(The Voyage)

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It was nice actually waking up in my own bed.
Johnny was obviously concerned, he woke up earlier and was watching me sleep.
"How did you sleep?" He asked with a smile.
How long were you up?" I asked as I stretched and yawned.
"I just woke." He shrugged as he got up and grabbed his change of clothes and headed to the shower.
"You were up longer than that." I said as I followed.
Jasper was already in the large shower room.
"How do you know?
You were sleeping." He asked as he got undressed and got in the empty stall.
"He's been up for awhile.
I looked in and checked on you two squirts." Jasper chuckled as he stepped out of his shower and wrapped his towel around him.
"Hey don't horse around.
We have to get moving.
The sub leaves in an hour." Jasper said as he got dressed.
"K we never take long showers.
Johnny why did you lie?" I asked as I turned on my shower.
"Because its not a big deal Cam.
So I was concerned if you were having nightmares..." I heard Johnny sigh and mumbled something under his breath.
By than I was done with my shower.
"So you can't sleep alone either.
It wasn't just me being a big baby." I said as I poked my head into his stall.
"Seriously a little privacy...
Weirdo." Johnny smirked as he put his hand on my face and pushed me back.
"Yeah well you got nothing I haven't seen in the mirror." I teased back as I walked back to my change of clothes and got dressed.
"Yeah well your still weird." Johnny counted.
"Johnny stop changing the subject I was looking at your face...
Weirdo." I chuckled.
"Okay yeah so I had a nightmare.
I almost got in bed with you but I didn't want to screw you up if you were sleeping good alone." Johnny sighed as he got out and got dressed.
"So what happened in your dream?" I asked.
I didn't really want to know but if it had Johnny scared enough that he needed me I should hear it.
Our clones but they were adults.
They kidnapped us, using us as leverage for something they wanted from us God created or born...
I don't remember the words they used.
They were worse than Bash they really hated us.
They came to where ever we were living on surface.
They hurt dad and took our brothers and friends.
The worse part they came acting like they were going to protect us.
Gaining our trust.
Cam you know how Bash would hurt me more than you.
Well these guys just hurt us both, they were stronger than most." Johnny sighed tears were falling by now.
"Cam it felt so real.
It didn't feel like a dream." Johnny looked at me and I could see the fear in his eyes.
"Johnny it was just a dream." I assured him as we walked back to our room.
"You two still sitting around...
What's wrong?" Chris said as he grabbed our back packs and stopped sitting on the bed next to Johnny when he saw our concern.
Johnny told him what happened.
"You had it too." Chris sighed.
"Wait you had the same nightmare?" I said in disbelief.
I mean sure Johnny and I have had the same nightmares but it was due to what happened to us not something that didn't happen.
Jasper, Miles, Cooper and Conner too.
I think our adopted sibs too." Chris sighed.
"So I'm the lucky one." I smirked as Johnny playfully shoved me.
"I think you were overly exhausted to dream.
Chris did it feel real?" Johnny asked as we grabbed our bags and headed out to the living room.
Okay dad we're ready." Chris said.
Dad checked to make sure we had practical stuff right now.
"I don't get it why are we going in separate subs?" Johnny mumbled.
"Its the rules.
Besides the kids sub is safer and a few of your friends are going to be there." Dad said as he put a necklace on me with a tag.
"What's this?" Johnny asked as dad put one on him.
"Its so they know what house you belong to.
Keep these on till I come okay." Dad said as he kissed us on the head.
Chris looked at him questionable and dad handed him his tag.
"Dad what's going on?
I feel like I'm one of those kids that gets put on a train and sent out of the country to live with strangers to be safe from the war in their home town." Chris questioned.
I remember reading a book that was set in that time period.
I think it was called Narnia.
"Look I can't explain it, you kids have to stay calm and together.
No matter what happens or what you see don't react, just stay calm and stay together." Dad said as there was a pounding knock on the door.
Dad looked startled.
As I know we all were.
Everyone stood quietly and together as dad answered.
"Mr.Black here." The man handed dad a paper.
Dad looked at us.
"So not all of them are leaving together?" Dad sighed.
"I'm sorry Mr.Black these are my orders.
If it will put your mind at ease one of your eldest sons can accompany your younger boys." The man said as he stood like a soldier.
"Chris, Miles please come with me." Dad took them to the back room.
Johnny and I followed and listened
"I hate to split you twins up but its up to you two if you rather go with your brothers and who will be the one to stay with them." I heard dad say.
"I'll go.
I'm better with kids than Miles.
Besides I'm less hotheaded too." Chris teased.
We heard dad chuckle.
"Look Jonas or Kale could go with them instead." Dad suggested.
Besides you should be sending one of them to be with their kid brothers.
They don't know if their just friends, look they have their birth names on that list not their adopted names." I heard Chris point out.
"Good point come on." Dad said we kinda missed that part and they caught us eavesdropping.
"Come on you little spies." Dad teased...
We stood there together as dad called out the names of those leaving now.
Granted it was the majority of us just a few older ones that got held back till another guy came.
"Orders changed...
All the children leave now.
Adults come with me.
Your belongs will be sent when we can." With out hesitation he took Dad and Amy out of the room while we followed the other guy.
We didn't see Angelica's kids but we saw all our friends.
"Somethings up.
I heard my dad talking to the Evens.
The clones took over here.
That guy is a clone." Kyle said as he stood close putting his arm around me.
We jumped when we heard a scream from one of the kids in front.
They spread the rumor of what happened.
"Guys their branding us." Some boy said as he turned around and looked as if he was going to run.
We looked back too and saw they closed the gate and were pushing us forward.
Miles, Chris and Kale were doing their best to keep us all together.
Plus I still had Kyle, Michael and Alex was by Johnny.
Suddenly a riot started, they tried to fight the guys forcing us forward and branding us.
At some point we got separated from our brothers and pulled onto another sub with younger kids.
Thankfully Alex, Kyle and Michael were still with us.
But still we all got branded after being locked in the seats.
Man that was the worse pain I ever felt and Bash carved my initials on my wrist but this was definitely worse.
They said this way they know who were the God born and location we were at.
Apparently this represents Atlantis.
Johnny was starting to hyperventilate next to me as he death gripped my arm.
"Johnny you have to calm down.
He's looking at you, please calm down." I tried to calm him.
Kyle covered my mouth to shut me up.
The guy walked over and knet in front of us.
"Didn't I just instruct no talking?" He grabbed me by the jaw avoiding the bruises I just got and examined them as he waited for my response.
My brother and I don't do well with cramped spaces.
I was trying to calm him." I half lied.
Only because it was true.
The sub was over crowded and it wasnt sitting well with me either.
We have two claustrophobics." He sighed as he spread some kind of ointment on our burns.
"Here give them this it will keep them calm.
You kids don't have allergies do you?" This Jones guy asked.
"I don't know.
I think we'll be okay." I tried.
Jones looked at us serious like.
There was something about him that seemed familiar.
"Keep an eye on those two.
Their Bash's kids." Jones grumbled.
"Wait I know you...
You use to be the guy that hoisted us up to the over hang.
Than hooked us up to those ropes for Bash's stunts." Johnny mumbled as Jones looked at him.
Instead of with anger but with pitty.
"Yes that was me.
The first clone your old man had." Jones knelt in front of us as he checked our burns and bruises.
"We didn't even know.
And for the record he isn't our old man he kidnapped our mom when she was pregnant.
Killed her forceing us to watch at age three.
You know how he was, you went off on him already for the condition we were in." Johnny reminded.
Jones sighed as he looked between us.
"These your friends?" Jones asked about Kyle, Alex and Michael.
"Yeah why?" Johnny asked with fear in his eyes.
"Move them to my quarters.
Get those tags off them.
Do you have anyone else?" Jones asked as he unhooked me.
"Yeah those two kids Dexter and Dakota.
The rest of our family are on the other sub." I told him.
"Keep those tags find those that match their tags during unloading." Jones said as he handed us over to a guy who looked like us but older.
"No!" Johnny snapped as he grabbed hold of me when that look alike went to grab my arm.
"Hey I am trying to keep you safe but your not helping.
"JB I'll take them instead.
Where's CB?
I don't need another freak out." Jones sighed as he kept hold of our arms.
"He's with the toddlers trying to keep them calm.
And tending to their burns.
Was it really necessary to brand their little hands too?" JB sighed.
"You heard Kane no exceptions." Jones grumbled as he led us away.
Once in his quarters he told Johnny and I about JB and CB being our clones but way older than us.
And that the supper soldier in charge we are yet to meet are also our clones.
"Do they know about us?" Johnny asked.
"Yes we all do.
It was in our files who our DNA came from.
I am part your dad and Bash." Jones could see the concern in our eyes.
"Look at me...
I promise you none of us have intentions on hurting you boys.
We know it was against your will that they were created.
You boys were infants when he donated.
There's one other thing.
Now I know you Johnny have that eidetic memory thing so I know you'd remember your mother.
The woman that is appointed to care for you is her clone..." Jones paused as CB knocked and opened the door.
"What is it?" Jones sounded annoyed with CB.
"We collected the files you asked from the shrink.
I skimmed through and found their file.
Jones they are a delicate case.
Cameron has only just started talking after going into shock.
If we're not careful he could relapse.
She noted that Johnny could easily shut down as well." CB told Jones.
They spoke quietly but I could still hear them.
"Leave those I want to look over them myself.
Thank you CB." Jones dismissed him and returned his attention to us.
As I was saying you will be meeting your mothers clone.
Now the sad factor she is not the kind hearted type towards your kind.
So please don't expect much, don't worry I will be there with you boys maybe we'll get lucky and she'll be excepting to you boys.
Now we are not going to that other space your dad probably told you about.
Its about a few days till we get there.
So take it easy and relax." Jones got up and left us to ponder all this.
"You two okay?" Kyle asked as he was done wrapping his burn.
The other guys were dealing with their own.
Kyle started working on Johnny's hand.
"Yeah did you hear all that?" Johnny asked half in shock.
As for me I could feel full shock coming on.
Michael must have noticed because he left Dex and sat behind me and wrapped his arms around me.
"You okay kid?" Michael asked as he held me close.
Thats when I noticed I was shivering.
Please don't do this again.
I really can't do this again not right now." Johnny grabbed hold of my wrists and stared in my eyes.
I saw tears forming in his eyes.
I wanted to tell him I wasn't shutting down again but I couldn't and thats when I started to cry too.
Johnny looked up at Michael as if asking him to fix this.
"Johnny there's nothing we can do, he's going into shock." Michael sighed as he rested his chin on my head.
We're all sleeping on the floor together after Jones brought in the sleeping bags.
"Come on Cam, Johnny you too he'll feel safer if your along." Jones led us down the hall to the medic.
"What's wrong with him?" The doctor guy who looked like Jasper asked.
"Jas I think the kid went into shock." Jones sighed.
Jas did all the same test Tucker did.
Johnny sat next to me gripping my none branded hand.
"Please tell me its not the same as before." Johnny started to cry as I looked over as him and sighed as I rested my head on his shoulder.
"I don't know how he was before kid but I can say he is in shock.
Jones what happened?" Jas asked as he gave me a shot.
"This will keep you calm and maybe help you relax and maybe you'll get over this quickly." Jas smiled as he also made two blowpops appear.
"Yeah I know a few tricks to." Jas smirked at me because I smirked.
"Johnny just keep him relaxed and yourself you boys are going to be okay.
Jones we really need to reconsider taking them there.
Kane isn't good with kids and with Cam and look at Johnny he's on a fine line of being the same as his brother." Jas sighed.
"We have to if we even want him to be normal again his family is on the other sub." Jones sighed
"Actuly their not their on our sub.
I was able to get ahold of their family list and went to overflow.
Thats where they are." Jas smirked ad both me and Johnny stood next to them looking up at them.
Man they are tall.
"My brothers are here?" I half whispered.
Everyone let out a breath of relief because I spoke.
Johnny wouldn't stop hugging me.
"Yes they are.
See we can go to our island instead.
I mean it was the original plan due to the toddlers." Jas smirked.
"Okay I'll go put in the orders.
If you boys friends are lucky they might be with the rest of your family.
Jones smirked as he took us back to the room.
Michael, Kyle and Alex were glad that I was okay...
Oh here's a pic of Johnny on the left and I on the right with our branded hand..

Oh here's a pic of Johnny on the left and I on the right with our branded hand

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