Chapter 5

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She walked to the front door of the Salvatore Boarding House with Elena .

Stefan had called Elena asking her  to come over . Elena had decided to bring Danica along even if she wasn't invited .

She wasn't happy about it , but didn't question the girl . She just got into the car with her .

At the door Elena knocked and almost a second later Damon opened .

" Hello , Elena , Danica ", he says softly .

" Is Stefan here ,he called , said it was important ", Elena says ignoring his greeting .

Giving her a strange look he stands aside saying " Right this way ".

Danica smiles at him when she passes him as she follows Elena inside.

He nods at her ,but don't smile back .

" Hey ", Stefan says appearing in the parlor .

Danica watches him from her spot near Damon . He seemed to not see her ,having only eyes for Elena .

" What is this about ?", Elena asks in a whisper .

Stefan steps aside to reveal not only Rose but also Trevor standing not far from them .

" You ", Elena breathes in surprise while Danica has to steel herself not to rush at them .

Stefan steps in front of Elena again  looking at her apologetically .

A few moments later they all are sat in the living room .
Danica finding herself perching beside Damon on a table .

" Okay ,you have to understand we only know what we've picked up over the years and we don't know what's true and what's not true ,it's the problem with all this vampire crap ,but Klaus we know is real ", Rose were saying as she paced the floor .

Danica frowns at that . She didn't understand who this Klaus was ,but it seemed to her that he must be important for Rose to tell them about him .

" Who is he ?", she asks the same time Elena does causing everyone to stare from one to the other .

Danica sighs then rolls her eyes at them .

"He's one of the originals, he's a legend ", Damon offers ,coming back to reality .

" From the first generation of Vampires ", Stefan adds .

" Oh ,Akatosh's tail ", is all that Danica can say as she thinks of the first vampire of Nirn who had been turned by Molag Bal when he raped her .

" Like Elijah ?", Elena asks as she and the others ignores Danica's words .

" No, Elijah is like the Easter Bunny compared to Klaus ", Rose explains ." He's a footsoldier , Klaus is the real deal ."

Danica frowns at the term 'Easter Bunny'. She didn't know what that is ,but she did know what a Bunny is .

" Klaus is known to be the oldest ", Stefan adds .

Elena lifts her hand to indicate that she wants to speak " Okay, so you're saying that the oldest Vampire in history of time is coming after me ?".

" Oh , what am I invincible ", Danica grumbles indignantly .

Ignoring her Rose says " Yes ", and Stefan says " No ", and Danica huffs which once again everyone ignores .

" What if  their saying is ", Damon  tries to sugar coat straightening as he walks over to Rose ", true ".

" Which it is ", Rose defends.

" No , I know you're just saying this so that we don't kill you ".

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