(Where am I)

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Its amazing the things that can happen in one day.
First, I get a split lip from a curly blond blue eyes small fry.
Second, having fun with my friends.
Third and worse, wake up some place unknown and cold.
Forth, find out I am an uncle but now I got ahead of myself.
Let's back up to the cold unknown...
My eyes felt like there were weights tied to them as I tried to open them.
I could hear muffled yelling as my head cleared.
I think some cursing too.
I looked over my left shoulder to see TK. He looked like crap and bleeding from his head as he kept trying to intimidate someone out of my line of sight.
I looked over my right shoulder where I felt my brother squeeze my hand, he was staying quiet like me.
Suddenly I noticed we were the only two in our boxers.
"Awe the baby is awake." Trev started to pet my face.
I could tell TK was yelling leave him alone my head was still in a fog.
Even Mark looked like he was on something.
"Shut up!" Trev back handed TK.
"Your daddy taught you two well.
Keep quite and don't squirm." Trev smiled with a devious grin that sent a chill up my spine, it was fall that and being half naked didn't help.
Tears just flowed as I closed my eyes waiting for the inevitable.
A whimper escaped as he touched my chest with his finger.
I was suprisded how gentle he could be but that alone was freaking me out, he touched one of my ticklish spots I couldn't hold in my giggle.
I felt heat rise to my ears for giving him the satisfaction.
"Awe my little pet is ticklish how cute." he cooed.
I only cried hard praying Jordan or Dally or both, heck everyone would burst through the doors and save us.
I tried to focus on the earlier thought when TK teased his sisters how normal it was.
When I felt Trev's hand rest on my abdomen, thats when I lost it, there was no way I was going to let this happen to us again.
I started kicking and screaming through my gag like a mental patent it did make him and the two other guys back away.
Than I felt our bonds loosen which was odd, even TK made an, "Okay thats weird" mumble through his gag.
He didn't waste any time, he jumped to his feet and started fighting.
There was this big guy I never saw, TK had to fight.
Trev grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth and moved us away from the fight Mick had Mark.
"You think I'm letting me shiny new toy escape?" Trev hissed in my ear
"Yeah you are punk." Some guy grabbed Trev by the neck causing him to let go of me.
I ran to where I saw our clothes maTrk was right beside me as we got dressed real fast.
I was first and saw TK needed help, I went for him but Mark tried to stop me altimitly causing me to run into the pole I and got knocked out.
When I woke I was in the clinic.
Jordan was there by my bed and all my friends were sitting around waiting for me.
"What happened?" I sounded like Rudolf.
"You slipped and hit the pole when I tried to stop you.
Mitchell and his team brought us here." Mark sighed as he squeezed me tighter.
I could see by the way everyone looked they knew what happened to us.
Or well all most happened.
"Mark did Mick start touching your body too?" I didn't want to be the only one.
Not just saying to make you feel  better or whatever, its the truth." Mark grumbled.
Viv stood in the doorway.
"Boys I am so sorry.
If I knew Trev was more well..." I cut her of.
"Its okay you didn't know.
Probably would have happened either way.
He was already bothering us at school." I assured her.
"Yeah as a typical bully not predator." Viv sighed.
She said she is going to make sure never to have older boys with the younger unless she knows them like us.
He is otherwise healthy come back tomorrow and we'll check the nose splint.
Your family room is set up.
Your spending the night here since they got away.
Viv, Colt wants you to take the boys to see Cam and Johnny." Janet smiled like it was some big surprise party...
We sat with the boys as Colt rambled on about being their dad.
I was shocked, I was an uncle and my small fry nephew split my lip.
Now I felt really bad about what I said.
Johnny got all upset and took off fragging hos brothers with him, Colt ran after them.
Mark and I went to our room to wait but we heard arguments, it was two guys we recognized.
We stood in the shadow of the hall gripping each others hands for dear life it was Hank's friends.
Carson spotted us and I practically yelped as I hid behind Mark.
Man I wished Dally was here right now but he's in the our room waiting for us.
Colt came in with the boys he was caryining Johnny on his hip practically, making me realize how small he really is.
Cam and Connor spotted us and stared backing up to us.
I got out from behind Mark to protectively hug Cam from behind.
Once Johnny got to us I started pulling us backwards into the hall.
Colt told us to take them to our room so we did.
"Hey your the new...
Wait dude they look like you two." TK kept looking at them and us.
"Yeah their our brothers triplets." I smiled proudly as I hugged Cam tighter.
We said goodnight and took the boys to bed.
We stayed there waiting for Colt who smirked when he saw us snuggled in bed with them.
"Mark, take Aden to bed I need time with my boys." Colt was beaming with pride as he looked at the three boys.
We went to our room but as usual I woke from a nightmare.
Jordan packed me my stuff so as usual I was sleeping in that soft sweater he gave me at the hospital the first day I met him.
Forgetting where I was I started to pout in the hall when Dally staggered out of the bathroom, he was still half asleep.
He rushed, half stumbled over to me, picked me up and took me back to our room.
He got me resituated in bed with Mark who happened to have TK sleeping next to him.
Dally was originally with me but left to use the bathroom while I was asleep.
"Hey its okay your safe." Dally hushed as he rubbed my back.
"I want Jordan or Bel." I cried into Dally's chest.
Mark rolled over and started rubbing my back.
"Jordan was the one that saved us the day we were almost...
Well he's been with us ever since, Bellamy too, along with Octavia, Jordan's wife and Bel's twin.
They are twelve hours a part and she lets him know it to." Mark chuckled.
Dally chuckled too.
"Thats like me and Olly we aren't brother's but he acts like he, is we are twins from two seperat worlds.
But I act older and I let him know it." Dally chuckled as Olly grumbled.
"Still older than you, almost a full day old you dork." Olly sighed into his pillow which made us all giggle cause he was actually responding in his sleep.
"Get some rest Aden, I'll be here, we all are." Dally kissed the top of my head as he snuggled into my hair.
I could feel Mark snuggle into me as well.
"I'm so sorry I didn't stay by your side." Mark sniffled.
I felt Dally lift his head, he was about to comfort him when TK spoke.
"I got him, focus on Aden.
Mark its okay we were both there and it still happened, its not your fault.
Those guys are sick.
Nothing could get in their way, well except might mouse on crack over there.
Man that was some crazy thing you did." TK laughed as did me and my brother.
I told Dally, who started laughing.
"TK can I sleep with you guys." Sarah crept in.
"Over here princess he's already got a sleeping buddy." Huck chuckled as he wrapped his little sister into his arms and pulled her close, she giggled as he smothered her head in kisses.
"That was scary, I didn't know what to do?" Sarah whimpered.
"You did the best thing Sarbear you screamed your head off which got me and Mark there to Aden and keep that other guy from grabbing you.
I think you scared the crap out of him literally, cause when I was fighting him I swear I smelt something." TK teased making her giggle as we all laughed.
Huck pulled her tighter as a tear escaped.
"Huck you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah its just when I saw him with that knife as he was going for Sarah I froze, if I did something would he have hurt her?
She's my little princess, I wouldn't be able to go on with out her.
Than I thought about you two and what you been through and how close you stay.
I just, I don't get how someone can do that to kids." Huck started to cry.
We all got up and group hugged him. TK of course was the one really hugging him.
"Its me right you thought you lost me?" TK half whispered.
I just stood there holding Sarah and watching as they took away the one person who knows everything about me.
We might not be blood but your the only little brother I got and I can't loose you.
And you two stay close to your nephews.
From what I overheard they been throug a lot too." Huck said as he dried his eyes.
"Where do you get your info?
You scare me sometimes Huck." TK raised an eye brow at Huck who just chuckled.
We ended up all on the floor together.
Mandy and Ashley joined as well.
"Mark I'm sorry." Ashley shly spoke.
TK of course ruined the moment.
"Omg my sister grew a heart, she's no longer a Grinch." TK grabbed her and rolled on hid back while hugging her, at first she fought him well tried but than she relaxed and pecked his cheek.
"I love you big brother.
I didn't mean it you know, when I said I hate you, a can never do that." She sobbed as she rested her head in his chest.
"I know my little Ash cloud you were just embarrassed by your big brother teasing you." TK chuckled.
"Ash cloud?
Where do you come up with these Sarbear for Sarah.
Why am I Ash cloud?...
Don't answers that.
Why doesn't Mandy have a weird nickname?" Ashley scoffed as she was now sitting between Mark and TK.
"You seen her boyfriend right?" TK acted nervous.
"True he's a good guard dog." Mandy cooed as she kissed Dally on the cheek.
"You did have one when I was younger.
What was it now?" Mandy teased as TK tried to shush her.
"I was fourteen and stupid we just met so please don't." TK's eyes were wide.
"Mom even scolded me for it already.
Mandy please." TK was sounding desperate.
"Sexy queen." Mandy blurted as TK grumbled into his pillow or I think screamed.
"Omg you had a crush on your sister." Dally teased.
"To be fair we are not blood related.
I was fourteen.
She was already more developed for her age and I was in awe what did you expect, have you looked at her..."
"Watch it, your on thin ice TK." Dally scolded.
"Oh come on eew...
I'd never and it really was a teasing name, she was in her gotta be tight short short stage you remember.
I beat you up for looking at my sister.
But anyhow I got over it fast.
She had no interest in me like that and well the feeling was mutual.
Besides Huck made sure I wouldn't screw up." TK kinda grumbled the last part.
"Yeah and than one day I kissed him, it totaly freaked him out.
He even said this is so wrong.
Its like kissing my sister.
Technically you were." Mandy smirked.
"Hey eew I didn't know that." Huck grumbled.
"It was on new years eve, a harmless normal kiss on the lips.
I don't even make out with Dally, you know I didn't with TK.
It was cute having him treat me like queen for a bit but after that it all ended and I was his annoying sister.
Mom and dad knew my plan.
Besides they knew it was just a phase too.
Awe Huck you jealous?
You didn't get to kiss your head cheerleader, adopted sister." Mandy teased as she made kissy faces at him.
"Eew no pervs." Huck mumbled into Sarah's hair as he tucked his face behind her head.
"I only get kisses on the cheek from my princess." Huck wicked as Mandy hit them with her pillow.
"Kids keep it down." Colt laughed from the door way.
"No weird family stuff on my watch." Colt tease as we all said, "Eew."
"Goodnight Colt we love you.
Goodnight boys we love you." We all yelled.
We could hear them giggle in their room.
"Goodnight family I love you." Dally said as he hugged me and Mandy.
Each each got a kiss, Mandy on the cheek and me on the forhead and cheek from Mandy.
"So you two don't make out?" I asked.
"No way man, we are all waiting till the big night with our beautiful bride." TK gigged and held up his hand.
"What's that?" I asked grabbing his hand and getting a better look at his cool ring.
"A promise ring.
Well I call it that came from someone else.
See we all made a promise to God to wait till we are married.
Dally too.
We'll kiss our girls but we don't make out or anything.
Gotta set a good examples, you know for the two little princesses." TK smirked as he squeezed Ashley.
"Oh now I know why you call her your little princess, that movie." I realized.
"Yeah well her fault, making me watch it a million times because her name was in it." Huck teased quiter now, Sarah fell a sleep, as did all of us.
Mandy was between Mark and me tickling my back as I fell asleep.
"Poor baby...
Can't wait till we start our family.
Your gonna be a great dad." Mandy cooed.
I couldn't help myself once she said that.
"Goodnight dad.
I love you dad." I giggled eveyone did the same.
"Dally shut your kids up, they keep waking mine." Colt tease as we all laughed.
"Okay guys seriously.
I think we are just overly tired and I know three are more so, now let's get some sleep.
Oh Aden how you feel do need any pain meds for that?" He circle his finger at his nose refering to mine.
"Nah." I yawned and snuggled into his chest.
I fell asleep to my friends praying for us.
"TK when the ropes loosened, I was begging God during my fit for help." I said nonchalantly.
"Well they say if two or more agree it is done.
I was doing the same.
I know these guys were praying." TK said
"Nah we were still playing video games." Huck teased.
"Guys enough, sleep now." Dally got stern and we all listened.
I was too wound up but I felt safe and warm in the bubble Mandy and Dally had me in.
Jordan and Octavia use to do this eveynight with me in the hospital and when I got home.
Eventually I was sleeping again with Mark but like I said before I did make my way to them or Bel on most nights...

Deception: The Journalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें