Chapter 6

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Danica sighs wondering how she always seems to get  herself into these kind of situations.

She and Elena was stuck inside the Gilbert house because Bonnie had put up a barrier like the one in the Tomb and because Danica didn't know the spell to break it ,she and Elena was stuck.

Elena sat next to her, sulking because she'd been caught when she had stolen the Moonstone from Bonnie's purse . She had been furious when caught . Danica thought she was noble for trying to save her family and friends . The others didn't .

Danica was furious because she couldn't fulfill her promise to Katherine either.

Damon had come by gloating as he was on Danica and Elena protection duty , though he was more on Elena duty than Danica duty .

He knew she could take care of herself .

He went off a while ago telling them some crap about a girl who came looking for Mason who Danica didn't even know had gone missing .

She had a sneaking suspicion that Damon had something to do with it .

" This sucks . I mean how can they do this to us ?, you got them the Moonstone and I tried saving  them ."

Yeah , Elena was not a happy camper right now .

" I don't know , Elena , if I knew the spell ,I'd be busting us out right now ".

She gets up and starts to pace the floor while Elena snuggles deeper into the couch .

" I am honor bound and I can't even deliver what I'm supposed to ".

" Why'd you make a deal with Katherine then ? ,you should've known Damon and Stefan would mess it up for you ".

" Elena ,now isn't the time for sarcasm ,we need a damn plan to getting us out of here and fast !".

" There's no way any plan can get us out ,Dani , just deal with that! ".

With that said she storms up stairs in anger while Danica gapes at her .

A few hours later Danica finds herself  in Elena's room glaring at Elijah who sat glaring right back at her .

He had showed up suddenly posing as a writer and had scared the living daylights out of Elena .

" So , let me get this straight . You're offering to protect everyone for Elena and get her and my help to kill Klaus ?", Danica drawls .

" Yes , My Dear Sweet Danica , that is exactly what I said ", he says softly his lips twitching into a vague smile .

Danica nods " Alright , but you don't need to protect me , I'm quite capable of taking care of myself ,you know ".

" Oh ,really , didn't you get stuck with Elena in the house today ?, anyone can be  fooled ."

She frowns . Of course he'll think of her badly because of that detail .

She sighs then nods " Alright then , you and I have a deal and Elena can speak for herself ,goodnight ,Elijah , I'm done here   ".

She's about to walk out of the room when he grabs her hand pulling her into his arms while glaring down into her eyes .

" Not so fast , Missy , I know of your deal with Katerina Petrova and I know you need to fulfill it , so I'll just take some blood to her ,for you and tell her what happened , even if she and I don't see eye to eye ,I honor my word always ".

She says nothing just glare up into his eyes .

For a moment they have a little glare match before he lets her go .

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