Chapter 13

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" You got to be kidding me ", Elena remarks staring at the lone man on the ship  she and Danica had come across . A ship that wasn't even in the sea .

It just sat there on the deserted white sand of the beach and they've heard the man talking and had thought to ask him for help ,but what they saw put them off of that idea pretty quickly.

The man was a  complete nutter , talking to himself and all that .

" Look at him , his got a real big screw loose and I don't want to even think about how big that screwdriver might be that we'd need to tighten that screw ", Elena continues ," I'm not sure if he even knows that he's being watched ."

" Oh , he doesn't ," Danica assures ," he's probably thinking that he's the only one around for miles ".

They share a look before bursting in a fit of giggles and Danica didn't even think of maintaining her air of calm .

" Oh , Snouts , what's he doing now ?", Elena asks when they stop giggling.

Danica frowns slightly when she sees him sniffing something .

" I don't know , maybe there's something stinky on that barrel  ".

" Oh joy, another barrel , I thought we're done with them ".

" There's loads on this ship,Elena , we're not going to get away from stinky old barrels , but at least we won't have to _".

She gets cut off by the man shooting at  something invisible .

" No , his got a gun !", Elena exclaims softly ," why's a nutter got a gun?".

Danica shrugs . She knew what a gun is from her time in Elena's world ,but how would she know why the man had a gun . Boy we're they in trouble now . Guns weren't some toy .

" Dani, he's leaving the ship ,look !".

Elena's shout brings her out of musings .

" Well ,then , we stay put ,where it's safe,and watch him from up here ", Danica says .

" I like that plan, I don't think I'd want to meet his gun ".

" Yeah, neither do I , look he's throwing a rock , wonder why ?".

" Probably think it's something bad , I mean look at him ,he shot some imaginary person and ...whoa ,look the rock just moved and followed him !".

" No, it's not really a rock it's a ...crab?!, My world doesn't have tiny crabs like that one !".

After a few minutes of watching the crab and the man the ship starts moving forward because of hundreds of crabs acting as waves of the sea .

Before the two girls knew it the man comes back on the ship and they have to quickly hide again . A few minutes later they find themselves in the midst of more people who happens to be the ship's crew who'd come to rescue their Captain and it isn't long before the two of them gets discovered by a monkey with the same name as the nutter .
" Scrub the deck ,Girls , that's your punishment for stowing away on my ship , I could've killed you, you know , but there's two other women here and they need some lady talk ".

That was the nutter's exact words .Now the Döppelgangers had nothing else to do than scrubbing the filthy deck and how they hated  that .

They also hated the way some of the crew looked at them and Danica decides to keep Elena close in case one of the men tries something .

It's while they're still scrubbing that the dead comes swimming pass the ship and they truly hear that they're actually on the other side where the dead belong and they don't .

The Dragonborn Döppelgangerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن