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I couldn't believe it.
I thought he was joking but than he showed me the picture he took when we were born.
He gave me a copy too...

He gave me a copy too

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Cam is in the middle.
I'm on the right and Connor on the left.
Its funny but now Connor is the smaller one and has darker hair.
Its sad to think these innocent babies will soon be abused by a man pretending to be there father that hates them
So back to learning I have a triplet...
I was a nervous wreck as Bash led me through the all to familiar hall.
I was led down it all to many times before.
Worse when its just me.
I literally froze as we got to the doorway that led out to the attached shed that contained an under ground bunker.
Mind you its hidden, if police searched the place they'd never find it or the many others that covered his property.
He use to drag me in there by my hair kicking and screaming.
Once inside he would lay me on this table and electrocute me till I passed out.
The next day I wake chained to a pole with him whipping me.
After that I don't remember much on how I got the scars I have covering my body mainly my back.
What's worse I always thought it was just me than he started going after Cam.
"John come on not today." Bash smirked deviously as he grabbed my arm and we continued to his study.
"We had some great times in there didn't we?" Bash chuckled.
My stomach flipped causing me to want to puke.
Let's get one thing straight he abused us mentally and obviously physically never that other thing.
Once at one of his shows he let us be kids so we got to wander around mingle as long as I made myself look different.
This stage hand guy cornered us with is buddy.
Thankfully Bash was done with his set and was looking for us
Those guys were trying to do stuff but I kept biting and kicking them off till he found us.
Cam was on the floor behind me screaming at the top of his lungs.
One of them finally had me and was rubbing my chest and kissing my neck before he got any further he collapsed to the ground.
The guy who had Cam just looked stunned and shoved him at Bash.
It was the first time he actually acted like he cared.
He hugged us and we came out here for a month to just be kids.
He was normal than.
We were eight at the.
Jones had just left two weeks ago.
Bash sat us both down in his study to first find out what happened and how far those guys went with us.
He was relived it didn't go to far but when Cam left I told him what the guy said in my ear.
He than explained that some men are pigs.
He told me to never think about it again.
But it took awhile and we found ourselves sleeping with Bash that month.
He seemed to want to be extra careful with us but that faded fast once routine went back to normal and than this place turned into a nightmare.
"John what is with you today?" Bash scolded as I stood in the doorway of the play room.
Bash glanced in and sighed.
"Your drawing are still in there." Bash had a tear escape as he looked down at me and walked in.
He grabbed my file he made and we went through it, first it was normal happy kids drawings but than I saw the dark figures going after the small boys.
Bash seemed equally upset by them.
"John when you said I stopped them before...
Were you just saying it because you were afraid of what I would do to you?" Bash asked and for the first time I saw he had a soul.
"No than I would have told you they scared me more.
What I told you was true.
I know the pictures tell a different story.
Something I think Cam and I blocked out.
See we got taken by them once before they took us to this back room these kids were in.
They started doing things to them.
Cam and I just ran.
But they caught us scared us to the point we forgot.
Except that day we were terrified and knew we were next so we freaked out.
There was no way I was going to let them touch Cam..." I we starting to cry and freak out as if the day was now.
"Johnny stop.
Relax you did good son." Bash said as he pulled me into a hug snapping me out of it.
"Why do you hate us?" I cried into his shoulder.
"Look at me.
It has nothing to do with you boys.
I am wired different.
I'm a clone with flaws and a temper just like you.
Just be glad you know how to fight your temper.
Now I am trying Johnny.
I know you won't believe me but I will never allow that one thing to ever happen to you boys." Bash said as he hugged me.
"I know...
Bash why us?
Why did they try to go after us?" I asked.
Even though nothing happened it still bothered me.
"Because they knew you were victims already.
Men or people who target kids they can tell your weak.
But you surprised them." Bash chuckled as he pulled out my dark drawings.
"These are the kids you saw them abusing isn't it?" Bash sighed.
Can we burn these?
Cam's too?
I don't want him thinking about it." I rested my head back against Bash's shoulder.
He wrapped his arm around me in a slight reassuring hug.
"Yes you can burn yours.
It should be up to Cam if he wants to rid his.
I'm sure he will.
Okay let go to my study.
I have some more uplifting news to tell you after, this we could use it." Bash chuckled as he stood he looked at my happy pictures with a smirk.
"You know these are not all from that day.
I kept everything you boys made.
I'm not completely heartless.
When I drowned Cam I really thought I killed him.
I freaked out and left.
I was shocked and trilled he was still alive.
I couldn't kill the boys I watched grow.
Sure I have killed.
But I would never kill you boys or your brothers." Bash said as we continued to his study.
On his desk laid an old picture of three babies.
I picked it up to examine it better.
Bash hugged me from behin.
"Thats you, Cameron and Connor.
The bigger baby is Connor, Cam is in the middle and your on the end." Bash had his chin resting on my head as he told me.
I felt my legs give out as did Bash who tightened his hold and helped me sit down.
"Triplets Johnny...
Connor came out first.
You were next Cam was a surprise, all this time even in the womb you were hiding him as was Connor.
But you and Cam shared an umbilical cord and placenta which was dangerous.
I was the one delivering you boys as your father cleaned you up.
When I saw another head starting to crown I was surprised as was your mother.
When he came out he was slightly blue he was loosing oxygen.
And you knew something was wrong and cried so hard it made Cam gasp.
I told your dad to bring you two over to Cam we laid you boys just like that and we couldn't believe our eye as you two protectively hugged him.
His color returned and you boys were otherwise healthy and happy.
Your dad gave Connor to Cooper when he was seven, you kids were a year old at the time he had him escape with your brother.
I have these two other photos but this one is yours Johnny it shows even than you protected your baby brother.
Also your not the first born after all." Bash smirked.
"How long till I came out?" I smirked as Bash chuckled.
"Okay you two share first born.
You tried to squeeze out with Connor.
Trust me that was interesting to prevent.
As for Cam he took five hours not five minutes.
So your right when you call him baby brother." Bash smirked.
"Did you always plan to hurt us even after delivering us?" I had to know there was a heart in there.
I know he showed it with the other situation but I needed more.
"Yes and no John.
In the moment and till you boys were three I never hurt you but you pretty much know what happened.
I kidnapped your mother and brother Cooper.
Than your father.
I was never a kind person.
Well I think I was better when I was younger.
Till one day on vacation Carson and I were jumped and these men grabbed us.
I protected him but what they did to me I swore I would never do or allow to happen to you boys.
I killed those men so we could escape, it was my first time.
And thats when I started being so hard on Carson.
I guess that's when it really all started.
I was always rough with Carson.
I know I hurt him but after that day I got worse.
I let him go to the courts to get placed with his aunt and I ran and went into hiding.
I knew if he didn't I would have killed my baby brother.
Johnny you asked me why I hated you.
I don't.
I just can't love.
They took that from me and those men wanted to do the same to you.
It was Carlos and Hector.
You know why I killed him or well thought I was killing Carlos.
I caught him watching you boys in your bath.
I know I shouldn't have made you watch me kill him.
But I figured to use it as a scare for you two.
I found is journal on what he wanted to do to you boys.
I burned it.
Carlos and Hector were the men in the dark.
I didn't know until I read his journal.
He made mentions of you boys." Bash said with tears in his eyes.
"Oh." I whispered.
I started to think back if I remember uncomfortable moments with Carlos when I trusted him.
"Johnny he never had a chance.
He was never left alone with you boys.
But he was grooming you two and I saw it, thats when I watched him like a hawk.
Even if you think you were alone with him you were not I assure you." Bash cupped my face he searched my expressions to see if I was listening.
"I know.
I always knew when you were there.
Its funny, I kind of remember being on edge with him and was glad you were right there spying." I smirked as Bash pulled me close and kissed my forehead.
"I made sure this time before I killed them that they still didn't take your innocence." Bash hugged me and for once I actually welcomed his warmth.
"Bash could you please be a real uncle?" I sighed as my face was snuggled in his chest.
"I will try Johnny.
I promise." Bash kissed the side of my head.
"Here I was hoping to end on a happy note before getting you settled in the library." Bash sighed as he looked at me again.
"I kinda like this.
Its normal.
Sort of." I chuckled.
"How is it you always still find the good?" Bash chuckled and hugged me tight.
We both stood up and I took his hand.
I didn't want this normal moment to end.
"Because you showed it to me when I was two and again with those guys when we came here the first time and now this time.
Like they say three times a charm." I shrugged.
"Your good kid Johnny." Bash chuckled and pulled me into his side.
"Okay so should we say something or just burn them." Bash chuckled.
"Done with old way and welcome in the new." I smirked up at him.
We sat there for a moment on the floor watching my worse memory turn to smoke and be taken away.
I rested my head against his chest as he held me.
"I wish we could have done this years ago." I sighed as a tear fell.
"Me too kiddo.
Johnny look at me.
If any memories of that day do pop up don't hesitate to tell me no matter what mood I am in.
Its not good to hold that kind of thing in.
If I hurt you remember its not you its me.
Its never you understand?" Bash said as he pulled me into another hug.
I really hope he has changed and we could be a real family again.
"Johnny one last thing I need your journal.
Don't worry I just want to read it.
I won't get mad, its only your point of view on how your young mind is figuring things out.
If you wrote about me I understand." Bash assured.
As I handed over my notebook, my hands were shaking.
Bash sat the notebook aside and took my hands in his.
"I really screwed you kids up didn't I?" Bash sighed as my shaking slowed.
"Yeah but were young, we'll get over it." I smirked with a nervous chuckle.
I could tell he was trying to fix all the damage in one moment.
He couldn't hug me enough.
Not that I am complaining.
But why the sudden change?
I don't want it to go away.
"Okay if I plan on making dinner for you kids I need to get moving.
You have free range but please stay in here and wait for your brothers.
I got a stack of new astronomy, photo and art books.
I remember you liked that kind of stuff." Bash smirked as he tried to get up but I leaned into him.
"Just a little longer." I sighed.
Bash chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me resting his chin on the top of my head.
"I'm sorry I never showed you love Johnny." Bash sighed as he squeezed me tighter.
"Its cool Cam always did.
I always thought I didn't need your approval but I guess I was wrong." I giggled as he he poked my ticklish spot...
"You think?
What was your first clue Sherlock?" Bash teased.
"I promise I won't hurt you boys anymore." Bash said as a decree as he kissed my cheek.
"Thank you...
I won't hold it against you if you do but I definitely like this better." I smiled.
I finally let him go get Cam but before he left...
"Speaking of Sherlock.
I bought the whole set on your thirteenth birthday.
I remember you liked reading those kind of books to Cam and your old set got burned you were so heart broken.
Its on the window seat with a few more presents for all you boys." Bash was beaming with joy.
He always gave us something for our birthday but nothing we really wanted but needed.
I waited for my brothers who were equally shocked and Cam looked relieved...
I watched as Cam sat as I did moments ago with Bash watching his bad memories go up in smoke and looking so peaceful with Bash.
I sat next to them hoping Bash would hug me again.
As if he knew what I wanted he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his side.
"Are we safe now?" Cam sighed.
As he rested his head against Bash's chest looking up at him.
He looked between us both looking at him waiting for his answer.
He landed forward and gave Cam a kiss on the forehead and me.
"Yes boys your safe now and forever.
I am turning over a new leaf.
I don't know maybe because I could actually kill the two men that harmed children in the same way I was harmed, it must have did something in me.
Even though they were just clones.
Maybe the fact I wasn't there watching them with you scared me that much than I thought kick my protective mode in high gear.
I know this doesn't make you think I changed.
And don't ever think you have to kill to feel better its just me who's wiring is screwed up.
Plus the lack of law now is messed up." Bash sighed as he gently took Cam's wrapped wrist in his hand.
"I guess I was still coming off my crazy high.
But it was killing me hearing you boys scream.
And doing the same to Connor as I knocked him out with the shot.
I still felt awful.
Here use this, get rid of it and that stupid brand they gave you." Bash handed me that goo lotion.
Before he left to go talk to Connor.
We opened our gifts after applying the lotion.
There was an antique chess set Cam begged for it has forest animals.
Books we always liked and wanted.
A sketchbook and tools I always asked for.
Connor had somethings he was surprised Bash knew he wanted some steampunk creation set...

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