(The Human Zoo)

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I woke early before Johnny and Connor they were up a lot changing Connor's bandages.
Plus Connor kept having nightmares.
Shockingly I didn't have any nightmare or dreams I just slept.
Bash keeps watching our room like a hawk as if he could magically get in here.
I couldn't take it so now I'm sitting against the glass and facing the bed were my brother and cousin are sleeping.
I checked Connor's bandage and changed it before settling on the floor to write.
That goo stuff is a miracle worker, his wounds are nearly healed already.
I see Johnny used it on his face cause the scar from Bash faded and the bruises are gone as are mine, works fast on small wounds.
I just put it on the initials from Bash and its fading.
I would use it on the burn to make that go away but I'm afraid of what the clones would do to me for removing my human mark.
I saw shadows moving around so I turned around to look and there were a bunch of clones looking in our rooms and talking.
Johnny wake up." I shook my brother awake.
"What?" Johnny growled.
He is not a morning person, he slapped me in the face as he woke.
Johnny chuckled at my stunned look
"You deserve it." Johnny teased as he sat up pulling me into a hug, than stared in shock as people were staring at us like zoo animals.
"This really is a zoo." Johnny mumbled as he covered Connor with the blanket.
"Why?" I asked as I snuggled tighter against my brother trying to hide from the on lookers.
"I don't know Cam." Johnny sighed as he checked my back.
"Go take a shower your healed up." Reluctantly I did as he asked.
I grabbed a change of sweats and went into the shower.
When I came out the crowd was bigger. I stood frozen just looking at them talking, pointing and looking.
Johnny called my name snapping me out of the slight shock.
I ran over and got back in the bed and half his behind Johnny.
I hate the spotlight Bash always knew that and thats why he forced me to be the front one in his shows.
I actually threw up once that's how freaked out I was man did I get a beating of my life that day I was eight.
Than Johnny got beat because of me than we had to spend the month in the hole.
Why do I feel like we're endangered species all of a sudden?" I mumbled as I snuggled closer to Johnny on the bed.
"I don't know but I feel the same way." Johnny sighed as Connor started to wake next to him.
Connor turned his head to look at us.
"How you feeling?" Johnny asked as he started to check the bandages.
"Sore and stiff." Connor sighed.
"Your nearly healed up.
Dose that hurt?" Johnny lightly put his hand on Connor's back.
He flinched at first expecting to feel pain.
"Actually no it doesn't feel like any." Connor smirked as he rested his head on his arms.
"Go take a cool shower so I can see it without the shine." Johnny smirked as Connor reluctantly got up and froze when he saw people looking at them and talking while looking in the other rooms.
"Seriously what is going on?
Are we zoo animals?" Connor scoffed as he quickly covered his chest.
There was a beautiful redhead that was looking at us with I think her older sister and brother.
Probably still technically God created but between two clones.
They looked at us with sad eyes.
The younger siblings tugged on their mom's sleeve.
She turned to look at them.
I couldn't believe it when I saw her.
Both me and Johnny sat there staring back at her.
"Johnny isn't that mom?" I asked as we stared at her.
Connor came out shirt still off so Johnny could check the wounds.
This really made both the mother and dad look concern when they saw how shredded Connor's back was...
....................Journal Break.....................
"Carlos what did you do to those children?" Monaca asked.
"You have to understand they needed to be disapplined.
You know how spoiled The God born children are." Carlos chuckled as he put his hand on the small of her back.
"Remove your hand from my wife.
I demand you allow me to go in there and make sure there are no infections." Andrew demanded.
"Look I will allow it after hours..."
"No Carlos now!" Andrew yelled as he grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him close.
"Okay fine." Carlos mumbled as he put in the code opening the glass door
Andrew than changed the code not allowing Carlos see plus he set it for his key card...
"Hello boys my name is Andrew, Andy for short.
Would you three mind joining me in the bathroom so I can give you a physical in privet?" Andrew asked us.
He seemed kind enough.
His wife and kids came in I stood there watching them.
"Allen help me with the sheets.
Tabby check and see if there are clean sheets and a quilt." The older daughter said to the redhead.
A girl that looked like Tabby's age came in with a bag of new bedding.
"I found this over there." The girl pointed to an area I hadn't seen outside this room.
"Thank you Tilly help me make the bed." the older girl said.
"Cam get in here." Johnny grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the bathroom.
"You did good..." Andrew waited for Johnny to say his name.
"Johnathan, Johnny for short." Johnny said as he sat with me on the side of the tub.
"Well you did good Johnny.
How are you feeling son?" Andrew asked Connor.
"Its Connor...
A little sore and stiff." Connor responded.
Andrew moved onto me.
"Wow so you used that goo on both of them?" Andy asked Johnny.
"Yeah." Johnny sighed.
Andy saw my initials carved on my wrist.
"This is old.
Who did this to you boys?" Andy looked concerned.
"Bash the guy across from us.
We were eight.
What's going on out in the world?
Are we what's left?" Johnny asked the question on all our minds. As he checked Johnny to make sure he was healthy.
"In away yes.
The war is over and we won.
Unfortunately we out number your kind.
Now I need to ask a very important question, you don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable.
Did they do anything else to you boys aside from what I can see visibly?" Andy's quesrion confused me sure emotionally they hurt of but I feel that wasn't the right answer so I waited for Johnny to respond.
Johnny figured out what he meant as I was still confused.
"Not me...
Connor, Cam?" Johnny looked at us Connor shook his head no.
"Cam?" Johnny looked at me with concern cause I didn't answer right away.
"Oh that...
no." I responded I started feeling uncomfortable when I realized what the question was.
I heard Johnny let out a breath he was holding in.
"Okay thats good.
Look I know this is hard and frustrating being kept like an animal but you can't let it get to you.
My wife and I are working on getting the kids captured like yourself out of these human zoos.
This is the worse I have seen clean but in tight quarters and your injuries.
If you could please write down the names of your family even if they didn't come with you.
They still might be here.
Include your friends...
Boys the reason we are more focused on you is because of my wife, she as I know you saw, looks familiar, the answer is yes but think even better than what your thinking." Andrew was trying to be cryptic...
I didn't get it right away but Johnny got it.
He whispered it to me later.
She was our mom our real mom.
Spared because she is married to a clone.
I really hope they get us all out of here not Bash but us.
"Carlos if I see another mark on those boys or anyone from their group I will not hesitate to shut you down.
You will be seeing me again, in the meantime my older boys will be here to insure you don't lay a hand on those boys again.
You may think this is your little space, do keep in mind its not and I can easily remove you in more ways than one." Andrew growled at Carlos as he stepped out of our room.
We watched Andrew as far as we could he put black tags on our family and friends name plate.
"I want curtains put up for these children, only my staff and my boys will be caring for them till further notice, any unauthorized will be subject to punishment." Andrew said as he turned on the intercoms so we could hear.
Andrew's older boys were taller and stronger than Hector and Carlos.
"Dallas, Travis round up their siblings and relocate them to the family quarters on the second floor.
Than gather their friends.
Keep that area off limits." Andrew told his boys that stood by our room.
They took us first so we could get situated and stay safe as another two guys stood guard...
Its nice us being together again.
Chris was the first to check on us when he walked into the new space and he hug us tightly with Jasper joining in the mini group hug.
Cooper did the same with Connor.
Our friends are across from us so we can see each other.
"What happened to my brothers back?" Cooper asked as he sat on the bed with Connor leaning against him as he hugged his baby brother.
Tears threatened to fall as he asked and hugged his brother tighter.
"They used this laser machine on him." I half whispered as I stood there leaning against Chris who was hugging me after check my injuries on my back.
"Laser Machine?" Cooper repeated as tears fell while he rested his chin on his brothers head.
Connor looked up at his brother.
"It doesn't hurt anymore.
Johnny took care of it." Connor assured as he yawned and hugged his brother's arms that were protectively wrapped around him.
Connor was so exhausted he fell asleep in his brothers arms.
"How bad was it Johnny?
I need to know." Cooper whispered as Connor rolled to his side so Cooper could lightly tickle his back like his mom did when they were sick.
"Trust me you don't need or want to know." Johnny sighed as Cooper cringed when he felt the ripples of the scaring over his brother's back.
"Andy said it should heal perfectly." I told him as I showed him my light scaring on my wrist.
Johnny grabbed my hand and ran his thump over the initials that were carved on my wrist for five years now.
"The goo faded it?" Johnny looked both happy and scared like I would be punished for undoing Bash's mark.
"Johnny he can't hurt us anymore, who cares if we take it away, you should do it to.
You have no idea the feeling to see this fade, its almost like years of his abuse is leaving with what we thought was a permanent reminder of what he did and can do to us." I was surprised how I spoke about it like I was a scholar about this sort of thing.
Johnny saw my proud smirk and snorted a laugh.
"Your still thirteen right?
Your still Cam right?
You got a fever?" Johnny teased as he checked my forehead.
"What so I have my moments.
I am the smarter one." I winked.
"No, no little brother we all know I am the smarter one your fast but I am faster." Johnny gave me a devious grin be for I could react he tackled me.
"Boys Connor is sleeping." Cooper hushed as his brother stirred in his sleep.
"Sorry." We whispered as Johnny held me in a headlock.
"Come on you two should get into bed." Cooper patted the space next to him.
Everyone else slept on the floor in sleeping bags.
Cooper untangled himself from Connor carefully so not to wake him and got him situated on the other side of him while I slept next to him with Johnny next to me.
At some point we we're all sleeping on Cooper johnny and I were using his leg as a pillow.
Johnny..." Cooper poked us as we groaned in our sleep.
"You put my leg to sleep." Cooper chuckled.
As we reluctantly resituated onto our pillows and fell back asleep.
I laid on my stomach looking over at Cooper who was talking to Connor who had his head on Cooper's chest.
"I had another nightmare." Connor sighed.
I situated myself on the other side as Cooper chuckled at me using him as a human pillow again.
I started to play with Connor's hair trying to help him relax.
"I get them too.
Started the first time I was abused by Bash.
But they stopped bothering me when Johnny would assure me he would always protect me.
Connor your surrounded by a lot of guys who would kill for you.
Trust me your safe now.
Those guys over there too would protect you." I assured him as Johnny rested his chin on my shoulder.
"Its true kiddo.
Besides you see those personal guards? I think they have actual orders to kill if anyone tried something." Johnny chuckled as he shoved off and laid back on his pillow pulling me along with him, we all fell back to sleep.
Connor wanted to sleep next to us so he got between Cooper and me.
I think he didn't feel safe sleeping on the edge of the bed I know I feel better sleeping I the middle.
He did sleep a lot better in the middle.
Jasper snuggled in next to Johnny when he started whimpering in his sleep at some point during the night.
Johnny started to relax as Jasper spoke softly and combed his fingers through his hair.
It was odd.
I never saw Johnny upset like that.
Sure we've both clung to each other for dear life when we were younger and cried because of Bash abusing us but with his nightmares he would usually hug me tighter as if getting a grip on reality and falls back to sleep.
But I never really had to comfot him like Jasper was doing.
Jasper saw me peeking up at them from my pillow.
He gently brushed my bangs and gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze.
"You okay?" Jasper asked.
"Yeah I heard Johnny thats what woke me." I whispered as Jasper lightly touched my head.
"He's okay, get some rest kiddo." Japer whispered with smile as I closed my eyes again...

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