Chapter 11

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Danica hated the smell of Riften . It always made her want to gag .

It was the small canal in that ran through the city,she knew . It smelled like fish and sewage . And to think people lived near the water .

Elgrim's Elixirs was there as well as the door to the Ratways .

The city's market was bustling with activity and Danica recognised many of the Thieves Guild , like Sapphire and Viper the Fleet .

She nodded at them as she passed them by with Elena in tow . An Elena who had wrapped a cloth around her nose and lips to  staunch the stench a little .

Atleast nobody saw that she looked just like Danica , so , Danica didn't get any unwanted questions .

" How can you stand it? ", Elena asks ,her voice muffled by the cloth .

" I'm not really use to it ,but I endure it as much as I can , here , we'll be going through the Temple of Mara's courtyard ".

By saying that Danica turns off left to trudge through an opening in the wall .

Elena follows while eyeing the guard standing beside the opening.

The guard didn't even look at her .

They halted just inside
a small enclosed graveyard with one small masuleum with a white sarcophagus with a diamond shape engraved in the side .

Danica bend down to push a small button situated  in the middle of the diamond shape and a second later it shifted backwards to reveal stairs disappearing down towards a round trapdoor .

" Well, that's convenient", Elena says  in surprise .

Danica just gives her a small smile before going down the stairs and Elena follows .Once she's beside Danica , Danica pulls a lever that closes the opening again , funnily enough with the opening closed the place isn't dark .

" Come on , down the hatch ", Danica says opening the trapdoor to climb down a ladder that stood leaning against the hole .

Elena quickly follows her down and comes to a standstill inside a large circular room with a bridge in the middle , beds on one side ,a desk and shelves not far from the sleeping area and a golden door to the far side .

Danica leads Elena towards the beds where there's a opening that opens into a corridor .

Many of the Thieves greets Danica while giving Elena curious glances . Elena tries not to stare at their armor that looked just like the ones Danica wore .

The two of them eventually reaches a door at the end of the corridor and Danica opens it stepping through it . A short corridor later they walk into another circular room  with shops and what looks like a tavern scattered around a pool of water .

" Welcome to the Ragged Flagon , drinking place of the Thieves Guild ", Danica says waving her hand around the tavern part of the whole room  before she walks off to a table with three strange people, wearing the same armor as Danica , sitting around it .

" Hello , My Friends !", she calls , smiling broadly at them .

" If it isn't our adventurous boss ", the only woman in the group drawls, she's got long shoulder length white hair and a look of boredom adorned her features," what brings you here ?, and who's the shadow?".

Danica narrows her eyes at the woman ,saying " She's not a shadow , her name is Elena...Elena ,meet Vex, Brynjolf and Delvin they're the leaders of the Guild much like Vilkas and the others are of the Companions ".

Elena pulls the cloth from her nose and mouth to speak freely  and that causes everyone at the table to stare at her . Vex's bored look disappears quite quickly as she looks from one to the other of the girls.

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