(I'm a Triplet!)

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Turns out I am five hours younger than my brothers.
Johnny is being relentless with this now.
Johnny is seconds younger from Connor so that is irrelevant because he insists they breathed the air the same time.
I shared my placenta and umbilical cord with Johnny.
I almost died but Bash thought of putting us together because Johnny's scream cry made me gasp.
He gave me a pic of us at a year old the last time we were together...

He gave me a pic of us at a year old the last time we were together

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Connor is in the middle.
I'm on the left slightly hiding and Johnny as bold as he was even than is sitting as tall as he could.
Probably ready to fight for me than.
I can't get over that Connor was bigger and fairer than us.
But now me and Johnny are taller and fairer.
We are still growing.
He could shoot up like a weed on us one day.
Bash and I burned these old drawings I did from a past I never want to think about again.
Carlos who we trusted turned our to be our dark monsters.
Is it wrong I'm happy Bash killed him for sure this time along with his brother Hector?
They were both the men that attacked us that day.
If Bash didn't kill them would he be this new Bash we prayed for all our lives?
Doesn't matter their gone and he's here and that matters now.
I really enjoyed our moment with Bash as we burned my dark memories.
"Are we safe now?" I asked leaning against Bash's chest looking up at him.
I was taken by surprise when he leaned over and kissed my forehead and wrapped the arm around me tighter.
He did the same with Johnny that was sitting next to us.
"Yes boys your safe now." Bash smiled.
Years of torment faded in that very moment.
Even if it doesn't last we at least had this moment.
I almost fell asleep in his embrace right there.
I'm always tired anymore.
Johnny thinks its from the shock still.
"Cam you okay?" Bash asked as he turned me around to face him.
"Your flush." Bash looked concerned.
He pressed the back of his hand against my forehead and on the back of my neck.
"Yep you have a temputure.
Johnny go get him a cool pack out of the fridge.
I'm going to make you some tea when he gets back.
"Bash said as he rubbed my back as I laid against him resting my head on his shoulder.
I felt like such a big baby in that moment.
But I didn't feel good.
Besides thirteen is still a baby.
Thats what Cooper and Chris teases us with...
I laid my head on Johnny's lap while he held the cool pack on my neck.
Bash came back with two cups of tea.
"Here it helps pevent also.
Remind me to make Connor one.
With you boys sharing a room and sleeping so close I wouldn't doubt you all get sick." Bash smirked.
He sat me up and sat next to me while I sipped on the tea.
"You did good he's already cooled down.
How do you feel, both of you?" Bash asked as I laid down on his lap.
"Tired." I rubbed my eyes like a big baby.
"I have a scratchy throat." Johnny coughed.
"Good thing I'm making stew." Bash chuckled as he rubbed my back.
"Cam mind laying on Johnny so I can talk to Connor and go make you kids supper.
Oh so you know Miles is here as well.
I did hurt them but that was before all this.
Also I have a son Jay, you'll get to meet him.
Don't worry he wasn't loved more than you boys.
I didn't even know till I saw him and his mother at the human camp.
She was injured really bad.
I stayed with them till she passed and moved Jay here whole I went to look for you boys.
Thats when I got captured by Carlos and his brother.
I think you boys would like Jay he's a good kid.
He's fifteen." Bash smirked as he halped me get situated on Johnny's lap.
I fell sleep to Johnny reading Sherlock.
I didn't sleep long and was ready to sit up.
I sat there resting my head on Johnny's shoulder while he read.
I got up and grabbed another book and paged through it.
Out of instinct we both jumped when Bash returned with Connor.
The three of us sat there reading.
Connor and me resting on Johnny's shoulder.
Bash chuckled at the sight of us when he came to get us for dinner.
We sat next to Chris and Miles while Connor sat next to Cooper asking why were never told especially him.
They said that they were hoping Bash wouldn't figure out they were the same two that got away.
Once Bash entered everyone got quiet but Johnny and I kept smiling up at him.
Once we were all served Bash sat down and started passing out small bottles of the lotion.
"Use it on all the marks, the ones I made and the brand.
I want to apologize to all of you for the things I put you through.
Like I told the boys I am turning over a new leaf.
Now I don't need to go into detail with all of you like I had to with the boys but I can assure from this point on things will be different.
I am going to train you boys and we are going to go get the rest of your family.
Once all together and safe I will part ways." Bash stated as everyone looked at him shell shocked.
"No we don't want you to leave." Johnny blurted.
Our brothers looked at him like he was insane.
Bash chuckled and put his hand on Johnny's shoulder.
"I know you say that now but Johnny I can't assure you this is going to be a long term safe with me.
You of all people should know that." Bash sighed with tears in his eyes.
"But you promised you'll never hurt us again." I whispered as tears fell.
Bash got up and turned my chair to face him.
"Yes Cam I did but you know I can never keep my promises.
I love you both.
I always did but there's something with the way I was made that has me screwed up." Bash sighed as he pressed his forehead against mine.
"No those guys who attacked us is what screwed you up Bash." Dad stood in the doorway with a sad smiles as Johnny ran up and lept into his arms.
"Carson how did you get here?
How did you know to come here?"
Bash and I walked over to dad.
"We came that day before going home to mom and dad.
I heard you talking to Johnny earlier.
That was really when all this started with you.
Sure we, well you roughed housed but it was after that night you snapped completely.
Who wouldn't after killing those guys who wanted me but took you instead as you covered me protecting me.
Bash I might have acted like I forgot but I never did.
You blam me.
If I wasn't there none of that would..." Bash pulled dad into a bear hug to shut him up.
"Stop baby brother.
I never blamed you.
We should have talked to mom and dad I know you wanted to.
One of those guys survived.
He cut the break line and was coming for us so I hurt you so bad that you had to go to the hospital and I went into hiding.
And well became more screwed up obviously.
I knew you were still alive that day when the boys were two and I knew it was Monica's clone I killed I was the that organized tgat.
I just wish I did thing differently with the boys.
I didn't want to drown Cam.
I'm so sorry little brother." Bash cried like a baby.
"I know Bash.
Can I be burtily honest without setting you off?" Dad asked Bash as they stood there with their foreheads pressed together.
"Yes Carson you can.
I think I know what your going to say." Bash chuckled through his sniffles.
Dad pulled out a needle.
"I was going to kill you." Dad looked nervous but remained close.
Bash smirked.
"Told ya I knew.
I don't blame you Carson.
I screwed up our family and kept secrets from you.
I allowed Alexander control.
I have him locked up now." Bash sighed.
"Wait, your twin!?" Dad suddenly looked afraid.
He was behind all of it.
Everything literally.
Right down to those guys.
He told me if I didn't at least beat you or them he'd do to all of you as he had done to me." Bash fell against dad and cried.
"Wait do they all know?" Dad suddenly looked at our brothers.
Than at us.
"Just me and Johnny because it almost happened to us.
So he told us a little bt not in detail." I said.
"Well your only thirteen you don't need details." Bash smirked and ruffled my hair before pulling me into a side hug.
"Bash what did you do!?" Dad saw our wrapped wrists.
"I'm sure you can figure it out but I gave them that lotion." Bash assured Dad as he squezzed my shoulder lightly.
"Okay boys go eat.
I need to talk to your uncle.
Miles, Chris your in charge while we are gone.
Don't worry Cam we will both return." Dad smirked.
Me and Johnny snuck off to listened as they talked in the study.
"Bash are you telling me everything I'm to believe was Alexander!?" Dad yelled.
"More than you know.
I didn't even tell them.
All the abuse, those scars on their wrist, all him, while I was locked in a closet hearing their screams.
I set up Monica's clone and freed her assuring I would protect them.
I failed you both baby brother." Bash cried.
"No their alive.
Jones told me you were doing CPR on Cam till he got there.
Bash you know we need to use this on Alexander." Dad sighed.
"I can't!
Sure I have killed but he's still my twin even tho we are clones." Bash sobbed.
"Bash those boys out there are trusting you to protect them.
You already betrayed Alex by locking him in that bunker he tortured Johnny in!" Dad yelled.
"Look I can't!
I know what your saying but I can't do it Carson!
It would be like telling Johnny to kill Cam.
It won't happen!" Bash snapped back.
"Don't ever use my boys as a for instance like that ever again." Dad said coldly.
"Look I can turn off the oxygen.
He will suffocate." Bash sighed.
"You can slowly kill him, not kill him fast?" Dad questioned.
Thats when we heard a noise in the bunker room.
"Dad, Bash!" We both stood close to the study door watching the handle turn at the bunker room.
Bash opened the door pulling us in and hitting a red button and grabbed Connor just before closing the study door Alexander cut Connor's arm.
"There's a first aid in the drawer.
Connor baby look at me your going to be okay.
Carson hurry he's going into shock." Bash cupped Connor's face trying to keep him cal as he was going in shock and near passing out.
Dad started working on the wound pretty quickly.
"You a doctor?" Johnny asked as dad looked all professional like.
"Yes Johnny he is." Bash smiled as he held Connor.
"He nicked an artery.
But he'll be okay.
He's just a little in shock." Dad sighed as he gave Connor a shot.
"You better open this door little brothers before I go into that dinning room do to all those boys as what was done to Bash and slaughter them one by one!" Alexander sceamed as he pounded on the door.
Bash assured us he couldn't, he just turned the rooms into a panic room when he hit that red button.
"All he can do is roam the halls while we have access to all the rooms.
We should get back to the other boys." Bash handed Connor over to dad who started going to the Dining room through the library.
"Remember those nights you came into my room and slept with me.
I hit a button on my and you both swore it was a ghost trying to get in?
It was Alexander.
I set this place up to try and protect you boys when he didn't lock me up first." Bash knelt down and explain than gave us a hug...
"What did he do!?" Cooper and Miles both snapped about to rush at Bash who pushed us out of harms way.
"It wasn't Bash it was Alexander!" Johnny yelled and they both stood frozen with fear.
"You heard of him?" Johnny looked over at Bash who shrugged.
"He kidnapoed us once.
We didn't even know he was any relation to you at the time.
Cooper didn't remember your face." Miles said as he collapsed to the floor.
Bash ran to his side.
"Please tell me only hit you boys." Bash cupped Miles face.
"Yeah that and mentally.
He would tell us thing he was going to do to all of us.
Them too.
He included you the last day slipping up and letting us know he was your twin.
Thats when Cooper realized who he was.
Cooper said he remembered two different faces that were the same yet not.
I broke us out of there and after the day at school dad didn't want to risk anything more so we moved to Atlantis." Miles spoke in a half daze.
Bash helped him up and to the sofa to lay down.
"Okay the rooms are all set like a panic room he can't get in or out.
But we have free range and we can get outside.
But right now Connor is injured and these two are sick.
Unless the doc says otherwise." Bash smirked at dad.
"Well if its as secure as you say we will stay.
Bash will you reconsider killing him.
You..." Dad started to say as Bash snatched the needle and squeezed out the contents on the floor.
"I won't.
Besides you already know he is stronger than me.
What if I go out there and that stuff ends up in me who is going to protect you baby brother." Bash smirked weakly.
"Bash was he the one to..." Dad couldn't bring himself to say it.
Its different being clones and were not really related being made in a test tube and all if you think about it.
But with you I felt like your brother.
I watched you grow I loved you.
But Alex never had a normal brain.
Now him I think was created by a sick person." Bash chuckled.
"How did they end up cloning my brothers?" Dad sighed.
"They took samples from the hospital.
They were both in a car accident.
Both eighteen, Alex already had a record, Dad told me.
They were out for a joyride, Alex was driving, he drove them into a tree.
Your parents wanted to use the cloning experience to get back their boys.
But Alex was already screwed up.
I only had a temper because of Alex hurting me.
So they kept me and let whatever happen to Alex.
They never wanted you to know about them.
Or us." Bash explained as I started felling asleep in his lap while we all sat on the other sofa.
Connor was already sleeping in dad's arms.
Johnny was laying his head on Bash's leg while I sat on the other.
"So what was the record Alex the original had?" I asked.
"He went after a boy that was fifteen." Bash sighed.
"Thats how old I was when they grabbed us." Dad sighed.
"I know.
I have memories up until the crash.
The real Bash was afraid of his brother.
He tried to get out but Alex stabbed him before the crash." Bash sighed again.
We all jumped when something hard hit the door.
"Bash Carson I'm sorry.
I'll change I promise baby brothers.
Please open the door...
Bash open this door you..." Alex said a word dad said I better not write or I'm grounded for life.
"How dose he know what room we are in?" I whispered as Bash tightened his hold on me.
"Because he knows its the biggest room.
Carson let's move to the library.
We can go in the back room its an extra panic room.
Cam, Johnny, Cooper, Jay let's go upstairs and get a few things." Bash stood us up and took our hands.
We walked up the back passage to our room.
Bash grabbed sleeping bags tossing them to the boys.
We grabbed our two stuffed animals and Connor's bear that looked like our toys we got him in Atlantis.
Bash chuckled.
"Here you might want your binkies too.
I kept them clean." Bash chuckled as he tossed three blankets that matched our stuffed animals.
We went back down and got settled.
Dad slept with Connor, as Bash slept between us.
We snuggle into him as the pounding and yelling kept going.
I heard dad start praying.
Than our brothers joined in.
Bash started to join in as well.
We fell asleep as their praying drowned out the noise...

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