(Secrets & Lies)

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I can't believe everything we were told was all lies, our brothers are our uncles, mom and dad grandparents, Bash is our great uncle as is that Alexander.
I am beginning to think they are not clones either.
How can I ever trust anything they tell me now.
I mean Dad my real dad since first meeting him he told us so I'll give him a chance but I am so mad and frustrated right now.
But I do have C-PTSD.
Its complex post traumatic syndrome.
Happens when you endure the same traumatic experience over and over.
We don't handle stress like normal kids.
Cam goes into shock and I just get mad or shock depending on the situation.
Connor who is afraid of the dark clinging to Cam back there I was hoping would be the stronger one right now being the real big brother since those other guys are actually uncles its up to me yo be the tough on still.
I didn't even realize I got head of chicken little and afraid of life boy till I heard them scream.
I turned around not seing them I ran so fast I thought I reopened my wound.
I came to a hult with Colt calming them.
It was cute seeing my brothers leaning against his shoulders sobbing a little as he calmed them.
"There's room for one more." Dad smirked.
I shuffled over and sat between my brothers and rest my head back against his broad chest.
Its funny but there's a different comfort with dad.
Sure grandpa felt safe in one way sort of i stil felt off with him but its different with my real dad.
He rested his chin on the top of my head.
"A penny for your thoughts." He chuckled than kissed the top of my head.
"Why didn't they tell us?
Why lie to us?
What's with the secrets?" I shighed as tears escaped.
Cam and Connor were suddenly sitting in front of us as dad wrapped his muscular arms around me.
"Well my family has a traumatic history.
Stacy and I were never to get close she was forbidden.
They hated my family.
From what you heard my baby brothers your uncles told you about what Hank did to them you can understand why.
Trust me if things were different I would have kept all of you away from him.
My mom signed me up for boot camp for my own protection.
I wouldn't doubt Hank had his hand in their kidnap with your great uncles." Dad sighed.
"About that are they still clones?" I asked.
They are clones his story is still true.
I knew Bash would do his best to protect my boys.
But that twin clone of his scared me.
He came to the bootcamp to be a trainer a privet trainer.
He took me on this hike told me if I ever try to find you boys he would destroy me without killing me.
And make you boys watch.
Than he would destroy you three.
He went in grave details on what he would do.
Some as what Hank did to my brothers till I could leave the camp and raise them.
Turns out someone passing by heard Aden screaming.
The guy burst through the door, the scene he saw I won't tell you boys but it was herandous the guy ended up fighting with Hank.
The guy killed Hank buy he didn't five him much of a choice.
I nearly threw up looking at the photos that were taken on how he had my brothers.
Their both like you two with that C-PTSD.
Aden's temper is short and Mark tries to act like a normal kid." Dad sighed as he hugged me tighter.
"I didn't listen you know.
I stalked you boys once I had my brothers here and safe.
So many times I could have grabbed you two.
Johnny I was the one that clubed that perv.
Bash told me to get out before Alexander got there.
Jones was my spy.
I told him to leave if things got to hard for him.
I am the reason Alexander was able to get you boys out of the fire alive.
He almost stuck to his word but reconsidered, he told me he will allow this one free pass.
He beat the tar out of me and left me for dead.
I wish I would have just ran with you boys in my arms.
I had you both that day." Dad sighed and squeezed me tighter.
"Why didn't you?" I half whispered as tears fell.
"I was afraid he'd catch us and kill us, if he kept one of you alive I couldn't imagine what would have happened.
I'm sorry I failed you boys." Dad's face was buried into my hair crying.
"You were still a kid too.
And Alexander was nuts." I assured him as I turned around to face him.
"Man I can't get over how much you two look like me.
Connor your an exact duplicate of your mother and your uncle its funny but you could pass as Aden's kid." Dad reached out gripping their sleevs and pulled them into a hug.
"So you boys are going to turn twelve this year." He smiled.
"No we just turned thirteen." I said leaning back looking up at him.
"No Johnny nine months after you were conceived I turned fifteen.
So I guess technically we were only fourteen when we made you.
On my fifteenth birthday you were born.
Bash told me when I saw him." dad half narrowed his eyes in concern.
"Wait why make us a different age?" Cam sighed.
"Again the rest of the family should know this." I snapped.
I tried to storm off but dad held me tight.
"Look I don't know what they know.
If Cooper was given a date at nine years old he would repeat it for Connor." Dad smirked as he looked at his once teens back to babies.
"Man that explains a lot now.
Wait so we were seven when they..." I just started crying as I collapsed against his chest.
"Johnny look at me...
Your okay they're gone now and I am here.
Let's get back its cold and I don't want you boys getting sick." Dad kissed each of us on the head.
Dad carried Connor on his back while Cam chose to walk and dad carried me also.
"I always wondered why we were so small yet." I sighed as I rested my head on dad's shoulder.
When we got back to the apartment Bash and Grandpa were there.
They looked mad.
"You had to go and tell them?" Grandpa snapped.
"Viv did you collect their things and move them to our quarters?" Dad ignored them as he still held me and Connor got off his back.
What can I say, I wasn't in the mood to be on my feet or out of the safety of his arms.
"Yeah I set up their room." Viv smirked at him.
"Oh right get your girlfriend to be their doc.
So you can worm your way into their lives." Grandpa snapped.
"Look here Mr.Black I don't know who you think you are but you are in no position to argue with me.
Now I am going to take my brothers and my boys and go to bed.
Cooper, Chris, Jasper, your welcomed to stay the night as long as you don't tell anymore stories those two fed you." Dad spoke calm so not to scare us.
"They are not going to stay in a room alone with the likes of you and them." Grandpa took a step towards us with anger I have never seen in his eyes, it scared me and I couldn't help but whimper and turn away and hide my face into my dad's shoulder I felt like such a baby.
I felt dad take a shuttering breath before he spoke again.
"I think you should go, your frightening the boys.
The likes of me would never lay a hand on them or raise my voice when I know what they been through.
Carson you will not be welcomed near these boys again if I can help it.
The only way is if they want you.
Bash I'll consider you, I seen how you have been with them.
I know they might want you as a familiar face.
But no more lies.
Would someone like to explain why you made them older?
You know they are turning twelve next week.
Not thirteen.
They were born on my birthday exact month day and hour granted Cam was five hours later but still why?" Dad was getting upset but kept his tone calm.
Grandpa looked at Bash who shrugged.
"Look we didn't put their date down.
Alexander was incontol of that.
I had no concept of time.
I'm sure if Bash did it wouldn't matter." Grandpa still sounded agitated.
"Seriously Carson you still can't be civil?
I asked a simple question and you just keep looking at me like you want to tear my baby from my arms and take him away from me.
Why Carson?
You know that creep wasn't even related to us.
I am nothing like that guy, do you even know what he did to them?
Heck to me?
I would never let my boys live like that." Dad turned to leave but grandpa gripped his arm with a death grip.
"You are not going any were with my grandchildren or my boys." Grandpa said through gritted teeth.
Cam and Connor stepped back with Mark and Aden who were walking back still into the hall.
I sqrimed out of dad's arms and got over by them.
"Johnny lets go." Grandpa demanded.
"Mr.Black I understand what your thinking but if you don't stop I will have to call security.
Now let go of Colt's arm." Viv tried.
"He used my little girl then that pervert father of his started all of this destroying our family.
Its your fault they were nearly killed by being beaten and tortured.
Its your fault they were in a place where men had a chance to touch them..." Grandpa was yelling.
"None of that is my fault.
I wasn't there.
I was thrown in boot camp where I got stuck for a month with that same freak who did to me as he did to those boys aside from the sexual abuse.
I would have died to get those boys away from him.
I almost did.
But Alexander found some way to fix my mistake on trying to take them.
I have my scars trying to save them.
Your scars are what, his experiments on you and Bash sparing your life?" Dad grumbled.
Grandpa's eyes widened and grew dark.
"Carson let go of my dad's arm now!
If u you ever want to see us again!" I snapped with Cam and Connor at my side holding my hand for support.
His eyes softened at the thought of never seeing us again was burned into his mind.
"Bash I think we need a break from you to forget about our past.
I'm sorry and love that you are finally an uncle but I just can't be reminded every day the torment we went through.
As for our uncles yeah you can stick around but one more lie about our life and we are done.
Cooper I am hoping you just really didn't know and only did as told, same for you Jasper but Chris you have confirmed you to were agreeing to keep things from us.
But no more we want the truth we deserve it.
And for crying out loud stop blaming Colt for that mother's boyfriend who destroyed their life."
I pointed to Bash.
"Heck if you hate him than you hate us because we are more apart of him than you." I snapped.
Keeping hold of my brothers hands we turned and walked over to our new uncles.
"We're tried can you take us to our room?" I looked up at them.
Mark sighed as he looked to Colt for an okay.
"Take them, they should have been resting hours ago." Dad sighed.
We followed them down the hall to the large suite.
"Wow this is a kids dream house." I said as we spun around slowly taking the sights of a massive jungle gym that was made for adults with a zip line all kinds of climbing stuff and let's not forget the arcade stuff.
"Oh you haven't seen nothing yet." Dad came in and draped his arms over my shoulder.
I saw the massive bruise hand print on his muscle.
"Did grandpa do that?" I asked gently touching it.
Dad turned me around and had my brothers join us.
"Look I don't want to change your thoughts on them but I knew them all my life growing up.
They all knew Hank and hung out, those two were the more normal.
Carson was the first to break away.
But there were consequences.
You boys were the result.
Its true its my fault.
I was with his girl and created such beautiful, smart, strong, boys.
If I knew that making you three would be torment for you I wouldn't have.
But I don't regret having you boys.
I just regret having you so young and not having the strength to protect you.
Now as I was saying.
Those two are no better than Hank and Alexander.
They lived to torment children put them through horrible things to see if they can survive it.
Bet Bash said he was raped protecting Carson and those two did this whole bit it wasn't your fault thats what made you hard.
My clone created was a creep.
Its just their thing.
I heard it all myself.
Bet they told you they killed those guys at the human zoo.
It wasn't them it was Oliver, Dallas and I.
I was a little too late.
Your Grandma must have tipped off Bash and Alexander.
When I got there you boys were gone.
I had to kill those guys to live they were attacking me took three of us to take one down." Dad explained.
"So they would have eventually put us through the same thing again?" I started shaking.
"Hey look at me boys.
Thats not going to happen.
They are not going to torment you anymore.
Now Cooper, Jasper, Chris, Miles and Jay are all backing me up.
Thats why I wasn't hear when you popprde goofy over there in the nose.
I was helping them get situated in the safe house with the rest of the cousins.
See those guards out there they are going to protect us from them.
Tomorrow we are moving to the safe house, the fun stuff you see here is way cooler there." Dad smirked as he spoke to us, thats when I realized something all the pretending parents were missing the gleam in their eyes, they didn't light up as they looked at us.
They were just going with the flow.
Not their heart.
I leaned in and hugged him and his hug was different it told me I was finally safe.
Even Cam didn't ask if he was safe.
He always asked that queste.
As if Cam knew what I was thinking.
He sat in dad's lap on the floor as he hugged him from behind looking up at me.
Cam's light was back too.
"We're really safe now." Cam giggled as dad squeeze him.
"Yes you are.
I am well trained now and a little something else to add to those necklases." he smirked and attached these gold tags with our names engraved.
"They are called bible tags." Dad smirked at our confusion.
"No this is a bible." I ran to my bag and pulled out an old bible I keep with me.
"Yes it is but these are special." Dad chuckled as he did something that made the tag unfold and become a book.
"Now the difference is this bible is alive.
And comes directly from the source.
I know it might be confusing..." he was cut off by the sweetest voice.
"Oh yay your one of us." Lil ran up and hugged Connor.
"Totally called it." I teased.
"Yeah she dose have a crush on my baby boy but she is aware of the age difference so she's settling with best friends till your thirty." Dad winked and teased.
He got us settled in bed and read us a story.
"I could get use to this." Cam giggled as he snuggled closer into dad's side as we were all falling asleep to the sound of his calm voice.
I was on his other side equally as snuggled.
He knew he was stuck spending the night with us.
Connor was already asleep.
"Dad how will we be safe now?
I mean if they are like you say, this is not going to end well." I asked as he pulled me closer.
"Johnny stop, relax.
Your almost twelve your supposed to be a kid
Let me worry about it and you just heal up and be a kid." Dad assured as he squeezes me tighter and kissed my head.
Its going to be cool having a young dad.
I thought as I toyed with his bible tag while I fell a asleep to the sound of his heart beat and voice vibrating through his chest as he kept reading.
It was a bible story of sorts about these kids who fight in the spiritual realm.
They were stolen from their family while in training and are fighting their way back together to get home...

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