Chapter 12

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" This is the last time I ever do what some weirdo with hairy feet  says ", Elena mutters angrily while wringing her hair to try and get rid of the water .

Danica shakes her head  mentally at that . What a spoilt brat ,she thinks while glaring at the water of the lake that they'd just arrived at.

She really didn't need Elena's complaints right now because she was tired and wet and obviously hungry ,but hey what do you know ,she gives a damn about that .

The sound of a bowstring being tightened causes her to turn around and look up where she sees a dark haired dark eyed man standing with the bow pointed at their group of wet barrel riders .

Elena makes a squeaking noise before jumping in behind Danica who can't actually do anything except maybe just stand there and stare at the man and wondering what she'd gotten herself into this time .
Laketown was really not Elena's cup of tea .
All the people smelled and everything was wet . To top it all off she had to follow the dwarves and Danica through someone's toilet because the people of the town didn't like strangers much .

Danica was in a bad mood, glowering at anyone who dared to look her way  .

It was hard on her Elena because she was told by the dwarves to ask Danica nicely to stop glaring because she was scaring the kids of their well doer .

It was no use telling them that Danica never listens to her . It was no use telling them that they weren't even related .

She swore she'd be grey before the end of the day . It was a fact .
Danica didn't expect to end up following her new friends up a mountain where a dwarven fortress was situated  , occupied by a Dragon no less that everyone called Smaug . Ever the Dragonslayer Danica couldn't wait to meet him .

Elena had come to even if it was against the dwarves' will. She wasn't leaving her Döppelganger friend back in Laketown where the men was  filthy and without manners . They'd rape her given the chance . Danica wasn't risking it .

" I wish we were somewhere else ", Elena grumbles as they climbed up the mountain ," why didn't we end up back home where I belong?".

Danica had tied a rope around both their waists . It was more of a precaution if and when Elena might  slip and fall . Danica would be able to pull her up easily then.

They reach a flat surface to rest and regroup on  later that day almost at night and that's when Elena's foot slips and she topples back down the mountain side and Danica who hadn't expected her to go falling down now is pulled along mercilessly and the last thing Danica expects to happen, happens , they , she and Elena never reaches the far below ground or a protruding ledge . The word around her just vanishes  like it never existed and when she finally hits something it's a fat man talking to another  tall blonde man in the middle of a courtyard full of people  .
It took her a few moments to adjust herself and get to her feet while apologizing to both the fat man and the other man who glared at her as if she'd done something sinful to drop out of nowhere onto the fat man  .

It was when she was steadily back  on her feet  that she realises that the rope around her middle lay slack and that some of the people was looking at something on the ground in front of a carriage .

That something turns out to be the one  person she'd been tied up to .

" Oh, Elena !", she exclaims softly before rushing towards the other Döppelganger .

There she kneels down beside her to turn her onto her back and to check if she was breathing or not . To her relief the girl stirred and opened her eyes while sitting up quickly .

" Danic_", she begins raising her voice to call out to her friend and all Danica can do is snap her fingers to get her attention.

" Here you annoying human !", she snaps ," and let me tell you this , I could've killed that damn Smaug and you had to just slip and fall down the mountain side and make us end up in another damn place where we're strangers , why'd you stand so close to the edge ?, did you want to fall?, Or was it an accident? , To me it was surely the most stupidest thing that happened since that Damon Salvatore thought that I was you !".

Elena glares at her getting angrier by the minute until she burst out " Okay , I get it !, I'm stupid and I always end up in trouble since trouble follows wherever I go , but can I help if you tied a rope around our waists and got dragged with me when I fell ?!, Sheesh , you act as if I've done something criminally wrong ".

Danica sighs deeply before saying " Oh Talos give me strength and courage and Julianos give me the wisdom not to kick this girl's ass because I'm this close and it isn't even funny ".

Elena glowers at her before getting to her feet .

" You're hopeless ", she scoffs  before walking away with her nose in the air .

Danica shakes her head at that before getting up herself and halts when she realises that she and Elena had caused a great big scene .

" I'm sorry, people , " she says feeling her cheeks burn in embarrassment ," I don't really make a habit of falling from the sky , I'll be going now , see if Elena isn't up to mischief and all that , toodles ".

With that she lifts her hand to cast an invisibility spell ,or meant to because the next thing she knows is a man in gold and white armor grabbing her wrist and hauling her off somewhere. A scream coming from her right tells her that Elena was also being taken into custody .

" Great , just freaking , great !", she shouts before doing what she does best . Start to fight her way out of this mess . Ser Jaime Lannister never knew what hit him when her right fist slammed into his jaw .
" Drop your weapon !", a soldier orders  Danica while holding a dagger to Elena's throat .

Nobody had ever seen a girl fight like this one . She'd fought bravely , not to kill , but to knock out because she didn't need anyone to be hostile to her and Elena even if they were already .

" Drop it or your twin dies !".

" Danica, don't !".

" Shut up ,you filthy bitch !".

Danica glares at the man. Elena wasn't a bitch  even if she was annoying and all that .

She stood in the middle of the courtyard and everyone there stared at her , Elena and the soldier .

" I said drop it !", he snaps again  pressing the dagger closer against Elena's skin .

Danica knew that if she didn't do it Elena would die ,but  there was another way for her to win even if there was risks to it .

She couldn't let herself and Elena be captured again so she decides to do what she thinks is best and without warning she lets loose her less favourite Shout that had been used against her many a time by high leveled Draugr .

" Zun Haal Viik !", it echoes and once again she finds herself being transported somewhere else because of a  Thu'um .Go figures.
" Where are we this time ?", Elena asks softly, following Danica down a  long lonely beach .

" I don't know , we can be anywhere . "

That answer was obvious since they really literally could be Anywhere. It totally sucked . Big time.
I know it's short . I'm sorry . Stay safe in these troublesome times .        

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