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What was an awesome day hanging out with my uncles and their friends turned onto a nightmare.
Started on our walk back from the shore to the cabin.
There was a a cry coming a little ways off the path.
Dally returned carrying a boy not much older than us.
He looked like an animal attacked him.
As we neared the cabin we were blocked by two men, they had guns but only one of them was using it aiming at Aden.
It was odd like he new Aden and TK.
Later I found out his name is Trev, he tried to go after Aden a few months ago.
Apparently he changed now.
Than there's the other guy.
Luca, apparently he was one of the few that never touched TK and his friends except for beating them.
Now they are going to be civil with these guys as they take us all away.
TK who is Aden's brother our uncle had us write this cool cryptic letter, man he is definitely family with a mind like that.
So now we are all aboard a boat heading who knows where.
It's been a little over a week and we are starting to feel crazy being cooped up.
"Your free to walk around.
Don't wander around in dark corners of the boat.
There might still be those like Jose amongst my men." Luca instructed.
Jose was killed by Luca for trying to rape Aden.
He was also the reason Ben looked like he was attacled by a wild animal.
So we wandered around but you know us kids we got board.
Ben was the leader of or mini group, kid has guts considering.
We wandered around all over the ship, sneaking some snacks from the kitchen.
We made our way to some storage room in it were cages stacked on top of each other.
There were animals that I never saw and others I have except they look larger than usual.
Unfortunately we weren't the only ones in there.
About three guys that looked like Damon where there blocking our escape.
I backed up against the cage where this giant wolf was in.
It wasn't threatened by me in fact I think it would have killed those men for me.
Thankfully Luca likes to make rounds checking on his product.
"Your kidding me right."Luca mumbled as he trained his gun on the men.
They looked like children shreeking away from him.
"Boss we were just having fun." Thing one said.
"We weren't going to hurt them." Thing two said.
But Thing three he should have been gagged he blabbed.
"We were just going to touch them a little nothing serious."
You know he sounded simple the more I think about it I felt kinda bad for him when they beat him up and took him to the cells.
"What are you kittens doing in here?" Luca asked calmly.
Man this guy and his pet names.
For a boy being called kitten, I was annoyed.
Yeah I let him know it, yeah he slapped me in the mouth for it.
Do I regret it?
"First off we are not kittens, we are people, boys at that.
Second we do what we want, when we want, your not the boss of us." I know stupid but I really don't like this guy.
I want my dad and want to beat this freak up.
"You will not speak to me like that ever again.
I am the boss of you kitten." Luca gripped my jaw as tight as he could causing tears to sting my eyes.
"He's just scared it's what Johnny dose." Cam gripped his arm to get his attention.
Luca looked back and forth as if just realizing how identical we are.
Than he spotted the scar on both out foreheads.
He moved my bangs to get a better look at the scar.
"Explain this." Luca demanded.
"No.." I started to sniffle.
I shoved his hand away when I felt his grip loosen.
"Johnathan." Luca said sternly.
Oh sure now you know my name.
"Our crazy uncle Bash he raised us, in fact he's a clone and he hates God born.
Obviously I mean he beat us every day, practically starved us, throwing us into a hole for months and this just in, gave us growth blockers and who knows what." I snapped at him.
Instead of anger for my out burst I saw sympathy.
"That explains your boldness.
Sick of being bullied and told what to do.
I'm sorry I slapped you force of habit.
Come I'll give you boys a tour." Luca smirked.
"What's his story?" I put my hand in the cage to pet the wolf.
Luca was about to stop me but saw the animal liked me well us cause Cam, Connor and Ben joined me.
"Well I found Hunter in this lab, he was sick.
Usually he only lets me near him." Luca smirked as he joined us and gave him a treat.
"Come, maybe when we get home I'll let you have him but he will be your responsibility." Luca chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me.
I than realized he was kneeling down at my level as he looked at a hawk with sad eyes.
"Lady sure is a beauty.
Wait till you see her in the sun light she shimmers.
Boys, before the older boys start planting their memories in you heads, I want you to know I have no intentions on harming you.
Especially the way your uncle was.
Sure I might hit you if your out of line but I truly want us to be civil.
Yes I have done things I am not proud of but that part of my life is behind me." Luca tried to explain.
"Luca." I started.
"Yes kitten." Luca chuckled softly as I glared at him.
"Those guys that cornered us are they clones?
Is Damon a clone?" I asked as I spotted Damon enter the space.
"Yes Johnny I am, the other three are clones as well.
Andrew is the more simple of the three, he was only repeating what the other two were planning.
I assure you he would have beat them off the moment they did anything.
Luca permission to put Andrew in my care so I can teach him better.
You also know the other two just need better guidance as well?
Jose was in charge of them." Damon frowned.
I looked at Luca who was looking at us with concern for out safety.
"Okay but you need to keep Andy on a tight leash literally.
We have these special harnesses they used for clones so they could leash them.
Kinda like what parents use on toddlers, except these harnesses have locks." Luca explained as he chuckled at our confused looks.
"The other two stay locked up till they can prove themselves.
Now let's finish our tour and get you boys back to Terk before he gets mad at me." Luca pretended to be afraid which made us giggle and he had a content smile as we continued.
"Okay now this is my pride and joy room.
This lab I raided had been cloning prehistoric animals on a small skale." Luca was beaming as he unlocked the door.
Inside there were dinosaurs no bigger than The largest dog.
"A T-Rex!" I ran up to the cage but Luca wrapped his arms around me just in time.
"Now that guy is nothing like the wolf.
He will eat you." Luca chuckled.
"There you boys are..." TK's voice trailed off as soon as he realized what were in the cages and one of those long neck dinos stretched out its head and nudged him on shoulder like a kitty.
TK smirked as he pet it.
"Looks like Lucy likes you." Luca smirked, he still had ahold of me which made TK have a concerned look.
"He almost ran up to the T-rex." Luca side stepped us to reveal a small but still dangerous dino.
TK's eyes went with both fear, shock and awe.
"How is this even possible?
Why are my nephews here?" TK motioned around at the animals and than got serious at Luca who might I add still had his arms wrapped around me.
I felt Luca slump and sigh as he put his hands gently on my shoulders.
"I found them wandering around like lost kittens and we started having a tour of my collection." Luca explained.
He left out a detail that I was going to remind him of since TK looked heated.
"Oh those steaks I brought them.
I want all you boys to join me for dinner." Luca said cheerfully as he pushed me towards TK.
"Boys wait for me in the other room." TK said sternly.
I was going to protest but TK was already for it.
"Go Johnny." TK said sternly.
I shoved my hands in my pockets and left the room.
I stood by the door to listen.
"Look I don't know what your planning, acting like some normal guy who cares about us.
I know its a ploy to let our guard down.
News flash Luca that's not going to happen.
I could tell by the look on their face you deliberately left something out.
They are my neephewse I am even including Ben as a nephew you cannot keep information about them from me and you cannot and will not be alone in hidden places with them evr." TK went off on him.
I peeked through the crack in the door and saw a look on Luca's face that scared me.
With in seconds Luca had TK pinned against the door his arm cutting off his air as he pressed it across TK's throat.
"You see here pet.
I am in charge here.
I will do as I want, when I want with those kittens.
You can't do anything to stop me and if you do I will make you regret it.
Understand pet?" Luca didn't yell or sound mad he spoke calm, the way a sadistic killer dose right before the chops you up.
I could hear TK take in a shaky breath before he responded.
"Yes sir." TK breathed.
I didn't have to see him to know he was crying.
The door open and Luca was leading TK out while having a tight hold on the back of his neck.
Luca frowned when he saw me standing there shaking a little.
"Dinner should be ready, soon get everyone ready.
There is a shower in your room, fresh clothes are in the closet.
Jonny this doesn't hinder our little idea with the wolf he is still yours." Luca offered me a warm smile as I relaxed.
Personally I wasn't even thinking about that.
"Wolf?" TK looked back and forth at us.
"Go ahead show him." Luca smirked as he handed me a biscuit for Hunter.
I took TK's hand we ran over to Hunter.
"Wow he's beautiful." TK breathed as he followed me up to the cage.
Hunter liked him too.
"His fur feels like a rabbit.
He's a giant." TK looked back at Luca who was smirking.
It was like what happened before was like a dad scolding his son.
I don't know, it just made feel more relaxed around Luca to think of it that way I guess.
"I don't think he took into consideration some of us are still kids." I grumbled as I came out of the bathroom with a sweat outfit two sizes way to big.
TK and Dally stifled a laugh but poor Cam who is still catching up frowned with a sigh as he went in to take his shower.
"Let's see, come here." TK chuckled.
We went through the closet some more when there was a knock.
"I went threw the supply stock and found a stack of small sweat pants and jackets.
"Thanks Andy." I hugged him and ran into the bathroom.
I noticed Andy was equally thrilled with my effection.
"He likes me." I heard him whisper to Damon.
"Privacy means nothing to you." Cam narrowed his eyes at me as he looked out from behind the shower curtain his head still soapy.
"The curtains thick.
Besides since when do you care?
We take showers together all the time, well we use to since like what a month ago." I teased as I went through the clothes.
Connor came in to choose is outfit, followed by Ben who had been suddenly went shy and stayed by our side, I think guys make him uncomfortable.
"Umm Johnny while I take a shower do you guys mind hanging out in here with me, to you know watch the door?" Ben fiddled with his shirt sleeve.
"Yeah no problem.
Ben did he...
Are you..." I wasn't sure how to asked if that Jose raped him or molested him.
"He toched me yes.
He insisted he had to wash me after I was in the shower.
Luca and Trev was out.
I know he would have killed Jose on the spot like he did for Aden.
He thinks of me as his kid." Ben smirked.
"Is that why you were in the woods?" I asked softly as he kept his eyes on the ground.
Cam was out getting dressed as Connor got in.
He had different plans.
I could see it in his eyes so I fought him off, he of course was stronger and hurt me and my shirt got ripped when I finally made my escape and hid in the woods.
I knew they were spying on you guys.
I wanted to tell Luca but he scares me too.
I was afraid he blame me or get mad at me or I don't know." Ben started crying.
Luca happened to be standing in the doorway.
Quietly he came in and gabbed Ben in a bear hug from behind.
"It wasn't your fault kiddo.
He was taking advantage of a child because he was weak.
Benji I would never blame you for what some pervert did to you." Luca turned Ben around and kissed his forehead and pulled him into a tight hug.
"Suddenly I feel exposed." Connor mumbled from behind the showers curtain.
I grabbed his towel, boxers and T-shirt.
"Thanks bro." Connor blushed.
"Sorry Connor.
I came to tell you boys dinner was ready and heard Ben talking about what happened.
Okay I'll let you get your shower and so Connor can finish getting dressed." Luca chuckled.
TK and Dally stood protectively in the doorway for us when Luca was in there.
Dinner was quiet but Benji seemed to be more relaxed, he sat next to me and Luca who sat at the head of the table.
Luca kept glancing at Ben lost in thought.
I could see anger and disappointment.
Not at Ben but what happened to Ben.
When Ben giggled at TK's goofy way or Cam's weird stories Luca lit up as well.
I wander if the guys are realizing Luca has changed.
Sure I know that rage is there but he cares about us all.
Especially Ben.
"So what happened to your folks?" Connor asked.
"They were killed in the clone war." Ben said as tears fell.
"Oh sorry." Connor whispered.
"Its okay.
I need to say it out loud it feels like a dream.
I keep expecting to wake up and everything will be normal again." Ben smirked but it was out of nervousness.
"D-d-dolphins." Andy stuttered.
Luca pulled out a pill bottle and gave Andy a pill and a bottle of water.
Damon didn't leash him after all.
Luca didn't seem to pleased about it.
"What's with the pills?" I stayed behind with Ben to help clean up.
"His brain is still developing.
Like the wolf I rescued them from a lab." Luca sighed.
"Ben how long was Jose doing that to you?
I had you for a year." Luca sat in the chair and had Ben face him.
Half a year.
When you go out he would come into my room or in the bathroom when I was in the shower." Ben sighed as he looked at the ground.
"Did he make you do things to him?" Luca looked afraid to know the answer but tried he best to conceal it.
"No." Ben whispered.
Luca just kept searching Ben's eyes to see if he was lying.
"He really didn't.
I couldn't.
He tied my wrists and gaged me." Ben explained in a hushed voice.
Luca pulled Ben into his lap and hugged him as he cried.
I kept cleaning up, eventually TK joined me as I was washing the dishes.
"What's up with Ben?" TK asked as he shoved me playfully aside and took over.
"He told Luca what Jose did to him for half a year." I told him.
TK got quiet.
I think he thinks Ben was raped.
I assured him Ben said he was only touched.
Everyone was pretty exhausted and crashed when we got in bed.
I woke up from a nightmare.
I was in the storage area I must have been sleep walking.
That's new.
Cam was snuggled up next to me too.
Which started to concern me than I realized my wrist was cuffed to a poll and Ben was next to me.
My other wrist was cuffed to Cam.
"Relax kitten." it wasn't Luca's voice.
But I saw this guy in TK's journal.
Yeah I spied in his journal.
Wait your supposed to be dead.
Aden said..." I looked around and spotted Aden shivering and crying with tape wrapped tightly around his head covering his mouth.
His wrists bound above his head.
"No Jordan killed my clone, not me.
My you look like your father both you boys.
Connor he looks just like Aden." Hank smirked.
"What do you want with us?" I half growled.
Hank just smirked before he lashed out slapping me across the face.
"I came to collect my property.
Luca was so kind to hide from me." Hank yelled.
The door burst open and Luca along with TK and Dally were standing there.
"No Hank I bated you.
I knew you were the one hunting them.
I knew you hid among my men.
I was just waiting for you to act." Luca smirked as he nudged his chin in the direction of a camera.
"See your not as scary as your clone.
Well at least not to me.
Now hand over the keys to Andy." Luca ordered as Damon and Andy walked in.
Andy helped Aden first who ran into Dally's arms.
Cam ran to TK as Ben ran to Luca.
Andy held onto me protectively as Damon took Hank out of the room.
Luca and our two new body guards stayed in our room the rest of the night while we tried to sleep...

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