(Oh Goody School)

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I hate school, the school work is fine, its the whole peer pressure crap I hate and the cliques.
Jocks, geeks, goths, snobs, invisibles, the gangs.
They are what I hate because my brothers and I fit the bill to be targeted by all yes even the invisibles are bad news.
I overheard Cooper and Connor had their share of beatings from bullies and apparently these bullies are at our school.
Now I'm sure we could fly under their radar, that is if our dad and uncle weren't barging in there and trying to get these kids kicked out.
"Hey what happened to you guys?
I thought we were going to walk together." Lily was a ray of sunshine in our little clique.
"Yeah plans changed." I mumbled as I stared in the glass window where dad and Bash were arguing with the principal.
"Oh..." Lily frowned.
Raven came up behind his little sister and wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on her chin.
"What happened?"
"Its not about you guys.
Apparently Connor's past bullies are here." I sighed.
Those guys?" Raven nodded his head in the direction of the boys being seated in the waiting room.
"I guess." I shrugged.
Cam glanced over and tried to hide himself from them instantly.
"Yeah their the worse.
But their like untouchable or something.
They nearly killed this kid once everyone saw it.
But nobody did a thing." Raven shuttered a little and hugged his sister tighter.
"Wait how long has the safe zone been here?
I thought the whole clone issue just happened?" I asked as I felt Cam tighten his grip on my shirt.
"This has been going on for years.
This area was established, wow ten years ago now.
We been here for six years.
Them two years and I got a taste of who they..."
Raven was cut off by one of them grabbing him and shoving him into the boys bathroom.
Hoping we didn't get pulled along I bet.
Well unfortunately two other guys grabbed me and Cam.
Lily I think went in the office with Connor.
"Starting trouble for us again Miller!?" The biggest of the bunch growled as he slammed his fist into Raven's jaw.
The same boy was still holding onto Raven.
Dazed and unable to response the guy turned to us.
"Awe how cute your identical.
Don't worry every bruise he gets you'll get.
Can't mess up the book ends now can I?" He got close in Cam's face.
Cam whimpered as tears just stared flowing down his face.
The very face that was finly free of bruises.
Cam hated seeing them, he always complained he was starting to get self conscious about it to.
"Please leave him alone." I begged as I tried to free myself from my captor.
He just smirked as he backhanded Cam across the face splitting his lip.
"Thats odd usually I get a scream or something.
This isn't your first rodeo with beatings is it boys?" He grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me close.
I just braced myself for a beating of my life.
I don't know how long we were in there and when they left and when we got to the clinic.
But all I knew when I woke my brother wasn't beside me and I couldn't move.
"Cam!" I screamed and cried causing the nurse walking by to come in.
Its okay, he's in sergury you just got out yourself." she cooed.
She looked like an Angel.
"What happened to us?" I cried.
"Internal bleeding.
You boys got beat up real bad.
They didn't get the boys but they have an alert so hopefully they'll get them soon." she sighed.
"I'm Angel by the way." Angel smiled down at me.
'Of course it is.'
I smirked to myself.
"You need anything?" Angel asked as she combed her fingers through my hair.
"This, you can keep doing this." I said as tears formed.
"As you wish your highness." Angle smirked as she kissed my forehead.
I fell asleep with her tickling my head.
I woke to bells going off.
It was Cam he started crashing.
Angel closed my curtain and got in my bed and held me as I cried for my brother.
Its been two days, me and Cam took turns crashing through out the days.
We are finally stable and they pushed our beds together after my unending crying and begging.
The doc was about to give me something till Angel took it apon herself to push his bed against mine.
Instantly Cam was glued to my side.
"Geesh that was so hard." Angel grumbled at the doc cause me and Cam to let out a small giggles.
The doc was about to go off on her but his face softened and he smiled at us.
"You definitely have away with kids." he smiled at her.
"I'm the eldest of a dozen, among us are two sets of identical twins, boys and girls, they are inseparable no matter how annoyed they get with each other.
They always sleep together too." Angel smiled back at us as I was protectively hugging Cam.
Dad and Mom were finally allowed in with Connor.
"They still haven't found them." Dad sighed as he kissed my forehead.
"How are you boys?" Mom asked as she stood by Cam.
"Okay now I guess.
Still sore."
"Mr and Mrs.Black.
They are stable.
It was touch and go the first day and yesterday.
They kept crashing and we had to re-operate.
Now I want them to stay in here for sometime.
We have an apartment like area for patients to heal.
They will continue with school.
They can have a guest each to stat with them." The doc smirked at Connor who was snugled up to me hugging us both.
And Cooper who watched from the door way with him.
"I can maybe allow one more since it wouldn't be wise to have them without supervison." He winked at us.
"Sounds good to me.
Cooper, Chris you two mind packing for these three and yourselves?" Dad asked.
They both nodded and went home to pack.
They packed our sleeping things we still sleep with.
Books and stuff we would want within reason.
"How long will they need to stay?" Dad asked as Bash joined.
"Well with the past injuries and this one I give it a good year.
Now when I see things are going smoothly outings and home visits are okay.
But I advise they stay here so they can rest." The doc sighed as he looked back at us.
"Past wounds?" Bash mumbled.
"Yeah there was a very minor leak.
I could tell it was a long time.
How long I couldn't tell." the doc seemed to be wondering if Bash had anything to do with it.
"Look I never hit those boys hard enough.
But Alexander is a different story." Bash sighed as dad punched the wall.
"Look it was very minor, could have been more recent than I am thinking. Let's just focus on the fact they are getting better and healing.
Last they need right now is stress." Doc reminded them...
So now we are in that apartment like place adjacent to the clinic.
Some of the kids here are like us but abused by their parents, some kidnapped victims and bully abuse...
We have counseling every night.
'Thats not gonna get old at all.'
Chris and Cooper join as well and Connor.
Today this one kid talked about how his mother's boyfriend took his innocence.
That turned into a daily thing along with beating him.
That was hard to hear.
Maybe because we all had a brush of it nearly happening to us.
After hearing that kid I considered Cam and I actually lucky that all we got was beat up.
Cam had tears in his eyes listening to that kid so the big brother I am I had to ask what was wrong.
"Remember that day they had us back stage in that closet before Bash found us?" Cam whispered as he sat on my bed not looking at me.
My heart started pounding.
I just knew something must have happened.
Maybe the guy who had him didn't start with being gentle.
Did he...
Did he touch you?" I whispered.
Cam didn't have to answer as he collapsed on my lap and balled like a baby.
All I wanted to do was bring those guys back to life just to kill them again.
I pulled Cam up so I could hold him.
"Why didn't you ever tell me this before?" I asked as I rubbed his back soothingly and he started to calm.
"I didn't remember till Markus talked about the first time his mom's boyfriend went after him and his brother.
I started getting flashes of want happened to us." Cam said through sniffles.
"Oh..." Was all I could say.
"Johnny why aren't you so bothered by what happened?
He did the same to you?" Cam mumbled.
I could feel he felt like he was alone in this and he didn't like that I wasn't confessing something that didn't happen to me.
"What are you talking about?
He rubbed my chest, kissed my neck and told my in horrible details the plan they had for us.
But Cam he didn't touch me there." I sat him up and searched his face.
"Yes he did Johnny, right before he got knocked out he was touching you.
I saw him while his brother was doing that to me.
Even though it was on the outside of our pants they still touched us Johnny.
Mark said its the same with our without clothes." Cam was back against my chest crying as I robotically rubbed his back trying to calm him.
I don't remember that and I'm the one with the eidetic memory I can't forget things, how was I able to block that out and poor Cam he remembers his and seeing my attack.
Tears stared to flow no matter how hard I try I couldn't remember.
We fell asleep out of pure exhaustion we are still healing after all.
I started whimpering in my sleep.
I could hear Cam next to me crying.
I felt him stiffen next to me.
I couldn't open my eyes the dream had ahold of me.
I was being crushed by an arm around me.
Sudden fear coursed through my body. I saw Cam looking at me pleading with his eyes for me to save him a large hand covered his mouth while the other was out of view.
I dropped my eyes and saw where it was on my brother.
My heart raced and I tried to get to him but I felt a pressure in an area I shouldn't for an eight year old.
"Don't move, don't make a sound or things will be much worse for you two.
Consider yourself lucky your not in that room with those other kids." The voice behind me chuckled as he kissed my neck.
Tears flowed as I stood frozen locking my eyes with my brother.
The guy touched my waistband of my sweats my heart raced.
I knew he shouldn't be there and I couldn't move.
I saw the other with Cam was acting like a mirror following the others lead.
Before he could follow through I bit the hand over my mouth, even when I tasted blood I kept biting harder causing him to scream in pain.
Moments later he was crummpled on the floor on top of me.
I tried to move but he was to heavy for my small eight year old frame.
I heard an all to familiar voice and for once I was happy he was here even if he beats me for letting that man touch me, it was my fault after all, he told us not to go near the stage hands.
I laid there squeezing my eyes shut as I was lifted off the ground.
I was shocked by the arms wrapped around me and the grown man sobbed.
"You two are going to be okay.
Your smart Johnny...
Here rinse, just spit on the ground.
You made him scream thats how I found you two." Bash snuggled me.
I was to in shock to react.
He collected blood from the perverts and we sat in the hospital...
"Cam!" I bolted straight up.
Instantly he was hugging me.
"Johnny I was back there." Cam cried.
'No he couldn't have been having the exact dream.'
I looked down at my brother who was sobbing into my side.
"Cam he was going to actually touch us..." I started.
"Yeah you bit him like a vampire." Cam chuckled a little.
"Yeah..." I sighed.
It made my stomach turn at fact it was real.
All these years the black shadow touching me in my dreams was real.
"I was hoping you boys didn't remember." Bash sighed from the door doorway he was listening to us compare the dream.
"You knew what they did?" I practically glared at him.
"Yeah they pulled the security footage in the storage room it was newly installed because the owner suspected he was getting robed.
I saw them touching you boys through your clothes and when they tried to go further you bit him Johnny.
Look at me because what happened to you boys your still okay, your still innocent, you were babies and you shouldn't have had to experience that.
I wish that day I took you boys and went into hiding away from Alexander I wish we stayed hidden.
But I was terrified.
After showing him and pleading he allowed that time at the cabin for you boys to heal.
The doctors told me not to press to let you boys come to me.
You were both in shock and wouldn't talk.
Gotta say bath time was interesting.
You two would scream like wild animals as I tried to get you in the bath after you two desided to roll in the mud." Bash sighed as he sat next to us.
Why us?
Why can't we be normal?" Cam cried the questions I had racing through my mind.
"You are normal Cameron it has nothing to do with you.
They were weak men going after babies.
I'm just glad you acted fast Johnny.
That was smart of you to bite and keep biting too." Bash chuckled as we snuggled into his side as he hugged us.
"Why did you collect their blood?" I asked.
"To make sure you wouldn't get something from that filthy animal.
People like that have things that could make you sick.
I wasn't sure all of what happened to you boys except the blood I saw on you." Bash explained.
"I'm okay right?" I looked up at him as I was still leaning against him.
I know of the things he was talking about.
Mark mentioned some things he thought he could have gotten but he was clean.
"Yes Johnny, you didn't get anything from his blood.
I wish I protected you boys better.
I didn't want to let you two wander off but it was an off day.
I didn't think it would hurt for you two to just be kids.
I should have listen to my gut feeling.
If I could go back to that day I would have demanded you two stayed put off stage where I could see you." Bash started to cry as he tightened his arms around us.
Thank you.
You were always there for us when we needed you the most and didn't know it.
You did help us be kids." I snuggled into his side and yawned.
It was early in the morning I think four AM.
"Get some sleep Johnny I'll protect you." Bash got us situated and comfortable against him so he could comfort us and rest as well...

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