We got our picture taken its a really cool pic too

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We all look so cool.
Cam decided to climb in the jeep with Michael and Kyle.
Max helped Liz on the hood of the jeep.
Maria stood by them.
Izzy sat on the gas can while Kyle and Alex helped me get on the tire.
Wow I just realised how much older they are compared to me and Cam, than yet they all did just turn seventeen after our thirteenth birthday.
This was kinda like Michael and Kyle's birthday party.
After, we crashed at the Valenti's place. Kyle has a really cool gaming system in his room its like an arcade.
But I noticed he had somethings packed.
"Hey Kyle you guys moving too?" I asked as I saw a box marked Kyle's room.
Going to the same place as you guys. Actually I hear you guys are too.
I know Michael, Alex and I are going to be leaving the same time as you two.
Dad just got in charge of caring for these two boys from Japan.
Ishmael and Judah.
Apparently their like ninjas or something they grew up in the states and well they too had a run in with Bash.
They got lucky tho." Kyle shrugged.
Man I wish he would have left a few details out like not mentioning Bash.
"Run in how?" Cam half stuttered as he stood in front of Michael who thankfully saw him shacking and wrapped him into a hug.
"I swear Kyle...
You know their situation.
Did you really have to mention that guy." Michael half snapped as he passed Cam off to Izzy.
"Sorry I forgot.
Come on we all had our run ins with him." Kyle chuckled nervously.
"Yeah but they were raised by him big difference compared to our month.
Well my three years.
But thats besides the point.
New rule none of us ever mentions Bash ever, well except when we talk to the new kids to find out what happened but now and after we never talk about him again.
Unless you feel the need but as a passing conversation its not allowed." Michael sighed.
"Dude strange rule but your bigger than me so whatever." Kyle teased.
"Yeah hate to agree its kinda impossible to keep." I added.
"It really is." Shockingly my brother added.
"Okay I give up." Michael grumbled and went back to setting up the game.
"Thanks though." Cam smirked as Michael ruffled his hair.
After the few hours of playing games and hanging out it was time to go and pack.
We didn't really gather a lot of stuff so it was quick for us.
But Dad's family they had stuff.
Man our space was noisy everyone yelling making sure they had this or that.
Love the...
"Hey thats mine you little thief!"
We laughed every time the older boys said it to one of the younger boys.
Dad poked his head in and smirked.
"Enjoying this radio station I take it." Dad teased.
"Hey let me see the winning teams picture." Dad asked as he sat next to me.
He skimmed what I wrote and saw the part we...
Well Cam got concerned.
"They were on a roads trip and stopped at a dinner.
Their break lines were cut.
The car flipped the two boys and kid brother survived.
Apparently Bash was observing, he took the boys to the cabin.
Thankfully off duty soldiers saw they followed, captured Bash and saved the boys.
Apparently they are taking him to a top secret facility called Hadante.
You'll get to meet the soldiers. They're going to be the ones guarding at our new location." Dad assured us.
"So Bash is captured for good this time?" Cam asked.
According to them this place is impossible to escape and you can die trying." Dad shrugged.
"So we don't need to stay in hiding." I added.
"Unfortunately we do.
See Bash may have been after us.
But there's more going on in the world.
A war started and here along with our new place are the only safe zones because its literally unknown." Dad told us.
"What kind of war?" Cam inquired.
"You boys know they were making clones right?" Dad asked.
"I read something about it in a magazine once." Johnny shrugged.
"Turns out they made theses super soldiers.
They were sent overseas to fight.
Well they kinda revolted against us.
Did you know clones were being used as slaves?" Dad asked.
"Yeah Bash had a couple he would use them till they fell over dead literally." I told dad.
"Well see that's the other thing the slave clones and soldier clones are all fighting us.
See the reason I wanted us out was just in case the clones down here get wind of the war.
I don't want to be underwater when that happens." Dad sighed and we got what he meant...
I got so wrapped up in mine and Cam's life that I never even told you about the world we lived.
By the time we were six clones were a big deal.
Everyone had one to do everything for them.
Bash used them for death defying stunts that turned into just death.
Clones were like pets but there were no protection from abuse laws for them.
They were literally consider nothing.
People took that to litteral.
Cam and I stopped interacting with them after watching one die.
It was the...
Now I know why Cam snapped.
The clone was protecting us just like Travis did for Cam.
Except he didn't survive and we got beat nearly to death.
I almost lost Cam than to his silence.
Thats what triggered it.
His mind went there.
Bash didn't only shoot him but took him apart forcing us to watch.
Telling us it will be one of us if we tried anything but unlike him being dead, we would be kept alive the feel everything.
He even carved our initials into our wrists that day to prove a point on how painfull it would be.
I asked Cam and he agreed thats why he shut down.
I was concerned about asking.
I didn't want to cause another trigger.
But after hearing Bash was going some place that could kill him.
Well Cam has been very relaxed.
He's messing with his cards a lot more too coming up with more tricks, his slight of hand is perfect, as is mine.
And we can now pick any lock you put in front of us.
Granted no this is not all in one day but a few days spread out especially when Cam started talking again.
But before than we still kept up our practice.
Well I am going to cut it short tonight have an early voyage.
Cam and I are going to try and sleep in our own beds tonight.
Cam is already passed out with his Owl stuffed animal.
Yes I plan on sleeping with my wolf.
I'm thirteen and still afraid of the dark, with my childhood can you blame me?
Its nice to finally see Cam sleeping peacefully...
(Its nice to see both my boys sleeping peacefully and in your own beds.
You boys have come a long way in a short time.
I love you boys with my whole heart and always remember we are all here for you two no matter what.)
I heard dad leave after tucking us in.
I see he is reading our journal.
But its cool I don't like keeping secrets from him our whole life was one big secret...

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