Chapter 1

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Danica hated it that it was always her that had to investigate strange Tombs for people that was too cowardly to investigate themselves .

This time it was a strange Tomb that had become unearthed by a landslide .

Well , it wasn't really strange . No, it was a typical Nordic Tomb that dotted the landscape of her homeland Skyrim.

Talos ,she hated these Nordic Tombs . The smell of dirt and decay was always present .

She sighs . She had no choice ,but to do her duty as the damn Dragonborn and true daughter of Skyrim.

The first room of the tomb reminded her of Ustangrav .

It was huge and cavernous .

As well as disgustingly dirty .

It was also empty of any life .

" Well, that's a first ", she muses ," or not , I'm sure I have been in tombs where there was no movement in the first room ".

She shook her head to clear it of thoughts . It really won't pay if she was distracted .

Unsheathing her most trusty sword Dawnbreaker she went into a fighting stance .

Soon enough she'll encounter the Draugr who roamed the halls of tombs . Or she might meet a ghost or two .

She had learned by now to always be ready for a fight .

She moved on to the next room taking a corridor lined with torches  .

She thought nothing of it that the torches were lit as if someone or something had lit them .

She was too focused on her task ahead . To find out enough of this place to satisfy  Jarl Vignar's  curiosity .

" Geh, how disgusting !", Danica yells in disgust as decayed flesh and gore splattered in her face when the Draugr she had been fighting exploded .

She had walked right into it as she had walked around a corner forgetting to sneak.

She could kill herself for such idiocy .

So far she had only encountered this one .She knew that this might not be the only one . She had gone through too many tombs to believe that .

She looked around for something to clean herself with . There was nothing she could do about the smell that  stuck to her ,but she could try and get rid of the disgusting flesh .

She found a rag laying on a nearby shelve .It was normally used to wrap up the embalmed dead .

After cleaning of most of the flesh ,she resumes walking through the place .

Everything is so quiet . Not even the sounds of her footsteps can be heard . Not even the clink of her armor .

She wore her Ebony Mail armor .

It might have been obtained from a devious Deadric Prince , but  she wore it with pride because it belonged to her now . She had fought hard for it .

Her long brown hair was braided like a true Nord's . Not that she wasn't a true Nord. She was one even if her shortness and the color of her hair and eyes said otherwise. She could pass for a Breton if she wanted to .

She was born in Skyrim ,raised in Cyrodil .

She had come to Skyrim after her father died to find her paternal Grandfather Kodlak White-Mane ,who knew nothing of her existence . She never knew her mother . Her father raised her alone .

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