Chapter 17

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Danica sat against the wall halfway ignoring the other people around the room .

She was still in a blue ethereal form . She knew that it would be more than a few seconds before she becomes solid again and she was worried that she might end up being attacked again by the blond bitch, sitting on a barstool ,watching her carefully  .

She knew the girl bided her time waiting for her to become solid again .

The witch ,Gloria, watched her too ,but differently . There was a slight curiosity in her gaze that Danica knew was because of what she'd done .

Stefan sat beside Danica and although Danica couldn't feel him there because she was  in ethereal form she sort of felt glad that he sat there . He won't be able to protect her and she didn't need his protection ,but it felt good to have him there .

She didn't reach out to touch him . She'd be back to being solid instantly and she didn't want them to know the weakness of this Shout like that .

" Danica , how long are you going to stay that way ", Klaus asks impatiently after a few more seconds . He couldn't stand Danica being a ghostly figure like that .

" Why do you want to know ?," she counters cocking her head slightly to the side .

Her voice sounded spooky and it made everyone cringe in disgust .

" Do not play games ,Love! ", he snaps .

With a sigh Danica decides that she had her fun long enough, so she touches the floor with her hand, pushing herself to her feet, almost groaning at her sore back .

She becomes solid in an instant for touching something as solid as the floor , giving away her Shout's weakness anyway .

" There . I'm back to normal ", she says bluntly shooting Klaus a glare before lifting a hand to cast a healing spell on herself .She ignores the gasps from  Gloria and the blond girl.

She didn't care about them seeing her doing spells. They'd have eventually found out . Rather now than later .

" Well then , let's begin ", Klaus says clapping his hands together with a smirk on his lips .

Danica sighs inwardly . Of course he was still going to proceed to try and find out why his Hybrids didn't live like they should've , even after she told him that they needed her blood .

" I'm going out for fresh air ", she says ," you don't want to listen to me ,so, why try persuading you anyway."

She ignores it when Stefan follows her as she walks  out of the bar .

Klaus and his plans could go to Mehrunes Dagon  for all she cared . Or even better . Molag Bal  and Hercine. It would only be fair since he is a Hybrid .

She snorts . Stupid Hybrid with his stupid plans . Gmf .

She steps out of the doors into the small parking lot in front of the bar and halts at seeing two very familiar people seemingly waiting for her there . She felt anger rise inside of her knowing that once again they'd been disobedient . She wasn't really surprised to see them there either . She should've known that they'd follow her and Stefan to Chicago.
"Would you care to explain to me what you're doing here now ?", the Dragonborn asks  taking a step towards her two friends .

She kept her voice low knowing that Klaus might hear her if she spoke too loudly .

It seemed her need for fresh air could  bring her into so much trouble .  She didn't look behind her knowing that Stefan stood there glaring at his brother and Elena .     
" We want you  to come home with us ", Elena says  without even trying to lie .

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