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Italics - Billie
Bold - Theo

Hey Judy. I talked to all
the Lana's today and got
nothing from them :(
Delivered at 3:08 PM

Why would you be doing that?
But I know I saw you talking to
Lana Figueroa. She looked like a
lovesick puppy.

You guys would be cute together :D
Delivered at 3:19 PM

She's a good fuck, but not my
type. I'm not really into blondes.
Delivered at 3:20 PM

I bet your my type ;)
Delivered at 3:25 PM

Ew no thanks.
P.S. don't think I told
You but you're a fuckboiii.
P.S.S. I'm dying my hair blonde now.
Delivered at 4:03 PM

So I'll cross blondes off the list now.
As much as I love our
conversations I gotta
go to practice so I'll text you
later babe :)
Delivered at 4:04 PM

Ttyl Fuckboiii
Delivered at 4:05 PM

I'm not a fuckboy:(
Delivered at 4:06 PM

Let's agree to disagree
Delivered at 4:08 PM

Italics- BillieJean
Normal- Lana

Are you going to tell me why
Theo Smith had a picture of
you're tits Billie?

And why he talked to me today??
Like he willingly talked to me
and didn't even bring up how much
he dislikes you.
(That's a lie btw)
Delivered at 5:08 PM

Did I forget to tell you that I
accidentally might have sent
him a picture of my boobs thinking
I was texting you...
but you didn't tell him who
I was right?
Delivered at 5:36 PM

Of course not bitch,

you lil hoe

Did he send noods back ;)
Delivered at 5:39 PM

You a real one.

It was a total accident. It
wouldn't have happened if
someone didn't break my phone
causing me to get a new one and
to try and remember everyone's
You guys are literally 1 number
off it's crazy.

I'm not going to tell you
if he sent me nudes!!!

But I will tell you that we've been
texting for the past week, but he doesn't
know it's me so don't say
Delivered at 6:37 PM

God I'm trying to get this tea,
but you are taking forever to
reply. Why do you have to have a

So how big was his dick?
Delivered at 6:39 PM

Because someone broke my
phone and my parents want to
teach me responsibility :))))
I'm getting off work now.
I'll stop by your house and
explain everything.
Delivered at 7:03 PM

Billie's P.O.V

"Not going to lie it looks like you have jizz on your shirt." That wasn't the greeting I was expecting as Lana opened the front door, but I mean she wasn't wrong. Of course it wasn't what she stated it was, but it was glazed frosting from a donut. Working at a grocery store and having children run into you and smashing their donuts against your shirt is the best way to start your shift, trust me.

"I hate working and I'm pretty sure that my manager hates me." I complained as I followed Lana inside and slipping my shoes off at the front door.

"As much as I would love to hear about how much work sucks, I want to hear why Theo Smith has a picture of your chichi's." I honestly thought I would get farther with my little secret, but I should've known better trying to hide what had happened to her.

"It was an accident like I said. Do you really think I would send him nudes???" I questioned as I trailed behind Lana as we made our way up the stairs to her bedroom.

"Who knows maybe your hate for each other is just an act and you two have been secretly fucking this whole time." I scoffed at the accusation, but a part of me didn't really mind it. Theos an asshole, but he's a hot asshole.

"I don't hate him, he hates me for reasons unknown." I started to rummage through Lana's pajama drawer trying to find something more comfortable to wear than the work uniform that I was forced to wear. Lana had no problem with me going through her clothes, probably because half of her clothes were mine.

"I heard that he hates you because you rejected him in middle school."

"If that's true that's stupid." I don't really remember ever interacting with Theo in middle school, mostly because we never were friends with the same people and we've never had a class together until sophomore year and that's when I really learned that he hated me.

"Wait is he the reason why we almost died yesterday?? Please don't tell me that fuckboy Theo Smith is behind the reason of me almost dying." She started to shake her head like she was disappointed.

"No, we almost died because you were trying to grab my phone." I finally found a shirt and shorts that I knew would fit and started to change. "And maybe I was texting him, who cares."

"Oh my gosh, Billie! He's such an asshole to you. I don't understand why you are even talking to him."  I really don't know why I keep talking to him, but I don't think I would be able to stop talking to him, which sounds terrible, but it's the truth.

"I hate him and how he treats you, but I can't force you to do anything and I can't force you to stop talking to him, but please just be careful." Lana did her best to sympathize with me and I was grateful that she was trying.

"You know I love you right?" All she did was open her arms for me to hug her as she sat at the edge of her bed. I didn't hesitate hugging her, she always gave the best hugs.

"So does he have a big dick?"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*AUTHORS NOTE *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Thank you all for the reading! I appreciate all the comments, votes, and reads. Don't be afraid to comment your thoughts and opinions I love reading them!

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