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So the next day we all were gathered in the dining room.
We are officially meeting Aden and Mark's friends along with the family that saved them.
"I'm TK.
Mr. Serious here is my brother from another mother his name is Huck, our beautiful adopted sisters Mandy poo..." TK earned a glare and slap in the head for that from the biggest guy of the bunch.
"As I was saying this is Ashely my Ash cloud she's always grump its a phase  I hope..." Ash elbowed him in the gut.
"And favorite of all Sarah my little Sarbear.
She's my cuddle bug." TK picked up the younger girl squeezing her as she tried to squirm away.
"Okay your so bad at this.
I'm Dallas and this is my twin from another mother Oliver." Dally shook our hands.
"I'm Jordan Linc, this is my wife Octavia and her twin Bellamy.
We are here you boys as well.
Viv showed us your files so we all know what you been through." Jordan sighed as he looked at us.
One thing that is getting on my last nerve, pitty, everyone looking at us like pitiful creatures that have been abused.
"Yeah okay." I mumbled as I took a step back into dad who squeezed my shoulders gently.
"Okay boys time to eat breakfast and get to the training field.
Oh boys please buddy up with an older boy.
I don't want any one al..."
"I call Johnathan!" TK raised his hand and bounced like a two year old.
I couldn't help smile at him.
Huck slapped him in the back of the head.
"Grow up let them choose who they feel comfortable with.
Either way all of us will be watching as responsible adults." The moment responsible adults escaped Hucks mouth his frinds and sisters burst out laughing.
"Okay guess just me than." Huck mumbled rounding another burst of laughter from them.
After breakfast we all got dressed in jogging outfits.
Well jogging pants, t-shirts and sweat jackets that match.
The guys goofed around the whole way there.
TK ran up behind me picking me up from behind and squeezed tight and glared at Dally.
"Mine." TK side stepped away from him.
I couldn't help giggle.
"Put the poor kid down you weirdo." Huck slapped him in the back of the head.
Now TK held me in one arm rubbing the back of his head.
"Your seriously going to give me brain damage." TK half whined.
"You can keep me if you give me a ride on your back." I looked back at him.
TK smiled wide as he set me back on the ground and knelt down so I could climb on.
"So how old are you kid?
Cause your tiny." TK teased.
I sighed as I rested my head on his shoulder.
"There's a reason for that.
They were injecting us with growth blockers.
But we are apparently almost twelve not even thirteen like we were told." I sighed as tears escaped.
TK stopped and sat us in the grass as everyone was a distance away, except Huck who had Cam.
"What's up?" Huck sat next to us as Cam got comfortable on Huck's lap.
He was still tired as he rested his head back against Huck's chest as he closed his eyes.
I was sitting next to TK.
"I got upset talking about the shots they gave us." I mumbled.
"Oh yeah I remember reading that.
Hey is he okay?" Huck pointed to my sleeping brother.
"Honestly I don't know.
The blockers are still strong in him.
Thats why he's smaller than Connor and me.
Janet said the meds will make him sleepy." I half frowned and yawned myself as I leaned into TK.
Dally ran up to us with Aden in toe.
"What did you do to them already.
Dally teased as he swung at TK who dodged the hit.
"Wow that took what fifteen years for you to learn to dodge." Dally teased as he sat next to me.
"Its the meds they are on." Aden sighed.
"Oh that stinks.
But they look flushed." No sooner Dally said it Cam coughed a mucus cough and I joined him.
"Our immune system is low too." I sighed now laying my head on TK's lap.
"Aden go tell Colt we're taking the boys back to the house." Dally stood picking me off the ground.
Man I was out of it.
I felt like I was floating till my head was resting on his shoulders.
When we woke TK was snuggling me as he was sleeping.
"No more teas sarbear." TK mumbled in hos skeap as Huck chuckled.
I looked over and he was on the other side of Cam.
Cam was still sleeping.
"Sarah force him to play real tea parties because he was the only one who would really pretend with her.
Man he got bloated.
I think he pucked once." Huck whispered as he rubbed Cam's back he moaned in his sleep and started crying.
"Huck I think I'm going to throw up." Cam cried as Huck got him up and into the bathroom.
"Hey Johnny how you feel?" Mom sat onto the bed and checked my head.
"Cold." I coughed and snuggled tighter into TK.
Mom checked his head too.
"Their sick too.
You all caught a flu." Mom smirked.
She frowned as she looked at Huck cradling Cam.
"He threw up a lot.
He fell asleep waiting to see if needed to throw up more." Huck sighed and looked exhausted.
"Janet should be here soon." Mom sighed as she checked Huck's forehead as well.
"Thanks Stacy but I'm good." Mom shook her head at Huck as he started coughing.
"Yeah your sick too." Mom smirked.
"I'll get you three jello water to sip on.
Hop you don't mind banana its yellow I don't want red at the moment.
Mom chuckled as she gave Cam and I a kiss on the head.
"Connor is good, He's staying over at Gabe's with Lily and her brothers.
How are they?
I saw what Cam threw up, looks like everything he ate and than some." Dad sighed in the doorway.
"Yeah please flush that.
Its normal with some flues.
If ever you see blood thats a concern, otherwise please flush.
So all four?" Janet asked.
"Five." Dally coughed and raised his hand he was laying behind TK against the wall.
This will be interesting.
Huck can you help me with Cam since he seems worse." Huck helped her like she asked.
Cam was crying, he was that exhausted.
"Okay Cam, last a shot and you can rest."
Janet checked Huck and so on.
"Okay they all have the same flue.
I gave them an immune boost.
I was able to get them hooked up with IVs.
Colt you remember how to hook up and remove?...
Good as soon as they run out replace.
Make sure they are comfortable first.
After the second one remove.
I will be back tomorrow.
Aden I didn't see you over there." Janet walked over to the window seat bed.
"Yep you two.
Let's get you in this bed the other is to full." Janet teased.
"Janet can I move over to him?" Dally asked.
Janet helped him get situated with Aden who was happy to not be alone.
We all slept through the night peacefully.
Some point during the night all our fevers broke and we're all just sitting up in bed joking around and talking.
"So this one time Olly had this brilliant idea to steal food from this vender.
I mean we were starving and this guy was nasty.
So Olly the great actor he was orders his food.
Takes a bite as he acts like he is looking for his money suddenly he's on the ground gasping for air.
The vender rushes to him while I snuck on his truck filling our back packs.
I whistled as the guy was about to do CPR.
Olly opened his eyes and starts screaming for help, that he was being sexually assaulted, man you should have seen the look on the guy it was only us around, until Olly screamed for help, this gang came out of no where.
We weren't sure who was going to get hurt us or him.
We didn't stick around to find out.
We bolted and ate good that night." Dally and Olly were laughing so hard about that day.
But TK and Huck had a look that there was more to that story.
"Yeah that was fun till..." Olly sighed and just got quiet.
"What happened?" Cam cocked his head in curiosity.
Than suddenly rested his head on Huck's shoulder and coughed.
"Well that also got the attention of some other people the one that ran this club for men.
They always try to collect street kids.
We were twelve so we became an easy target.
About four of them followed us, waited till we fell asleep  next thing I remember is waking up chained to a bed and well I reather just leave it there okay, besides your to young to know." Dally sighed as a tear escaped.
"Yeah its okay.
I get it.
Unfortunately I think I have an idea what happened." I gave a him a shy smile.
"Man thats not right your only eleven you shouldn't know." Dally was upset about that.
"Yeah well horrible up bringing dose that." I shrugged and looked over at Cam who was sound asleep on Huck's lap.
"Looks like he gets effected worse." Dally sighed as he covers Cam and moved his bangs a little.
"So how long were you stuck with them?" Aden asked as a tear fell.
"To long.
Olly and I stuck together like glue in the boy storage.
We even became the den fathers for the younger boys protecting them from the older boys and the men that came.
We found places to hide them on shopping day.
The other boys were to busy hiding to give us away.
Thats when we noticed they leave a door unguarded so we were ready when shopping day came again.
Olly and I had the kids ready they knew the plan and when the day came Olly and I did our best to carry the smaller ones and make sure they all got out that were strong enough to keep up.
Some of the other older boys noticed and grabbed up a kid straggling behind and caught up with us, we all kept running till we got to a church.
We bardged in during worship.
All eyes turned to us, filthy half dressed beaten kids, we turned to leave but were blocked in.
We all stayed surrounding the younger ones.
We didn't know if they were any of those that were pretending to be good people.
I didn't recognize any of the men.
But than a mother and father squeeled with joy yelling 'Tommy my baby.'
Tommy was so afraid he clung to me tighter.
His parents quickly realized he was in shock.
So I got hugged too.
Tommy was only six when he went missing at a playground with another boy Olly was holding.
They took us to their shelter in the basemeant and got clothes for us.
Olly and I had the best shower we had ever had in years.
We stayed with Tommy's folks for awhile.
But they had other family problems and we were sent here.
Being old enough they let us stay in the boys apartment.
But gotta say this is a nice upgrade." Dally smirked as he squeezed Aden.
"Dally do you have younger br..." Before I could ask TK covered my mouth.
Tears were streaming down Huck and Dally's face.
"We both do.
Dallas's little brother Tex.
And my brother is Finn, our parents were so weird.
Daly is really Dallas and his brother Texas.
Mine is Huckleberry and my little brother Finn." Huck chuckled as he leaned into Dally for support.
"What happened?" I pressed.
"They were adopted.
They were toddlers.
They didn't care about separating us.
But at least their together.
I hope.
Huck and I ran away to try and find them but we couldn't and than tjat other thing happened and being with Tommy's folks trying to help keep him feeling safe and than the clone war.
I have no clue if they are alive, safe or anything." Dally dropped his head burying his face into Aden's hair and sobbed.
"Huck I have to use the bathroom." Cam.
Olly took him and thats when I realized something.
"You all were there weren't you.
Your the other boys that escaped." I said to TK.
"Olly was one of the meaner older boys but not the worse he did his best but he mainly protected TK.
That day TK was next to us and I grabbed his sleeve knowing he'd follow.
Huck and TK ended up moving in with the girls folks that day.
It was weird not being with Huck." Dally sighed.
"Wait so the story before..."
"It was still Olly.
We were all together.
Olly was like the leader of our group.
I know it looks like Olly and I are brothers now but than Huck was we knew each other best.
Sure we all grew up together but than Huck and me were closer." Dally smirked.
"Okay he's still sick.
He threwup three times." Olly sighed as he carried Cam back into bed with dad on his heals.
Mom brought us broth to sip on and we spent three more days in bed...

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