(Family Feud)

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Everything with dad is going great.
But its grandpa.
He is trying to get a court order to take us away if we don't at least go on visits once a weekend.
We are now sitting in a family court room with Vivian, she is still our shrink thank goodness.
"They were in perfect health in my care and in their grandfather's care.." Amy started.
"Perfect health!?
They got burned with that branding, their wrists carved into again, held hostage in that human zoo like animals, let's not forget internal bleeding because these adults didn't listen to Cooper about stirring up a hornets nest of bullies.
Since they been with me they are healing, healthy and happy.
Overcoming fears these two instilled in them.
You hated my identical boys because they resembled me.
That's why you got Cooper and Connor out but mind you Cooper was only a donkey for Carson, because Cooper is my half brother.
Johnny told me what you did to him on his third birthday Carson.
What sick grandparent dose that to their grand child, a toddler at that.
He was deathly afraid being in the pool..." Dad was yelling.
"Mr.Dixon please calm yourself.
Now you said the boys keep journals?
I would like to sit down with them and if they are comfortable with me reading I would love to do that.
Also what did young Johnathan say happened exactly?" The female judge asked.
We were sitting in the viewing room so we could hear what was going on without being in their faces.
"He took him out on a row boat, blamed him for taking his daughter's innocence, we were both almost fifteen when we experimented our relationship.
He told Johnny he looked like me and he was disgusted by that.
Than he took off Johnny's life vest, threw him into the water.
Johnny said he tried to stay afloat.
He sunk to the bottom.
He said when he came too he was on the floor of the boat shivering.
Johnny was yelled at to keep quiet about what happened.
He also said when they arrived back to where they were staying, that mind you their kidnapper held them at Carson included in being so called kidnapped.
Carson took Cam next to do the same thing.
Now I'm no expert but when your a kidnapped victim since when do you get to go outside to a lake a distance away from the kidnapper." Dad stated making me to think back more...
Past memory....
We were ten or nine totally screwed up in my age time line but all you need to know the guy we thought was dad was actually Grandpa Bash and we knew Carson was dead.
I was chained in that bunker for three days starved and dehydrated.
Beaten and half contious.
I heard voices in the distance.
Three different voices in fact.
"They won't ever know its me, we can keep moving forward with our plans.
I want a crack at the boys.
I deserve it more than you two." The voice chuckled and I became fully aware especially when he said...
"I want a crack at the boys."
'Cam is down here too!?
I have t get out of here.' I tugged on my chains.
As I was trying to figure out how I was chained, in walked the man with a mask and brass knuckles.
'Really is that necessary!?
I'm ten there's nothing to me already, you'll just kill me in one punch.' My mind raced as I started breathing heavily and begging him not to hurt me.
"Don't struggle boy it'll only make things worse.
If your a good boy and do what I tell you I will leave Cammy alone.
But John if you break my rules I will hurt him worse than you." The stranger in a ski mask said as he pulled my head back by the hair to look at him.
Tears flowed as I kept beginning him not hurt me.
He just chuckled.
"Fine than I'll go to your brother and let you heal.
Mind you I don't think he'll survive.
He looks worse than you already." He let go of my hair and turned he was almost at the door.
"No don't please.
I'll do what you want." I cried as I hung my head low my chin resting on my chest.
Rule one you will stop begging me not to hurt you.
Two you can bite down on the gag but don't scream if you do than all bets are off and Cammy is next.
Three blame your dad that brought you into this unforgiving world not me.
Four remember you boys are worthless and deserve this, no one will ever love you boys." He chuckled as he said he last stuff.
"I love Cam." I whispered.
The man let out a laugh.
Than without warning that gag was tied on me and a rope around my neck.
It was pulled tight enough to be uncomfortable but enough to kill me.
Than without warning blinding pain shot through my back.
He hit me with one of those night sticks.
Once he was done hitting my back a number of times my legs went numb and I couldn't support my weight.
But the rope around my neck told me I better try.
He now stood in front of me looking me over.
"Since I don't want you dead I best remove this." He chuckled as he removed the rope.
I coughed and tried to breath through the gag.
He removed the gag so I could breath.
Than he put those brass knuckles on.
I closed my eyes, hung my head and waited for the pain.
I passed out at some point.
When I came to I had an IV in my arm.
I was cleaned up, in PJs and my bed. Cam was curled up into my side with the same cleaned up PJs and an IV.
My heart sunk when he looked up at me.
His face was swollen and bruised.
I saw bruising around his neck.
'I did what he said!
Why did he hurt my baby bother?'
I started to cry as I snuggled into my brother as I hugged him.
"That was beyond wrong he could have killed them!" I could hear Bash yell in a whisper tone out side the open bedroom door.
"Like we don't nearly kill them ourselves.
I really don't care what he dose to them.
Can't wait till their fifteen than I can really have fun with them." A familiar voice chuckled.
"Your sick.
I won't let you do that to them or any kid we hold.
Besides I know what you did with there certificates." Bash snapped and punched the other guy...
"Johnathan are you okay?" Judge Jill was looking at me concerned.
"What happened?" I looked at her Cam Vivian, Dad and Connor.
"You spaced out for almost a half hour Johnny." Dad was sitting in front of me cupping my face.
Thats when I realized I was on the floor in front of the chair I was on.
I don't even remember walking in here.
"Johnny you started begging someone not to hurt you.
Than said you will do anything just don't hurt Cam.
Johnny were you back where they hurt you?" Judge Julianna 'thats her name,' asked.
"Yes." I cried as I buried my face into my dad's chest as he hugged me tight.
"You have to promise me you won't even consider letting them alone with my babies." Dad cried to her as he tried to calm me.
"I understand Mr.Dixon.
First the DNA results came back positive thay you are their dad.
Second we are going to turn your boys into Dixon making you have full authority.
Everyone here knows you and how you been looking for your kidnapped triplets.
Colt grandparents have zero rights.
You have no track record.
You have only helped this community grow to what it is.
Trust me this will go away.
Also the results for Carson and Bash's DNA came and they are no relation to these boys not even Cooper..." Jully looked at dad for andwers but he just shrugged.
She dropped the question.
"Boys I don't need to actually read your journals I will the copies sent over to Viv..."
"No keep a copy just in case this way you'll know.
I wrote what I was just tinking about.
I guess I just couldn't stop thinking about it when we came in here.
I think...
Now I know it was Grandpa Carson who nearly killed us that day.
Uncle Alexander already had us weak.
As for Bash not sure where he fits in all this but he was probably the one to clean us up, hooking us up with IVs.
I think I know why he made us older so he could mess with us sooner than fifteen." A new round of tears flowed.
"I am fitting those men with trackers.
I want to know where they are at all times.
Go home don't come to the main land for nothing.
I am setting up delivery days for your needs.
Colt you need to talk to Gabe and Jake they need to start training the boys.
Viv go stay with them and continue your counseling.
Don't worry about Carson's boys I am assigning custody to the eldest boys and Jay is not on paper as Bash's boy.
So they don't have a leg to stand on.
I am actually beginning to wander if those kids are any relation to those men.
Go home be with your Wife Colt.
Don't worry thosr nen don't even know she is coming." Juliana smiled as we walked out...
Grandpa Carson grabbed my arm as we walked pass the waiting area and pulled me close into him.
I felt his dagger against my throat and saw the fear in dad's eyes.
Viv got Connor and Cam out of the room and safe.
"Carson you don't want to do this.
he's still apart of Stacy too.
If you kill him your killing her.
If you hurt him your hurting her.
If you ever want to see Stacy you can't hurt her baby." Dad said as calm as possible as he took my hand, I was reaching for him.
Grandpa pulled the dagger tighter and I felt it cut and blood trickled down my chest.
I started crying harder.
Cops were there, I saw Mitchell and Daniel they had these weird looking guns.
"Colt move!" Mitch yelled, dad let go and fell to the ground dodging what ever hit us.
When I looked up, I was in dad's arms on his lap.
He was stroking my hair while Daniel tended to my neck.
"Your a tough kid." Mitch teased.
"What was that thing you used?" My voice was raspy.
I glanced over seeing Julian reading my last entry with tears in her eyes.
"Colt I will do what I can to protect your family on my end.
Mitchell and his team will be joining you to protect you at the safe house.
I advise they stay close to you."Julian sighed...
The helicopter ride was fun Mitch flew it and Connor and I were co-pilots.
Cam is still chicken sitting on dad's lap.
We took a detore route.
It was amazing.
When we landed mom was there to great us, Dad gave us this pic last night she was fourteen almost fifteen than it was at the mall after they were together that day creating us...

When we landed mom was there to great us, Dad gave us this pic last night she was fourteen almost fifteen than it was at the mall after they were together that day creating us

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Its funny knowing in away we we there too in the pic.
Mom practically scooped us up one at a time as she hugged us.
Man Connor looks like her the most.
She cried when she saw my neck bandaged as if knowing already what happened.
"I'm so sorry Johnathan and Cameron.
They were so strict with me.
They hated Colt's family.
They took my babies and sent me away.
I was banished so far away.
But I ran away and got back with Colt. We both set up ways to get close.
Angela was the woman who took me in, well she was only eighteen at the time. With her own kids.
I knew she would protect my babies.
But when I heard Carson had you boys we had to act fast.
I'm sorry about the burns but it had to look legit.
But again they took you away from those meant to protect you till we came.
But now we are finally together and I will never let you boys go." Mom squeezed us.
After dinner we all went for a swim Cam and I are pros now, we started up a game of pool volleyball, than freeze tag.
Eventually mom and dad just sat on the edge holding each other watching us all play.
Mom finally said it was time to get out.
Once dry and in PJs we went up onto the deck roof and had a camp out just the five of us.
Connor was snuggled against mom as was I.
Cam was snuggled between me and dad.
I half expected Cam to be a mamma's boy.
But he is more clingy to dad.
Probably the years seeking Bash's approval is what did it.
I did my usual pointing out shapes that no one else can see.
Well I think Cam can but I know he likes it when I point them out.
Started one night when grandpa the masked man took us in the middle of he woods bare foot and left us after he beat us.
We laid in this clearing of sorts and pointed out shapes for Cam and made up some crazy stories trying to calm him.
We fell asleep there.
He came back to collect us the next day and tossed us in the hole.
I just realized he did the most damage.
I bet anything...
"Cam do you remember who drowned you in the tub?" I blurted, I heard mom gasp.
"I think I remember seeing a mask through the water.
But I don't really even remember being put in the tub and why I was wet when I came too.
It was drained by than." Cam said through shutters breaths.
He was freaking out and its my fault.
"Awe Cam I'm sorry.
I wasn't thinking..." I apologized as I hugged him.
Dad wrapped his arm tight around us.
"Johnny hush you didn't do anything.
Cameron look at me your safe now and you, Johnny and I will go on a hike tomorrow while mom and Connor bake cookies.
But right now let's just relax you boys had enough stress for twelve year olds in one day." Dad teased which made Cam giggle.
"Dad did you ever meet Alexander?" I asked.
"Johnny please stop we'll talk in the morning." Dad smiled at me as I laid with my chin resting on Cam's side.
Dad said goodnight and gave us a kiss on the forehead.
He gave Cam an extra kiss for mom.
She gave me a kiss goodnight.
And we all chuckled at Connor's cute little giggles as mom gave him a bunch of goodnight kisses...
We fell asleep to mom and dad singing some song together we heard once called Priceless.
I actually feel safe now with dad and mom.
I slept through the night and this time my dreams were dreams and we were happy, actually happy with our young parents.
In my dream we were like toddlers mom was carrying Connor while dad was walking with us.
I ran up to her with a handful of wild flowers for her.
Suddenly someone tried to take us but mom and dad were suddenly in this glowng armor with swords and shields protecting us.
Then it flashed forward to us being eight, dad was teaching us how to fight with wooden swords and wrestling each other.
On our eleventh birthday we tapped into our holy armor.
The next flash forward we were on a walk, we all were ready to fight whoever or whatever it was...
Its funny how the dream felt so real.
Cam and Connor said they had the same type of dream which is weird but I love when that happens and now with Connor...

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