Human Zoo

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Suddenly Johnny just couldn't take it being in the same position he was in all his life with Bash.
The fact he actually liked Carlos who now betrayed him was the breaking point.
Johnny took his journal and threw it against the dirt wall and fell to sitting on the mattress that sat on the floor.
He sat against the wall hugging his legs resting his chin on his knees and stared at his now frasseled journal.
He noticed something fell out of it.
Johnny crawled over to it and picked it up...

"Cam must have put this in my journal

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"Cam must have put this in my journal." Johnny smirked as he looked at the family photo he was allowed to be in.
Johnny flipped it over because Cam wrote something on the back.
"Thank for always being there for me big brother.
Now we will always be together even when we are apart.
Did you know when they first took pics they said it was capturing the soul.
Well you have my soul and I have yours now and they are stuck together forever as is this handsome bunch that suddenly came into our lives.
You are loved Johnny always know that Big brother...
I will deny I ever said big brother if you bug me about it cause let's face it five minutes dose not deem you older...
Your favorite, smarter, faster, brother in the world, your soulmate, long winded brother Cameron." Johnny read out loud with a chuckle.
"We will get out of this little brother." Johnny whispered as he looked at the picture with tears in his eyes, he placed the picture back in the clips Cam glued in his journal.
It felt like days have gone by in the hole when the hatch sudenly opened and a rope ladder was kicked in.
"Climb!" Carlos ordered.
Johnny sighed and took a deep breath as he put his journal in his backpack and climbed out.
When he was within reach Carlos had to grab hold of the backpack straps as Johnny slipped.
"Good thing your wearing this." Carlos chuckled as he stood Johnny in front of him.
Johnny was still catching his breath from the climb and near fall.
Johnny glanced back into the hole and collapsed to the floor at the surprise of the height he climbed and could have fell.
"I could have died." Johnny whispered to himself.
"Yeah but I had you kid." Carlos knelt next to him and playfully bumped into him.
Johnny looked at him with a mix of concern, fear and hate.
"Where's Cam?" Johnny looked at him with tears threatening to fall as he spoke through clenched teeth.
"He's alive as is everyone." Carlos said as he stood and hoisted Johnny to his feet.
He led Johnny through a hall lined with rooms behind glass, it looked like a zoo.
In fact there were name plates for all of them.
"Welcome to my God Born collection." Carlos chuckled as he led him through the hall.
Kids Johnny didn't know were behind the glass looking out at him.
Carlos stopped infront of one room where a guy ran up as if he was mad and slammed against the glass.
Johnny jumped back into Carlos who wrapped one arm a crossed Johnny's chest.
"Its okay he can't get out of there." Carlos chuckled.
Johnny locked eyes with Bash who looked for once concerned for Johnny.
Johnny saw the fear in Bash's eyes as he looked at Carlos.
"Told you I'd reunite your family." Carlos said as he turned on the intercom.
"If you put one mark on that boy so help me I'll..." Bash started but Carlos cut him off.
"You'll what?
Kill yourself slamming your body against bulletproof grass?
Come now Bash we know all about you and your brother's children.
None of you will escape.
I can't believe your treating me about hurting Johnny.
Didn't you attempt to kill him?
You killed Cam but Jones revived him.
He made sure this one didn't get paralyzed." Carlos chuckled as he tightened his hold on Johnny who's heart was pounding and he felt on the verge of passing out.
"I best get him settled before I'm dragging dead weight." Carlos chuckled as he felt Johnny loosing strength from the climb, lack of food and water.
Johnny glanced over at another room and saw Chris looking at him.
Johnny stopped moving and looked at him till Carlos shoved him.
Johnny heard a door open and saw Kane and Able walking towards a room larger than the others with two boys.
Johnny knew it was Cam and Connor.
The boys were both death gripping each others hand as they walked.
Johnny was also shoved in the room as a hiddin glass door closed them in.
"There's clothing in the dressers.
See that door its the restroom equipped with all your needs.
Food will be served shortly." Carlos smirked at the boys hugging and checking each others bruises.
Connor was like another brother to the boys.
"Cam your okay?" Johnny examined the bruises on Cam's face before hugging him.
Cam screamed out in pain as Johnny wrapped his arms around his brother.
Johnny jumped back eyes wide and stared lifting Cam's shirt to see what happened.
As soon as he saw Cam's abdomen all bruised he practically ripped the shirt off to see the extent of the damage.
Cam was covered in welts and bruises on his back.
"Awe Cam what happened?" Johnny started to cry as Cam collapsed against him and cried.
Johnny did his best not to touch where he was injured which was nearly impossible.
For some reason Johnny glance across to Bash's cell and saw him punch the window shattering his own hand in the process.
'I don't get it, he did this to us first why show you care now?' Johnny pondered in his mind as Connor came back with cool wet wash cloths.
"Who did this Cam?" Johnny tried to keep control of his emotions but seeing Connor and his bruised face and tears were not helping.
"Connor take your shirt off please." Johnny asked as Connor shook his head.
Johnny went to grab Connor's arm and pull him close so he could check him but when Connor turned his back on him he could see blood soaked through the shirt.
Johnny sat Cam up and got to Connor.
"No don't please its stuck, it hurts." Connor cried.
"I know it dose but I need to get your shirt off and clean the wound before you get an infection." Johnny insisted as he cut the shirt carefully and tried to remove it but Connor screamed in pain stopping Johnny.
"Johnny can you hear me son?" Bash's voice came over the speaker.
Johnny looked around trying to figure out how he was communicating.
I'm not your son." Johnny said through clenched teeth.
Bash chuckled.
"We'll discuss that later...
You need to get the shirt wet.
The blood dried fusing the shirt to the wound all your doing is reopening the wound...
Cam you need to suck it up and help your brother, go fill the tub up with water." Bash half demands as usual Cam complied with his demands.
"Always a good little soldier...
Johnny in your cabinet in the bathroom there should be a jar of some awful smelling stuff labeled Newt's goo.
It was a science project your cousin was doing.
They figured out the process.
Now after they are both clean put it on all bruises, cuts, welts and wounds...
Johnny are you okay?" Bash finally realized Johnny could be hurt.
"Not that you care yeah they didnt beat me just had me in a hole." Johnny mumbled as he got Connor into the bathroom and helped him lay back in the tub to soak off the shirt and dried blood.
"Johnny thats to much blood!" Cam started to panic.
"Get out Cam!" Johnny demanded.
"Connor don't listen to him your going to be okay." Johnny said as he helped Connor sit up and removed the shirt now with ease.
Johnny couldn't believe the sight on Connors back it looked like someone took a rake to his back in all sorts of directions.
Johnny started to cry.
"Johnny suck it up your supposed to be the strong one.
You need to clean that.
And use the gauze to apply and keep the goo on.
"Strong one!?
You of all people know you tried to break me and now you say it like you made me strong." Johnny scoffed as he continue taking cate of Connor.
"Think you can change out of the wet stuff?" Johnny asked as he helped Connor out of the tub.
"Yeah I think so." Connor sobbed.
Cam's eyes were wide as he saw how badly shredded Connors back was.
"Not a word Cam." Johnny scolded and sent him to go get clean.
Once they were all cleaned up and healing with the goo, Johnny took a shower.
When he came back to the bed both boys were fast asleep on their stomach.
Johnny had to change Connor's bandages before he could craw in the middle of the two and rest himself.
Cam instantly moved to lay his head on Johnny's lap as did Connor.
Johnny combed his fingers through both boys hair.
It was the only area not injured.
"Why did they do this?" Johnny cried.
"Carlos said because you tried to punch him.
Remember?" Cam sighed.
"Yeah I do.
So he punished you two because of me?
But why did he do that to Connor?
Better question what and how?" Johnny sighed as he snuggled into his pillow more so he could rest.
"He said he didn't want to risk killing me, that I was too fragile already.
Connor who had a normal up bringing should be stronger.
I just think he wanted to test out that laser machine, he wasn't ready for me to die but he doesn't know Connor and he puts him in the same league as all God Born.
Shouldn't it be God created?" Cam giggled.
Johnny smirked at his brother's giggle about something so simple in a drastic time.
"Yeah I agree." Johnny sighed as he snuggled his face into Cam's hair and gave him a kiss on the head.
"Try and get some rest Cam we'll talk more about this in the morning." Johnny said as he started dossing off....

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