Chapter 4

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" Elena , why are we hiding behind the bushes ?", Danica asks her lookalike while they looked around at all the party goers .

They had been looking after Jenna ,that had come home from the hospital ,the whole day and hadn't even considered dressing up for the party .

" Because no one knows we're here and everyone had once again played the'  fool Elena ' game . They're going to kill Katherine tonight ".

Elena sounded exasperated at the people who fooled them today in not telling them anything .

Danica felt her  anger rise  at hearing that she had been left out of knowing  just  like Elena .

" Oh, that's just great ", she growls ." We can take care of ourselves ,they don't need to risk their lives for us ".

" Exactly ", Elena says smiling at Danica . She knew that Danica would feel the same .

She sees her brother walking towards them oblivious to their presence .

" Hey here comes Jeremy , we should grab him ", she says .

Danica with a glint of determination in her eyes waits beside her until Jeremy is near enough to touch .

Wrapping a hand around his wrist ,she pulls him behind the bushes .

" What the hell is going on ?", Elena asks immediately while Danica keeps a look out for unwanted guests .

" Arkay's tools, are you mad ?! , there's too many people here that might witness you killing that horker brain!, what's gonna happen if things goes south ,eh ?!, Ysmir's beard you're all idiotic fools ".

Danica was clearly pissed as she and Elena stared at Bonnie and Jeremy.

" Danica's right ,you know , you're going to get yourselves killed ", Elena agrees .

" Okay , Elena , Danica , we know what we're doing ", Bonnie  says glaring at them .

" And how are we supposed to feel if you guys gets hurt because of us ?", Elena asks  .

" It's not just about you and Danica anymore  , Elena ", Jeremy quips ." She's messed with all of us she has to be stopped ".

Danica sighs in frustration . She had never seen such idiocy . In Skyrim she was used to people planning things thoroughly . She hope their plan works .

And why didn't they at least let her help ?. Did they think she couldn't handle herself? . She was a warrior for crying out loud . She was was strong enough to take care of herself .

A sudden excruciating pain in her back brings her back to reality .

She hears  Elena  cry out beside her and knows  that something was really wrong .

She  tries taking deep breaths as the pain gets worse . A warm wetness seeping down her back tells her that she'd been wounded somehow.

Another pain tearing into her arm causes her to let out a  scream .

" What's going on ?", Jeremy asks fearfully.

" Jeremy , it's Katherine , she's linked herself to Elena and Danica , go stop Stefan and Damon , quickly ".

A few minutes later a pain in their hands appears along with deep slashes .

" Bonnie, it hurts ", Elena gasps  .

Danica clenches her teeth and closes her eyes . She's been hurt worse in the past , but not by invisible foes . This was just wrong .

" Heal her ", she gasps " use Healing Hands , Bonnie, ".

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