Chapter 16

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" So , you brought your toy with you?", Klaus says as Danica and Stefan walks into camp .

" He's not a toy , Klaus ", she defends ,then says  ," I see you've failed with your experiment ....By the Nine, Klaus, you shouldn't have killed all of them, you could've waited to see what happened to Ray first ".

" Oh, shut up , Danica , I've got no time for your smartass remarks! ", he snapped ," let's packup and leave ".

Funnily enough he didn't protest when Stefan followed them to the car where they'd left it hidden to the side of the main road . It seemed he didn't give a rats ass about the green-eyed Salvatore tagging along .

" Where are we going next ?", she ask once she's seated inside Klaus' car with Stefan right next to her .

" Chicago ", Klaus answers ," there's someone that might be able to help me figure out why the experiment didn't work ".

" Who ?", Danica asks curiously ," seriously I can just tell you because they need my Döppelganger blood ,but since you're so set in not believing me ,go ahead ,knock yourself out ."

" Sarcasm doesn't suit you ,Love ", he drawls eyeing her through the rearview mirror .

She pulls a face at him before laying her head down on Stefan's shoulder .

Stefan wraps an arm around her, pulling her tighter against him.

All Danica hear from Klaus is a snorting sound at that before he shifts the car into gear and drive down the seemingly endless road to where they would get to a highway .
She knew that she was dreaming and yet it felt like it was  real.

She sat on the steps of Jorvaskr playing with a boy of three . He had brown hair and green eyes  and when he smiled he looked just like Stefan .

She smiled at him and he smiled and laughed and all of a sudden his face became all vainy and grey and his eyes turned red and he became a monster right in front of her eyes .

She screamed when he launched himself at her trying to bite her neck .
And then Vilkas came with an axe and .....

She jolted awake before she could finish the dream . She didn't need to know what happened next because she could figure it out quite well for herself . She was glad to have woken up when she did .

They were still in the car and it was dark outside . Stefan was asleep beside her and Maddox was driving now with Klaus asleep in the passenger seat  .

Greta ,of course, was beside Danica and she was playing games on her mobile phone .

It seemed like nobody noticed that Danica had a bad dream .

She was glad that Greta didn't notice because she'd never be left alone .

Stefan suddenly stirred and opened his eyes and all Danica could remember was the eyes of the monstrous child .

She felt fear grow inside her at just thinking about it .

The child she dreamt about was Stefan's and yet she knew that it was something impossible . Vampires couldn't reproduce and she was glad about that and yet she still felt that fear inside her . The thought of Vampire infertility didn't console her . What if she could conceive ?.

A soft kiss between her brows  from Stefan  brings her out of her troubled  thoughts .

" What's wrong ?", he asks," you've been frowning for a few seconds now ".

She shrugs . She wasn't going to tell him about the dream . He might get angry and hate her for the revulsion and fear . Or he might think it's funny and have a laugh at her expense .

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